Honestly, Why the fuck do you care about middle eastern factions you literal cucks. I say we glass the whole fucking thing, Fuck Assad. I'm still with Trump because he has 10x more information on the conflict than any of you retarded LARPING faggots.
I'm joining the muhrines just in time to kick some ass. Fuck Syria, Fuck ISIS, Fuck Assad. Russia is still on our side.
Fuck Assad and Fuck Arabs
I agree.
"The process by which Assad would leave is something that requires an international community effort both to first defeat ISIS within Syria, to stabilize the Syrian country to avoid further civil war and then to work collectively with our partners around the world through a political process that would lead to Assad leaving,"
Tillerson's real quote. Literally nothing
Why are you posting lewd pics of 13-year-olds
That was my favorite scene, reminds me of my grandpa who led his men in Vietnam.
>why don't we waste lots of manpower, money, etc to turn Syria into a sharia led terrorist state?
It's fucking stupid. The rebels are worse than Assad. Why should USA spend billions, lose lives, and get another Iraq 2.0?
What do you do post Assad with the sharia islamic militias?
more war = more refugees
>who cares about middle eastern factions
>takes the side of israeli and saudi fucks
>takes the side of wahhabis
my nigger. Fuck the Russian proxy shills.
>inb4 some drunk toothless russian fucks calls me a kike using a proxy
I care because my country gets flooded with turd skins every time you fags get trigger happy
You never "glass the whole fucking thing" you just dick around and chause enough chaos to please your jew masters
>who cares about middle east and arabs
>lets go get into another Iraq War and rebuild Syria into a fucking sharia hell hole for 2 trillion dollars
>with a side risk of WW3 with Russia
how fucking genius
t. kike shill
There's plenty of other places for them to go, it's literally the Ruropeans fault for accepting them you defeatist cuck.
That's like the equivalent of saying "Oh they attacked us let's not attack them back"
America will look like Brazil within a century
fucking hilarious
the original German/Scandinavian genes are running low
only remaining in small pockets in the midwest
the rest are hispanics and guidos and jews
Its best to stay out of it but if we go I'm fuckin ready for war LETS FUCKING KILL THEM ALL!!!!!
The US with Israel at the side are the biggest terrorists on earth. Nuke yourself first, you peace of shit. Without the USA, we wouldn't even have refugees in Europe. My biggest dream is that the USA get bombed.
>Russia is still on our side
nope, Russia is inside you America. Пpивeт, мoй кoмпaньoн
When I look at a picture of her I get a nasty smell in my nose
Why do you pove jewish wars we have nothing to do with. Who gives a fuck if assad did reall chemical weapon those 6 million innocents
Who the fuck said we're helping the autistic rebels anymore you dumdfuck. This isn't Obama anymore.
>blaming Assad for a chemical weapon attack that happened at the same time multiple ISIS attacks happened all across the middle east
>blaming Assad for something he would gain nothing from
>being this stupid
Jesus Christ.
Also. That girl in OP's picture would be SOO much more attractive if she had a different personality.
t. country that has more muslims than ALL of central America combined.
Israel is a key strategic point in the Middle East and is the only fucking blocking Muslims out from destroying all ancient artificacts of Christianity.
The world must come together to nuke America from all directions.
Fuck all semites and you wars.
>falling for a literal (((Hasbara))) posing as American shill
Amen brother let's kill some shitskins and steal some oil. I hope we fight alongside one another on the Field of glory. Let these cucks prep their bulls in peace while we do the heavy lifting in the race war
>Russia is still on our side
You know absolutely fuck all. Your whole post reinforces the dumb american meme.
Good shit bro, these neckbearded cucks are all talk no action. Kek be with you.
Lol eurofags chimpin because we're about to lay down the hammer again. I can smell the fear on them.
And also with you. MAGA
I hate fucking hate this so-called country. the usa is the biggest terrorist state of the world. beside this they are the cuck capital of the world. all race-mixing propaganda comes from the usa.
They are, you dumbass. Just because Trump is throwing bantz at Assad doesn't mean Russia is going to randomly decide to take their side against us. The Russians are NOT that fucking retarded.
>he original German/Scandinavian genes
lol what?
most of them are anglos and irish, while most germans were catholics
I thought that the pic was Photoshop
Yup lol. Too bad the Europussies are too scared to join us. Probably because their warrior class was wiped in the great wars so all that remains is weak and shook little betas and traitor woman.
Have fun dying for Jews
>Destroying Islamic retards
>Dying for Jews
Lol funny, They would have 3000x more casualties dude, no one is dying on our side.
Isreal wants to keep the Golan Heights. Genie energy found 3 billion barrels. They also wanna run pipelines from quatar through syria to europe to cut russia out of the export business. Us military is such a huge expenditure they gotta find something to point it at before the taxpayers start asking questions. When all you have is a hammer everything looks like a nail. Might as well do what the rich guys want (again). Oh yeah and of course syria refuses to get with the program and indenture itself to the usurious global debt grid. Also they want a stepping stone towards iran.
Bonus points come from sending more refugees to the west where tptb can have more reason to apply their orwellian thought control and inch their police state wet dream further into place. Also revenge on germany which is why it gets an extra helping of cucking. Poor sweden didnt do nuffin they're just easy targets, look up jante law. Modest, trusting and well-meaning is not a good way to be in a world full of sharks and hyenas. The only way any of this stuff is ever going to end is if people refuse to fight, refuse to live in fear and division, and refuse to pay for anything that enriches power hungry psychopaths. The only way thats going to happen is when we all wake up individually.
Go worship a skeleton, ese.
Oy vey! What a lovely thread! What a lovely, lovely thread!
Holy shit, have you Trumpfaggots gone insane? WHY in the FUCK are you supporting a war against Assad which will only destabilize the region more and make us enemies with Russia? Isn't this why we all hated Hillary for? If you're gonna join the military so you can "kick some ass", I hope you get shot and killed by a Jew paid ISIS terrorist, you dumb fuck.
I'm White, fuck off Swedecuck you have no say in any of this.
15 years ago ameritards has the same "reasoning".
Few thousands multilated burgers later an actual jihadist state exists across 2 countries.
>If you kill your enemies, they win
Because Assad is better than any of you global police playing Americans.
Screw you seriously.
Anyone this retarded either has only been coming here since the election, is a shill, is a jew, or is just plain fucking retarded.
Off to the frontline with you.
Enjoy your death
You should stop LARPing.
Yeah, wouldn't expect a lousy German to know anything about being a Warrior.
You weak pussy bitch.
Jews aren't White.
What a fucking retarded play on emotions
Yeah why do you care that your tax dollars are paying for a jew war goyim. You should be happy to die for gods chosen people. Fucking kys
you're a fucking disgrace to this country, not messing with Assad was literally the #1 reason to vote for Trump, but i guess if you get your politics from r/The_Donald and "Feminist BTFO" videos on youtube this is how you look at things.
This is what your country looks like.
Russia was never on your side ffs
>american education
kys Somali refugee residing in Minnesotta
You realise you can flip a coin and statistically the Burger on the other end will be a spic on heads
>Iraq population before the war: fuckton
>Iraq population after the war: fuckton
>if you talk about killing your enemy they die
At least go through with the genocide, you pussy ass bitch.
I'm not supporting a kike war against syria, regardless if it's Trump or not.
The only traitors here are the kikes and their good goys who trick people like you to support their agenda.
Like I said, feel free to die for Israel anytime.
I could care less about the Middle East at all I just want two things
>keep middle eastern "people" and their violence out of our countries
>get rid of the ones already here
Beyond that I couldn't care less. Just contain the Middle East so nothing can get out and then let them kill eachother all they want
Reddit needs to go back.
R_Donald or whatever the fuck that subreddit is ruined this board
lewd? why are you thinking a 13year old sitting is lewd?
mounties are probably about to kick down your door for those thoughts
i just checked and even they are pretty sure this whole thing was a false flag
imagine being dumber than a r/The_Donald redditor
Disgusting heeb. Your time is coming.
hey achmed and yusuf, do you realise where you are?
>but muh poor muslims! We need to have sympathy!
>what do you do post Assad with sharia militias
Turn the Middle East into fucking glass. Jews come from there abrahamic religions come from there nothing good though has ever truly come from there just things that lead to further ruin. If there's a place in the world that's inherently evil the Middle East is it
>plenty of other places they can go
Preferably into fucking ovens
t. ahmed abu bakr al yurop
I support trump but we obviously don't get the redpills.
hello chaim
No, ethnic Swede here.
>ethnic Swede
>also 16 y/o
Who gives a fuck about Syria
Sad little man in his sad little world. Go get a job bum. So now everyone has stopped talking about the wall, just like Trump wanted. He plays all of his supporters for fools.
Trump worshippers are becoming a real cancer here.
By now they will even defend him fucking a dead baby. They never talk about politics is all "hur hur muslim" "hur hur spics" with 0 idea of anything.
I bet they came from plebbit.
I'd rather have Assad than a power vacuum.
But your idea works better. Make the whole M.E a parking lot, including Israel.
Native Belgians are hardly even White themselves, don't throw rocks in glass houses.
>if we use nukes there will be no rapefugees
shut up neoshill
t. spic
No, I'm a ethnic German. I hate the fucking USA.
>I'm joining the muhrines just in time to kick some ass
t. first one who dies
rest in piss dumb americunt, after nuking the ME dont forget nuking yourself
oy vey you are 100% right, those arabs (not the saudis but the syrians and iranians of course) are SCUM, we must ELIMINATE THEM
OP is like a bad caricature of patriotic American concocted by a jewish shilling operation. Reminder that there is no low low enough for the jewish animals, they want Syria and they want it NOW.
Yankee GI steal your gf?
There is nothing wrong with being Muslim, Christian, Jewish, or Atheist.
People should be friendly alongside Middle Eastern-North American people and people in the Middle East.
People should not hate Middle Eastern-North American people and people in the Middle East.
Even 1950s North Americans at a time with fewer immigrants from the Middle East didn't dislike a guy just because he was Middle Eastern.
>Amos Muzyad Yakhoob Kairouz (January 6, 1912 – February 6, 1991), known professionally by his stage name Danny Thomas, was an American nightclub comedian, singer, actor, and producer, whose career spanned five decades. The Danny Thomas Show (known as Make Room for Daddy during the first three seasons) is an American sitcom which ran from 1953 to 1957 on ABC and from 1957 to 1964 on CBS. A revival series known as Make Room for Granddaddy aired on ABC from 1970 to 1971.
>As a "starving actor", Thomas had made a vow: If he found success, he would open a shrine dedicated to St. Jude Thaddeus, the patron saint of hopeless causes. Thomas never forgot his promise to St. Jude, and after becoming a successful actor in the early 1950s, his wife joined him and began traveling the United States to help raise funds to build his dream - St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.[16] He fervently believed “no child should die in the dawn of life.”[17] With help from Dr. Lemuel Diggs and close friend, Anthony Abraham, an auto magnate in Miami, Florida, Thomas founded the St. Jude Children's Research Hospital in Memphis, Tennessee, in 1962
From 1960 to 1963 The Danny Thomas show aired directly before the Andy Griffith Show. Many people then would watch a show starring a Middle Eastern-American before watching a show with people in the South.
Why do they want Syria? I saw the Clinton email about removing assad to help Israel but why? Wouldn't Iran be the biggest threat to Israel?