The water problem

Did they put something in the water to make you forget? For years particularly around for 8 years my memory progressively got worse to the point where I can forget things within seconds. Does anyone else have these issues? It really concerns the fuck out of me..
There has got to be something in the water

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i spend most of my free time lighting my farts memory has gone to complete shit. Trying to think when it started...

ya around 8 years ago?

That's as far back as I can recall it starting

Its all the screens. everyone's ADD now.

We City 17 now?

Well I've thought about it. I want to see if we share some similar experiences to narrow it down to something besides water, but I don't doubt it may also be water based

1) NEET, I don't have to really struggle mentally so maybe some atrophy there
2) I browse Sup Forums, read shitloads of articles daily, a lot of switching between threads rapidly which may have harmed my focus and memory
3)I don't talk to many people which maybe also hurts
4)Drink a lot of caffeine

the fact that you spent a majority of the last 8 years on the computer absorbing meaningless garbage and that no day is relay distinguishable from any other in your meaningless life, combined with inherently fallible human memory can't help the situation.

Even though I personally believe that they do indeed put shit in the water.

Just make sure to consume enough chelating agents, pretty simple. Vitamin C combined with aloe vera pretty much neutralizes whatever metals are building up in your system.

How old are you, OP?

1: Neet as well because I have to take care of someone.
2: Basically all of 2
3: I try to be social as possible.
4: I don't really have much caffeine



Major factor is probably our heavy internet usage then.

I don't even know how to avoid this? Even if you avoid water, almost all food has water in it. Do you have to go completely off the grid to avoid being turned into an effeminate memory stunted nu-male?

Estrogen in the water is quite a obvious thing nowadays, if it doesn't turn you gay; it will give you no backbone in relationships. I don't think I personally got any issues with the estrogen thing generally considering getting girls isn't a problem.

Thing is; is that I didn't even use the internet that much then which is strange.

Though it has become very apparent over these past 3-4 years which I have been active on the internet. Idk it is kind of confusing. It started a year prior to me owning a computer again.

You can buy estrogen blockers from most health and nutrition stores

They were right back in the 80s when they said video games rot your brain. They didn't know about the Internet but they would have said the same thing.

Maybe you fried your brain on your own with substance abuse. Or you have a genetic predisposition for your memory deteriorating unusually quickly and/or soon. Or you've started to obsess about your memory neurotically to the point you don't know what normal is anymore and anything you can't easily remember gets added to proof about how your memory is going like sands through the hourglass.

Memory does get worse with age in general, which is to be expected. It can only go downhill (on its own) from the point your brain has matured.

Use it or lose it also applies. You're not going to remember all facts, names, etc. unless you need to access them with some frequency.

Inattentiveness means things go in and out of your short-term memory, sometimes fading so quickly you might feel unsure about if you put the can of juice back in the fridge or not.

Exercise your memory to improve it. Memorize stuff. Use your memory for something. Practice being attentive. Etc.

Read books, learn math on the side I dunnoh.
Its not water its being a Sup Forums and newsaddicted Neet.

le funny reddit unrelated comment xD

This video explains why you can´t process information correctly because of too much media

this one explains how we stopped to memorize information because their is no need when you can look it up

i am currently trying to cleanse myself. For further information you should use >>>adv because this is not Sup Forums related

short: we fucked ourselves up


the fact that we're all fucked is overdetermined, don't bother looking for a single reason because there's innumerable

go to a neurologist


>3 Bong hits later


i want to highlight this guy

this one explains how we stopped to memorize information because their is no need when you can look it up
You really are on to something actually. That does seem to make sense

jesus, you are even awkward around Sup Forumsacks

Don't drink the water, they put something in it t-to make you forget.
I don't even remember how I got here...

tell me, when you were younger, did you read books? Do you still read?

>bottom of pic
get out

So our brain is just being efficient. It's treating the internet like an external HDD and freeing up space for other things.


the same thing happens with people's navigation. Since you can just use navigation system nowadays most people don't bother to map out locations, and their location area of the brain is underutilized.

did we summon the newfag-club?

i hope that was just a brainfart and not you trying to be funny

well we need to rule out the obvious first

southpark is (was) pretty based. Considering that germans do in fact have the worst humor on this board, i guess you aren´t necessarily a newfag (even though im only here for 2 years myself).

This has happened to me but its only been happening for the past 5 years starting when I was 17. My memory is very fuzzy and i always feel like a walking zombie. Nothing seems real.
>no social life
>drink caffeine
>masturbate a lot
This started a year before I started browsing Sup Forums at all and i'm usually very dehydrated because i forget to drink water. its probably not water.

Video games help your memory and reflexes. They weren't right about video games rotting your brain, they were right about video games training your kids to be killers.

might be dehydrdation and chaotic wake/sleep rhythms to be honest

those things are real - waveforms of the brain change when it's in a sleep state, dream state, wake state

>make a topical Half-Life joke
>somehow I'm a newfag
Fug off

that´s the reason why a lot of us landed here. No social being would need to go so deep to find satisfaction.
these videos offer an explanation you surely know about nofap already, give it a try if you can´t find real satisfaction in porn and don´t get the urge to talk to a beautifull, if you see one in the street. (by urge i mean, you fucking need to go there and talk to her, because you want to fucking marry her!!!)
about your diet. There is an official institution that explains you how you should eat and drink. Just google it (i only know the german institution, they have an easy 10 rules plan, that explain you how to be healthy)

i dont know why i did write that, but well i did


Same here, trying to lean C++/Debian and I have no focus

now imagine we are all in our 20s i hope.

>be 12 year old now, have smartphone pc, tablet
>use it for everything no need to remember or think for yourself
>become mindless zombie that NEEDS media to survive, literally

We are(19+) literally unironically the past generation that still has some mind/self reflecting thinking left

The world is fucked, we are fucked, everything is fucked, this will end like the movie idiocracy, tech will advance so much that we don't even need to care about anything, tech does our thinking, or cooking, our food, basically everything

fuggg :D

you need to start with really easy problems and problem solve them yourself, not just bake after a recipe

most people fail that stuff though so don't feel bad

I should have mentioned that I am reading from a PC screen - hard to do

You fap too much and your brain is fried.

Read books, it'll be tough with your shit attention span but it will help. Sup Forums is murder on your attention span because every time you read a post you're waiting for a "trigger" that tells you it's a shill or copypasta or whatever, and that tells you to ignore it and move on. Without the context of this website you've basically trained yourself to drop your train of thought constantly since there are no triggers for shills and copypasta in your internal monologue. So yeah, books, focus on one thing for an extended length of time.

What are you learning C++ for? Everyone is using Javascript and Java nowadays.