
opinion discarded

i think a civil war is highly likely and would be a horrible thing for anyone to engage in

we're not each other's enemies and all sides will be weaker after a civil war and thus easier to control

people need to put petty differences aside, let go of their egos, and realize that voting and political parties have done nothing except pacify and divide us while giving absolutely no one a voice

if we kill each other the survivors will be fucked by the end of it because they won't have numbers on their side anymore

stop giving ((( rebel meteor))) your clicks


I'd give her a foot massage, if you know what I mean.



>I get all my news and exclusive truths from Molyjew

Just don't watch Erza's videos.

>i think a civil war is highly likely and would be a horrible thing for anyone to engage in
Civil wars are terrible, yes. But there is some hope that this action would cull a lot of leftist scum away.

>we're not each other's enemies
One side thinks fighting political battles in political arenas is proper, the other thinks punching '''''''''nazis''''''''' is proper. Yes, we are enemies, even if you don't want to think so.

>people need to put petty differences aside
assaulting people, shooting cops, and torching private businesses is not a "petty difference", the left needs to shape up or die right fucking now

>if we kill each other the survivors will be fucked by the end of it because they won't have numbers on their side anymore
We don't have numbers on our side right now, that's the problem. If we had numbers on our side there'd be nothing to fight over because we'd have already won.


haha, why does his id have so many brackets?

culutral marxism is described as a conspiracy theory in wikipedia now

Probably because your coincidence detector has autism.

it's been that way for a long time

Which isn't so bad until you realize conspiracy theory has morphed into a euphemism for "totally and legitimately discredited bullshit, nothing to see here goys."

I guess you win (((leaf))).

tfw giving the rebel views still happens

Pretty accurate. The left will keep pushing until something bad happens.

>no ones pointing out that this "woman" is severely anorexic

mfw Sup Forums is taking advice from the mentally ill again

Do you have a Tucker folder? I want a Tucker folder.

>Do you have a Tucker folder?

I'm a Tucker Portraitist kind friend.

War is better than stagnation. Id swap my autocracy for your civil war in a moment.

mfw I know a super conservative 10/10 who looks just like Faith, dad protects her purity, but I don't deserve her.

no what a civil war would do is weaken whichever side won, get rid of the opponant and give the government more power

there's more to both sides and that and what you're not seeing is that both sides coming together is what's necessary

the division is strong, but it shouldn't be

you're not seeing the enemy, you're seeing who you're being told to attack

there would be numbers if there wasn't divided

btw the cops are becoming increasingly militarized, voting has 2 purposes: pacification and division, and the government's agenda is the same no matter who wins

left or right is meaningless, we're all just people in the same out of control situation being turned on each other

A Homo sapiens with two x chromosomes? opinion is not feasible with my loftier intelligence quotient. Her point of view is abandoned!

>being turned on each other
yeah, no

Lefties using violence, righties electing politicians. The only people being divisive are retarded fucking lefties on food stamps paid by a corrupt neolib government to sit on twitter and foment hate all day.

They need to man up or get fucking purged. And if (((they))) are pushing this, then that will be the most surprising thing, to find out that a jew was right.

votes don't work, small portions of the left are being violent (and it has to stop being turned against other citizens), people purging each other based on division literally created by the system isn't the answer to any of the real problems

wake the fuck up, civil war will fuck everyone left and right but you know who will be fine regardless of who wins? not the fucking citizens

she is like on the edge, but not quite anorexic.

Fucking marry her do NOT wait

They're all Ezra's videos, it's his company.


Mfw that's exactly how I look like.

>Kikebel Media

Fuck off kike

No shit, I mean don't watch the videos where Ezra is featured. The Rebel gives a hell of a lot more creative freedom to it's reporters.

>white people killing each other again while the other races grow in numbers

great idea

>division created by the system
Jesus you have to be in university and are desperately clinging to this third way bullshit as a means of avoiding a total mental breakdown at the hands of the propaganda shoved in your face daily.

Here's the thing. Entropy is always increasing. You can fight to preserve what little order we have, or you can undermine it and disperse like so many inert particles floating on the water. The system does create divisions, yes, but that is not ALL the system does. The system also says,
>You have the inherent right to speak your mind
Which leftists call "hate." The system also says,
>You have the right to defend your life, your family, your community, and your property
Which leftists call old-fashioned and dangerous. The system also says,
>You have the right to be free from unreasonable search and seizure
Which leftists love only so long as they get to define "reasonable".

The leftist solution to this division you see is nothing but the destruction of the bare scraps of freedom we've not even completely successfully managed to cling to in our nation's short history. To replace laws with the opinion of unelected judges, to replace meritocracy with institutionalized anti-white requirements, to simultaneously strip the police of any authority to deal with criminals while also stripping you of your right to defend yourself from those criminals...

And you have the fucking gall to pretend that the system is just creating some kind of artificial hysteria over illusory divisions? You have the fucking balls to sit there and pretend I have some common ground with a guy that would burn a free speech sign? You have the fucking nerve to pretend that the university system isn't totally corrupted and it's just some tiny minority of people?

You realize if we're busy fighting there's no one to dump food on them, right? It's not like they have even mastered the 7000+ year-old tech of "farming."

>It's not like they have even mastered the 7000+ year-old tech of "farming."
yeah true

I'd have to wait because reasons so she's 100% the backup plan if I can't find anyone closer to my age. I'd prefer to marry a blonde (or blonde heterozygous) who's tall enough that I'm not throwing away my genes though.

But those numbers are checked.

>I'd have to wait because reasons so she's 100% the backup plan
kill yourself now and spare us all from your future r9k self

The Rebel is fake news, but this is an opinion piece so I'll let it pass.

if voting doesn't actually change the outcome of anything other than superficial issues while the same agenda gets carried out then what's its purpose?

we know voting doesn't change what goes on, we've seen democrats in power and republicans in power and the same things keep playing out while slight meaningless changes that pacify the "winning" side go through

isn't it convenient how worked up people get at each other here based on which side they're on in political parties that ultimately may as well be one party? all the while the rights of everyone left and right are being slowly taken away from around us

the left isn't what you're making it out to be, you're looking at a vocal minority and declaring it an entire side

i'm all for free speech, i'm all for the second amendment (i think it's one of the single most important amendments in the constitution) and private property, i'm completely against search and seizure, i'd never burn a free speech sign

and guess what? i technically fall into the left

left and right aren't enemies it's an illusion to keep us divided and the people on both sides need to stop fighting each other because it's only making it worse, we're all just people getting swept up into a civil war that's being pushed on us and it needs to stop

and i'm speaking about the left too, they're misguided in their outrage

people don't have a voice, they don't have power, and they won't have numbers either if they continue to buy into this shit and kill each other

civil war won't affect the people in power, it'll just result in needless death

if i could make the left pull back and stop attacking citizens i would, if i could get sjws to stop trying to force people to be inhuman in their thoughts and speaking habits i'd do that too because it's crazy and embarrassing and not ok because it's reinforcing the division

but hey if there's a civil war and your "side" wins, if i'm not around to say "told you so" when things get worse when it comes to the government imposing shit on its citizens and you've got no possible allies and a side that's been greatly reduced in number

try to remember that i said it

(((faithenstein goldyblatt)))

Shave and lose weight, fucking please.

Civil wars don't happen in countries in countries where the population is content; too much to lose. Americans are big fat slobs, and the rest are urban pussies, highly unlikely they they challenge each other, or maybe in a hot-dog eating challenge.

if you think that you aren't watching enough protests, things aren't ok here and they're only going to get worse unless people stop attacking each other before it's too late to step back and regroup as a cohesive unit for a better cause

This sounds like bullshit. Around halfway through, she reiterates her main point that "Liberals are not respecting the legitimacy and authority of a democratically elected official" aka Trump. For the past 8 years Repubs did the same thing with Obama. Its just political bullshit that both sides employ because no real compromise will ever exist in this world

this has been building for a long time and it's gotten worse, it's only a matter of time before someone on the left or right kills each other

have you seen protests? things aren't ok and the idea that nothing is going to happen just because it hasn't yet doesn't make sense

think about it, when has a country ever had peace between its citizens or the citizens and their government without there ever being a breaking point and violence?

there hasn't been violence in our country large scale in a politicized manner in a long time, this makes people generally more passive, but how long do you think that lasts? not forever