
Mélenchon will win.

> +19 points in a month
> Now the most popular politician in France
> Recent surveys show him on top, before Macron


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is he based or retard

Fuck why is France such a commie shithole? Even your right wing politicians are just ring wing commies.

He is a far-left cuck, might as well vote communist

That's rich coming from USSR.

this, he also sounds like the less retarded of them all

He also have a YouTube channel, maybe auto subtitles could work for you: youtube.com/user/PlaceauPeuple

What is his stance on mass immigration?

Kick off all the non-working immigrants / that don't pay taxes and give the french nationality to all immigrants that work and pay their taxes

>Kick off all the non-working immigrants / that don't pay taxes

WTF! That's racist...

nice meme

You know who elected a leftist commie last time? Does alexis tsipras ring any bells for you?

Soon france will be in the same shit as greece.

how ?

Nigga memelenchon want to reenforce the gimmedat program, close our goddamn nuclear plants, hate putin/assad and is mostly a fraud bending over in front of the jews.

In 5 years with him in power the country will fall and become nothing but another broken toy for yurope, like greece.

Lies. He said we could prevent mass migration by stopping wars and misery around the globe. He never said he'd remove migrants already here. You're a bad shill mate.

I don't care, I will vote for François Asselineau.

He is the best candidate in our election who actually know HOW to save our country without saying bullshit!

He has said in one of his videos that we can't keep everyone but shouldn't expulse those who have worked.

Anyway I will still vote for Asselineau.

yeah right OP. Keep trusting them polls and newspapers, just like the smug Killary voters did. Enjoy your echo chamber.

fascinating that he's doing well

>not saying any bullshit

>the first thing he does during the debate is telling us he's the only candidate who want to get out of yurope

>somehow marine "dont wanna leave europe" because she's going to make a referendum to ask our opinion first.

I don't like lying and manipulating little piece of shit like him.

> close our goddamn nuclear plants
Is that a bad thing?

> hate putin/assad
But he's smart he won't splutter on poutine don't worry

see why medias would fake this? Melenchon hate them and we all know french medias suck Macron's dick


He's not really wrong.

She never said that we should OUTHRIGHT leave the EU.

Asselineau is the only one who used FREXIT, at least recently.

>is that a bad thing.

Are you retarded or something?
Nuclear energy is the safest, cheapest energy existing and is mostly pollution free.

If you close them we'll have to buy our electricity somewhere and big news mate : its gonna cost a lot of money which we don't have.

And if you're that kind of genius talking about green energy I'd like to give you a warning: you'll need to plant eolienne, solar panel and hippie stuff like that all over europe just to create the same amount of energy we currently have in France with nuclear plant.

Apparently, he will not do it suddenly, it will take time.

But why voting for a communist anyway?

We have Asselineau, he's really good. He fucked every candidate at the debate.

You perfectly know why marine has become less extremist in her position, she's forced to make her image a little more soft to escape the constant flow of shit coming from the media, and saying "ill ask for your opinion first" sound better than "FUCK YOU EUROPE REEEEE"

Stop being dishonest like that lying cunt, he's just here to steal some of marine voters, we both know he will never be elected.

Do you really believe everything shit soral said?

>muh soral puppet

I dont need to ask soral opinion to feel anger building when an old fart suddenly appear from nowhere and ruin the work marin is doing since DECADES, thanks.

She's been working against yurope for aeons, not just for the election to win some votes like that opportunist buffon.

She may betray us.

She has kicked her own father from the party.

She used her parliamentary immunity to escape from our own police.

cant stenchon the melanchon

Pleaaase do you really think thoses weak af attack work here?

Jml was a man in a world of pussy slaughtered by the political correctness, it was vital to show this separation in the media in order to have a single chance of winning. Remember the final objective is to save france. Sacrifices are needed.

And about this operation used by the current government to destroy fillon and marine asshole? Tell me :
Would you bend over when macron, which have terrible story way more importants that should completely stop his campagn ( the disappearing 3 000 000 euros from his heritage, the airport jobs affairs, the 400 000 euros las vegas incident ) never had to tell the truth in front of our cops and is being cocksucked 24/24 by the media the same way hillary was in burgerland?

She might really be into her politcal correctness, not just forced, remember that Philippot, her right arm, is a literal faggot.

I can understand why she do this though.

Even (sand)nigger want to vote for her.

Yeah, even nignog/muslim and strangers want to vote for her because they still have a brain and realize the imminent clusterfuck europe is going to put on us in the near futur.

When you own a home, your instinct tell you to protect it. No matter the skin color or culture.

French are too commie to elect Le Pen. They have always been anti capitalist.

Fuck forgot to upload pic related

this man gonna save the world

I don't see how voting for a moderate signify someone is anti capitalist you kike.

Lol a sixth Republic x)

> I will still vote for Asselineau

There is litterally no good reason for voting Asselineau.

There's one : wasting your vote.

Id rather vote for memelenchon even as a marine voter than choosing for someone with 0 chance of winning.


I don't have any troubles with them. They show respect toward people that deserve it. Be strong and the'll accept you.

Weakling gtfo.

or maybe i will vote lasalle very campagne much ricard

Daily reminder Melenchon has a negative IQ.



"""L’objectif est de parvenir à un projet européen respectueux de l’indépendance de la France"""
"""The objective is to achieve a European project respecting the independence of France"""


Last week I thought it was that other white dude that was gonna BTFO Le Pen

Which is it???

Just like Trump doesn't want to leave NAFTA, he wants to "re-negotiate"

>USSR flag

It makes me fucking furious.

How the fuck is communism more popular than populism and fascism in this ridiculous country?

beacause la ZAD

Guess you're talking bout macron...

They are both far right.

Not very tolerant, desu, Estonia

He will make 12% tops
Not everybody is an autistic welfare sucking NEET
Thanks for playing commie autists

Yes she wants. Referendum is part of the program. Will pass easily

Referendum will be used to add pressure during the negotiations. Read it again:

"The objective is to achieve an European project respecting the independence of France"
"The objective is to achieve an European project respecting the independence of France"
"The objective is to achieve an European project respecting the independence of France"

This literally means she wants to stay.

No, shill. Exiting euro is part of the program and everybody is fully aware of it. Exiting the euro means leaving the european union.

Stop trying to bait us with useless program lines and start looking at what they really say publicly.

She will win.

There is NO ARTICLE made to leave Euro in treaties. The only way to leave euro is to leave EU. Otherwise, you can't

Because everyone has a point in their youth in which they fall for any utopian ideology. Communism is one of them.
The real problem is people who don't confront with reality and accept that utopian ideologies are all pipe dreams, and in that sense never leave their late teenager mentality or seeing the world in absolute terms.

She never ever ever said she'll leave EU in ALL of her speeches. She always said the same dumb "muh Europe of nations"

Just read her program, it's literally her words.


With Trump and brexit fucking everything up its glad to see a rise in far left populism. Your ideology has always failed and people are getting radicalized.

These Macron shills are low energy, trying to deny the obvious. Sad!

Have been out of touch with frog elections, how are things in the swamp? Who is this Melenchon character? What does he stand for?

These communists thread are hilarious.

Give them a bit of slack.

Don Fillon will win anyways.


but user, shills don't post anime, do they?

By the way, I hate you bastards, but my god do I ever have respect for a nation where people are so independent that a politician can actually swing support in double digits during campaign. Most EU nations are so cucked that messages, campaigns, platforms and candidates don't matter one bit and the free thinking electorate is at most 5-10% across the board.

Neo-commie clown whose program is basically to turn France into Venezuela while furiously masturbating to muh social justice.

Last time the media did the same thing a few weeks before the election, trying to push some fake momentum around him by pretending he was polling at 17+. Ended up doing 11. Nothing will happen.

Mélenchon will win indeed.
Because everything else is falling apart.

Fillon's business are screwing the right.
Macron is a lie. Everyone hates him. He is the "favorite" of nothingness.
Le Pen could win against other candidates, but Melenchon is just better.

This election is awful, Melenchon is the only thing saving it.

Idiot, Melenchon is even worse than Macron. Vote for Asselineau stupid goys.

They haven't figured out how to do it by now? Wouldn't put it past them

You'll have to try a little harder than that.

Well said user
He reminds me of el Rato of sorts
I'm now an #AsselineauDomino

Le Pen poised to be leading on first round.
Melanchon on the rise.
>B-b-but 72% of the French want to stay in the EU!

Melenchmerde is just taking Hamon voters.

>Voting anything but Le Pen.



>be strong and they'll accept you
>needing to act a certain way for immigrants to accept YOU
was France a mistake?

Obviously few are aware of the french political situation here.
General de Gaulle wrote our constitution by himself and for himself in 1958. We can see nowaday that is has many flaws. We need to write a new one.


I can't get over how cowardly the FN is with their program and the idea of reforms. Instead of trying to do some actual work for once, their grand master plan is to throw minor reforms to existing texts and put them all to a popular referundum to absolve themselves of all responsability.
Fucking hell if that's not the definition of being a party of cucks then I don't know what it.

No, he wrote the Constitution for men with leading abilities as you still could find some at the time, not for ideologized, political correctness-crippled wussies.

Mélenchon trolls are funny but too many people actually work and have no desire to transform the country into an Arabic Venezuela.

>implying France isn't a regime of intellectual terrorism
>implying one can gather 51% of the normie vote without adapting the discourse
But hey user, don't take my word for it, join them and show them what it's like to have real balls.
Or better yet start your own movement, free of cucks and full of T-overcharged alpha realtalkers like you.

For Germany he is worse than Le Pen.
One of the key strategies in defeating Greece was their inability to make any friends within the Eurozone. Mélenchon will change that.

>Nuclear energy is the safest, cheapest energy existing and is mostly pollution free.
That's why you send us all of your safe, cheap and clean nuclear waste for us to store?

Fine then. Because Melenchon is more about working class, unlike Hamon. Venezuela never was his inspiration, Melenchon doesn't use models, he builds his owns.
He despites islam, as well as every other religions, as an atheist.
Thanks for your support comrade.


>Venezuela never was his inspiration
Ok user, ok. Commies and the fairy tales they love to tell themselves, it's what amazes me with you guys.

Fillon will win, fuck off

Is it possible he would steal enough votes away from Macron so it's Le Pen and Fillon as the last two?

the state give 1.50€ to with your vote, give it to Asselineau
you're just dumb enough to take it

lol no

Reminder Le Pen doesn't want France to leave EU.
Reminder Le Pen doesn't want France to leave EU.
Reminder Le Pen doesn't want France to leave EU.


Who cares? She is left-wing bitch. Sup Forums should support Fillon

Lol you keep telling yourself that user

Go waste your vote on unelectable candidates and enjoy 5y of Hollande 2.

Would likely be.
Macron doesn't have that much real voters. Fillon has more chances.
Melenchon is more like a glimmer of hope.

Sup Forums should support pic but the medias successfully brainwashed the sheeps here into thinking he isn't a real opposition.

Voter utile, voter futile. :3

>Voting for a cuck who want to import mass of sub human muslims


>Fench people should live like peasants so I can pay my wife more state money :DDDD
Guess Belorussians are just used to this kind of self-enrichment.

ebin helicopters mane XDDDD
