If Hillary were president now, then

If Hillary were president now, then
>there would be no travel ban in place
>you'd still have Obamacare
>you'd go to war against Assad

Aren't you glad you voted for Trump?

Don't you have a somali to drain?

I'm imagining bedlam if Podesta got near the White House.


At least Ploompf raises awareness about how shitty Russia is, so now more people would hate this shithole because of the orange orangutan sucking up to Kremlin every time he can.


>war with Russia
>higher taxes on the middle class
>the entire bullshit feminist sjw agenda she was backing

>war with Russia

like something bad


>Aren't you glad you voted for Trump?
Yes. She is medically unfit to hold office.

>t. americuck

why aren't you dying for israel yet?

Except that they do still have Obamacare. Reps have no intention to repeal it, except for the Freedom Caucus. Also, fixing healthcare doesn't end with repealing Obamacare, they have to repeal a shitload of regulations.

oh no there's a negro in my Opa

i wouldnt care because countries would still buy my damn oil

No shit
Finally normalizing a return to traditional though and slowing down the encroaching communist party.

This was the stupidest shit ever. Dehydrating + flu = fainting. It happened to me a couple of months later. This was a terrible flu season, really nasty bugs going around.

Fuck off Huma.

Except my premiums went up 70%. As a single father I can no longer afford health insurance. But fuck me right. I'm just a single white straight male so just pay my taxes and shut the fuck up right?

and then the stock market would crash and nuclear war would erupt
and what ever remained of society would crumble into a technocratic sado-masochistic hell hole where the average person would be a slave, empty husks filled with drugs sex and media, empty pleasuers and mindless task
and in due time the evil elite would achive their dream, hooking them selves up to super computers to become as gods while leaving the "inferior humans" to die on a decaying planet

FEMA was intented to collect the sheep in the nuclear war to insure a source of slave labour

and so the beasts could feast

I'd rather not see the world ran by Brazilians.

I want to FUCK that Hillpepe

If you look at the actual video they place an object in her hand so that when she drops it they will now she is unconscious. She drops it shortly after the van pulls up. You don't put warning things in peoples hands when it's just a random "I'm not feeling good"

good goy. make sure to gibs shekels for the (((needy)))