perhaps shills don't exist and we're all just paranoid
Perhaps shills don't exist and we're all just paranoid
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if you actually think this you're naive because theres evidence of it
y not both tho?
No one is being paid to shill for Hillary by the way. It's a Republican-funded lie and a pathetic attempt to smear her campaign.
What if we are just paranoid because there is obvious shilling, then we are told there isn't. Our reality affirms it happens, then are told it doesn't, our brains cannot reconcile the conflict as it is unnatural.
Be wary, as people catch on the tactic will be to claim all viewpoints are shilling ideas. By claiming all viewpoints as shilling, nothing is really shilling. they will claim that I am shilling paranoia for instance. If it gets to that, just opening shill rationality.
Real rationality will rebuke and refute almost all this lefty garbage by sheer dint of it being rational.
Their attempt to debase rationality already is a failing attempt so they can't keep that up.
not gonna lie former shill here. It's been fucing hilarious watching Correct The Record and ShareBlue crash and burn. but in all seriousness, we can't let Donald Trump have the nuclear codes
if shills exist, where can i apply for a position as a shill? how does one go about getting paid for shitposting?
They don't operate that way by default, it leaves an incriminating trail. They find zealots that ACTUALLY believe what they are shilling, regardless of the reasoning behind it. They get those fucks to astroturf for them off the record.
If some company is paying people to shill, they are doing it wrong. The successful ones act like cults of personality and get useful idiots to parrot ideas that go counter to their best interests.
Most shills are women because they don't think using reason, they think by fee fees. Easy to mold, and their own brains will utilize the double think needed to support the flawed assumption. And pussified men, but they are women by default as well.
>he doesn't work at Russian ShareBlue
pfft looser
Sorry, America. I accidentally your WTC.
Shills are real 100% but there ARE too many of ourguys who are just anarcho faggots and prefer to troll their own
>drumpf supporter realizes that he's shit
>comes out in disgust to create a thread telling everyone how trump just scammed them on all promises
>gets swarmed by t_d redditors accusing him of shill
>realizes the unironic personality cult going on here
>realizes that there are in fact no shills but people with legitimate views and concerns
>"b-but maybe we were wrong all this time guys maybe those "shills" are good people?"
This. I'd love to shitpost on Sup Forums for money.
I think shills were invented by NEETs just to have a dream job, they could actually do.
yes goy there are no shills , now be a good goy and stop questioning - fap to degenerate porn
those millions poured into Sup Forums research really helped those guys learn how to blend in! I like how they use t_d and green text now.
well they're really passionate
Phoneposting is a worse problem honestly. The practice is at odds with traditional Sup Forums use. There is probably a decent overlap between shills and phoneposters.
perhaps anthropogenic global warming doesn't exist and we're all just paranoid
that's just swedeposting, silly
Hmmmm, OK then...
perhaps shills exist and OP wants to gas light us
I primarily phone post and my contributions are terrible
Most, probably 3/4's of the "shills" here are just anons trolling and baiting you, but I wouldn't be surprised if there were some organizations and alphabet agencies who do post here to advance their agenda
>1 post by this ID
that's right goy! we need more wars in the middle east, don't listen to those pesky shills!
The monies have already proven you wrong, OP.
Once people voluntarily pay money for thing, it automatically becomes true. If it's true for God, it's true for shills.
>monitors his thread instead of contributing discussion
>only posts back when he gets called out, still doesn't bother to refute any of the claims.
typical shill behavior. It doesn't matter if you are or not, behavior like that is tantamount to the same thing, people disregard your viewpoint all the same as a result.
Two posts now. I guess you're not a shill.
>le shills! le shills are gonna get you!