100% European President with a 100% European family for a 100% European nation
/PNG/ - President Navalny General
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Don't forget about the chinks, Russia is becoming very multicultural, and it must because otherwise it will not survive.
>The Chinese are invading Russia — not with tanks, but with suitcases.
>Alexander Shaikin, in charge of controlling the Russian-Chinese border, said on June 29 that 1.5 million people from China have illegally entered the Russian Far East over the past 18 months.
>It’s impossible(!!!) to know the exact level of Chinese migration into the Russian Far East; Russia has not run a census in over a decade. But by all indications, a significant river of people is surging across the border.
>The Moscow Carnegie Center, the only organization to launch an independent study, claimed that there were about 250,000 Chinese in Russia in 1997. The Interior Ministry has claimed that there are 2 million. Other estimates place the Chinese population at 5 million.
>Regardless, the Federal Migration Service fears a flood. The service has repeatedly warned that the Chinese could become the DOMINANT ETHNIC group in the Russian Far East in 20 to 30 years. Such an occurrence would require an annual influx of about 250,000 to 300,000 Chinese, LESS than one-third the rate that Shaikin currently claims
>You will never be this smug
Why even live
I will only support Navalny if he denies Holocaust.
Well at least it's better than the cuck market your country is currently being sold on you fucking leaf.
BTW his daughter is a sjw and he seems to be proud of it, he posted her with pink hair in one of his videos
No, Navalni SAYS he will remove 282
There is a big difference
Better. He doesn't give a shit about it. "Пpoблeмы pyccкoгo этнoca в пepвyю oчepeдь"
Is he supposed to be white? He looks like a pitecantrope.
We don't have sjws in russia so you can dye your hair in any color possible
How long until his family is in a car accident?
Why do you come here, churka? You are like that annoying paki in Brexit threads
Sage this cancer
isn't this like the 10th time you created this thread?
fuck off shill
>free market
The mafia and oligarchs need to be shot though
Refugees welcome. In Russia
Modern (((Russian government))) (which is not Russia in any away) supports Mugabe and Zuma and still allows nigger subhumans and spics on its soil
(((Russian government))) even financed refugee shit which is run by Armenian jewess(just like Russsia Today)
So is this a Russian thing?
>and it must
Oh it's this fucking jap again
I speak from experience chinks are shit and you don't want them bringing their money because they just launder it corrupt your government with it and make your housing overpriced due to laundering
Is Putin really pro immigration?
This General is here to stay.
Deal with it.
Fuck off libertad. We don't need a president who wish to give Crimea and Donbas back to ukraine.
I thought Russians didn't do shit like dye their hair unnatural colours because faggotry is basically illegal
We don't like niggers and asian here
Russia first! subhumans are not to be even considered!
You've got fucked in the last thread so you came here just to sage lmao
He is supposed to be. You're not.
Good job putting chechen separatists fighting for Ukraine in the picture.
"They fought for niggers"
He's being clearly sarcastic you spaz
They fought for Russians of donbass. And navanly is backed my Moscow Jews you know that libertad.
Never heard ethnic Russians are killed in Kiev or Lviv based on their race. Last time I checked 75% of Kiev speaks Russians.
Prep the bull, nigger lover
LMAO what kind of idiot you are?
Navalny is for Russian Crimea, he just wants to make a REAL elections, with foreign observers and shit, cause he knows that like 90%+ of crimeans want to be a part of Russia. Putin cant do this shit cause this will make it look like previous referendum was fake.
Pike off, dirty Soros shill. Nobody's interested in that corrupt globalist puppet.
>muh 282
Listen here retarded fags.
[first of all: stromfront "WHO RULES RUSSIA" if interested]
Putin is 100% jewish world politic, he is even more jew than you can imagine. We have all the jewish stuff: muslims, endless lies, oligarchy, anti-white speech and laws, feminist-like laws e.t.c e.t.c (expect LGBT support WOOOOOOWW). But we do not even have a standart of living while EU and US do. Jew learned their lesson when they created Veimar republic, so they let germans at least have a decent life now with proper economics with some socialistic elements. In Russia...we have 40% of world natural resourses, 2% world population, and wage is...300$/month. No social help, nothing. Wow, Vladimir the Great.
Jews control every institute of state.
And if you look closely everything s ruined. Army, economics, education system, courts, mass media..
We cant live here. There is 1% of russian people who would stay in this shithole on own will.
It is so funny to read those retards with GREAT FAITH in based anti-jew putin. They are denies ANY truth about russia they see from russians. Lol what a joke.
We know.
t. Scottish Moslean Fascist
>corrupt globalist puppet
>oversized pants
>no belt
0/10 would bet the kids aren't his
Why haven't the Jews legalized faggotry there yet?
Does this nalvny guy want to legalize it?
Isit pronounced PING or P-N-G? It really matters if you want my support.
So you just traveling or are you a Scottish Jew in Israel?
Hey there! Don't be an amadan! Post against Putin. Navalny is Justin Barrett tier
He, unfortuately, wont survive till 2018.
100% Scottish. Israel is fun: guns, beaches, racism, big Gaelic and Germanic diasporas
Russians dye hair to look like westerners, not for sjw.
This is used for some propaganda maneuvers: "bad thing everywhere yh, but look at EU: gays everywhere, what a rotting bunch of faggots, no values (in russia we have no family values at all btw, nor religious - church are the most greedy institute and linked with goverment) and all this shit).
[the one thing russians is allowed to have to prevent riots, kek]
Navalny is not pro-LGBT, when he wasnt politic he had ~N S politcal view, but since he became one he never said anti lgbt thing.
I say it's almost not seen. Maybe seen in twice this year. In Moscow that is
>when he wasnt politic he had ~N S politcal view
when he wasnt politican he had some nat soc like views
>this guy is a nationalist, he's telling the truth and I can't argue with him with facts
>I guess I'll just call him a shitskin, reality changes based on who says it, right?
We KNOW that, we're saying that Navalni is just as bad and is a liar.
Why do you keep pretending that we like Putin? Nobody reasonable likes Putin.
Because removing Putin and electing/coup-ing in Navalny is better option. He won't be there to suppress nationalist actions like Putin. Of course you are against his term, because your rat people won't be safe anymore under his Presidency
Stop voting for manlet cucks
>We don't have sjws in russia
There's already a fuckton of them, mostly in "geeky" communities.
Well a lot of russians who grew in the 90's had that "angry skinhead" period in their youth
I would say i can't imagine a leader worse than putin, Even A Mentally retarded man as a president will not hurt a country - he will simply do nothing, but putin succeeded a very negative impact on our society
He said that long before being nation-wide famous
"Эмигpaция - вoпpoc oтвeтcтвeннocти. Ктo-тo cчитaeт, чтo этo фopмa oтвeтcтвeннocти пepeд дeтьми: yeхaть, чтoбы дeтям жилocь лyчшe. Ho мнe кaжeтcя, чтo oтвeтcтвeннocть - этo кaк paз cдeлaть тaк, чтoбы мoи дeти зaхoтeли ocтaтьcя здecь."
Really makes you think
Answer the following questions:
Why are the other critics of Putin like Nemtsov dead while Navalni is alive despite being in hands of Putin for many times already.
Why Putin isn't assasinating Navalni like he assasinated Nemtsov if Navalni is a legitimate threat (like you want to believe)?
Why Navalni has the same phone number as Bastrikin?
Why Navalni has so many western liberal connections and is (((Yale))) educated?
There is evidence that Navalni himself is a thief, just on a smaller scale, what makes you think that you can trust him and he's against corruption?
Do you have "arguments" other than "I'm whiter than you"?
>Do you have "arguments" other than "I'm whiter than you"?
You're on Sup Forums ffs.
Do you understand that you questions make no sense because (((Nemtsov))) are of different political background, financial ties, race and connections? There are lot of people who wished Nemtsov death
Couple of month abroad is not enough to get into Skulls & Bones, Tigran. Have you not been so stupid and poor you would see the obvious
We're not talking about worse, we're talking about same. Both are sponsored by the same people.
The real threat with Navalni is a Maidan like revolution which will make people even poorer. The whole conflict is a way to create a fake "revolution" like in Ukraine, you won't argue that the life in Ukraine before Maidan was better.
Btw an additional question for you:
What will you do with Navalni when a possible Maidan (that will make your life even worse) will come?
I will be killing traitors, Jews and Armenians for fun during the unrest in a team of highly skilled mercs obviously.
Paid poster alert, in /po/ we have to deal with them every day.
Only first two of his questions makes any sense [i would answer them: goverment don't want to provoke potential rioters/screw up relations with "western partners"]
Others are pure +15 roubles.
The Chechen blood will flow through the ural
Based Mick! Two historically discriminated yet incredibly European White nations should stay strong against the menace of foreign hordes
tip harder shitskin
Nice, you dodged every single question.
The Nemtsov answer makes even less sense, doesn't that mean that Navalni would be even a higher priority to murder since he's not a jew (as you claim)?
You're literally picrelated
Real nationalists like Hitler were never calling to genocide shitskins because it's counterproductive and the movement will not gain any followers.
You've literally framed yourself as a /po/ infiltrator. There are much less shills on /po/ than Sup Forums because /po/ already thinks Kosher.
>I'm not a shill, HE'S THE REAL SHILL!
The answer to the first two questions makes no sense if Navalni indeed represents a threat, by that logic they'll assasinate him if he wins the elections or starts a revolution immediatly
>your legitimate questions are shill questions, I won't be answering them! (((FBK))) already said that the same phone number is just a (((coincidence))) and Navalni being a thief is fake news, I know it, I watch kamikadze_d and navalnis official channel, if you disagree then you're a vatan, you can't possibly be smarter than me
Seriously? Putin would have a major political contender killed? Does that not hurt his credibility with you? What does a future without Putin look like to you Russians?
Wasn't saying he was pro fag just asking if he was
Any possibility he will full on clamp down on degeneracy? You also have a drug and drinking problem (we do too not making fun of you just telling it like it is)
>I'm Scottish!
>But I also know what a churka means
>And the state of Russian politics!
You're just a russian kike. You've managed to give away your true kike face in a single thread.
Can you answer any of my questions? Or you can't even defend your own golden goy Navalni?
> Analny
>major political contender
You can't be serious.
>wife has big beautiful eyes
>you have squinty as fuck beady eyes
>children inherit squinty as fuck beady eyes
What does that mean in English?
Google translate is shit for Russian doesn't translate properly
I'm not pic related, because SA and other historically nationalist groups like IRA killed and terrorised ethnic minorities on THEIR OWN LAND.
Nothing wrong to hang some Armenians on a lamps when whole city is in chaos.
Especially since Armenians are criminal subversive subhuman cancer.
And Hitler is a bad example. He allowed half and quarter Jews a pass based on qualification, whereas old European nationalism is about full purity
Ok, so why is Putin so idolized? I don't get it. He hijacked your country. Be mad!
The thing is he that he won't, because Navalni is not a contender.
Real contenders die before anyone even knows who they are, secret agencies won't even let a real threat to be even known to public
But people just want someone to believe in, thinking that their problems would be fixed by an obsolete ritual of voting
That's because I lived in Russia, subhuman
Thank you for the quick rundown, Armenibro
How would you ensure any sort of purity in a country so multiethnic as Russia? Not even talking about immigrants here, but all the natives across Siberia, Turkic people, Caucasians, Central Asians from USSR times etc.
Does anybody running for President that isn't named Vladimir Putin have a real chance of winning?
Balkanisation or apartheid silly. Non-whites are not human and should be treated accordingly
Isn't this area mostly just scattered Inuit people where it gets -40c in winter?
They are mad though, everyone is.
What we're trying to convey to the naive kids is that voting for Navalni is not a way to deal with Putin, in fact it achieves nothing.
Just deport them instead of being a kosher "nationalist". The true enemy are not niggers and never were niggers, this is the most important thing that young nationalists fail to understand.
This is called D&C
Occams razor, you live in Israel, you speak like a jew, you have a flag like a jew and you think like a jew. I have to assume you're a jew.
In fact just being in Israel makes you untrusted, doesn't matter if you don't have any jewish blood in you
>Navalni rally
>first pic
These guys look 13 to 20 years old. You can't even pick proper shots for your propaganda pics.
I think Navalni has a chance, they will put him in power if they'll need to.
The same way they've put Trump into power.
All the shitskins have their own autonomous republics, I guess you just remove them from Russia and make them independent.
I'm antisemite with some socialist views on economics and also i visited pol along with po a lot.
We are ideologically ill, 70+% of country are 'soviet' people and putin easily manipulates them.
Navalny is our only chance anyway, we need a strong leader.
>Any possibility he will full on clamp down on degeneracy?
The possibility he will take 'extreme' actions is very small imo, but i think he will definitely reduce degeneracy overall. He reveals bribery and corrupt pratices a lot for now, so he doesnt speak often about that themes.
Northwest (brown) ethnically Russian NATIVE land is where 80% of the country lives. Including subhuman immigrants, spics, niggers, Jews and Armenians. Area you pointed is barely populated. Some inbred filth like Yakuts and ethnic Russians live there
But why not to kill them, if there is unrest? White Man has no friends, but his guns, family, friends and nation. It's always been like this
Argument I'm making is that you only care about your rat kind being safe in Russia. And Armenian = Jew. Even George Orwell called it
So the Siberian Yakut and stuff are just a tiny meme population then?
I was thinking that if there was a pure ethnostate, the Yakut et all would be given reservations up on barren land like we do with our natives in leafland/murrica
Unless those yakut areas have natural resources you need
Whatever you do in your nations is the opposite of what should be done in Russia and Europe for the sake of clean bloodlines. Pic related
>100% European
>70% of the country is in Asia
ja, sure bro
>George Orwell
>muh Greeks and Armenians are worse than jews
>why not to kill them
Because PR, you want to make your movement popular, genocidal nationalism will never be popular even if it is right from an utilitarian approach.
Genocidal nationalism will never be popular because people are cucked, we're talking reality, not fantasy. A world with no niggers would be better, but you can't apply it to real life.
>tfw he was stupid enough to believe this shit
You can't genocide Armenians in Russia, because Armenians are not native to Russia. Armenians in Russia are cancer. There's not fucking debate about that. Not only Orwell, but Turgenev and Lermontov disliked your rat kind with passion. The there is a reason Russian diaspora in the Ottoman Empire didn't give a shit about your "genocide".
>You can't genocide Armenians in Russia, because Armenians are not native to Russia
Just deport the Armenians you retard
You're still engaging in fantasies instead of reality
The Turner Diaries and stuff like that is just a power fantasy dream for edgy teenagers, try to think about how would you make the world better instead of dreaming about a perfect world or even worse, joining skinhead (((neo-nazi))) groups, punching mudslimes on the streets and getting on the news as an example of right wing racism that will make nationalism even less appealing.
I bet you're probably openly racist in public too, the knowledge you recieve on the jews should make you smarter, not fanatical, you should try to persuade people instead of going all in and saying what you really think.
Picrelated, a typical kosher nationalist.
If you act like him then you benefit the jews more than your ethnic group.
>Just deport the Armenians you retard
Will be done. But those subversive from Russia Today and Refugee Russian Council will be hanged.
My argument is simple, Tigran. We know that you are afraid for your rat kind only and that's why you shill. Maybe IRA that blowed up the British were Jewish shills after all. Breivik too maybe
You still multiracial unity against the Jews? Never will happen. Why? European nationalists interests go against those Japanese or Chinese nationalist interests.
And Pushkin and Bryusov were Armenophiles.
>stormweenie rusnigger thinks a degenerate marxist writer is some kind of word of god
Stop talking so politely to this subhuman trash. Russians are too stupid for any of that.
Pushkin was a negroid footfaggot degenerate.
Patton fought for the Jews.
Fuck off shart in mart