What's the best way to trigger Germans?
Their colonies
why should the roman empire trigger me? was pretty nice desu
what colonies? The EU member states or what? Most germans probably couldn't name one actual german colony that existed (I don't)
Tell them their barbarian inferiority complex towards romans,your british empire and french made them make up we wuz Aryan stuff from the vedas to feel good about themselves.
At least they have toilets
No such thing as Germans. Haven't existed since 1945. All of the Germans are dead. The rest aren't Germans anymore.
For now
Stop immigration.
You mean european kebabs? I think they would by insulting Erdogan
grandpa killed all the brave jerries
the rest got raped out of existence over the next 45 years
>I don't
Then you are either ahmed or an idiot. I'm not even German and I could name them.
laffin we depise it
triggering makes me hard tho
Don't pay them back
The final solution to the European problem
leave the poop shelf up
Tell them how great and superior they are. Germans are a very humble folk and don't like to be praised.
Tell them they should only have sex to reproduce to secure a future for white German children.
Tell them jokes
it's a weakness
It's funny because Rome was an actual thousand-year civilization.
btfo cunt
RIP Germany
nope. we never even learned about it in school. just that we've have lost the colonies after the world war. someone probably just decided that they aren't important enough for germanys history. we never really were a "real" colonial power anyways.
Germany would be better like this
Zambia was one i believe.
Tell them about the jews
Why make this ? we have the same goals Rome and Germany are kindred spirits so why would this offend them ? we all lost asshat fool whites have lost so much in the last 80 to 70 years
Thanks Grandpa for killing the best race in Europe
Call them what they are: Nazis. All of them. Because that's what they are. The stain will never go away Nazis. You are tainted for eternity.
if hitler lived in roman times would he have been able to become a caesar or would he have not looked nordic enough to blend in with the ruling class?
germans were never great
>Its an angloposters pretend to be the good-guys and no one calls them out on being crypto-kikes for some reason thread.
German sauces are tasteless and their beers taste like piss
Implying that objectively wouldn't make europe better
I Kek everytime. What part of Greece are you from?
>German Tiger tank drivers meet with their British counterparts 72 years after WWII
I'm from Thessaloniki but I'm currently studying in Chios
Are you serious?
One day shills, will ask what's the best way to trigger a chilean?
tell them about the ongoing talks about a new natural gas/oil pipeline agreement between UK, Turkey and Israel
ITT : German success creates jealousy
This shit works. I'm annoyed.
Shouldn't Austria get consumed by Hungary?
Fuck off every time I haven't eradicated the Germans while restoring Rome in CK2 they end up going full retard as the HRE in EU4.
Every fucking time I complete Manifest Destiny for my US colony, release it, and watch it run roughshod over shitty German colonies because Imperial Mexico thinks it can fuck up the entire continental US.
Wanna be liberated one more time?
Although in the past we've had a fight because I have abandoned you, I want you to know that i always keep you tight in my most tenders thoughts
let's get back together
Liberation is inevitable!
>No germany
If only that was reality.
do it again Italbro, abandon Germany and the EU and let them crumble
I love your people and your culture, PLEASE DONT LET IT BE REPLACED BY NEGROS, SAND NEGROS AND JEWS!!!!
tell them they're wrong
they hate people who disagree with them
i can't do that, i can't let them corrupt my mind again
we had a dream, togheter, it was so beautiful
am utopian world, free from evilness, led by the choosen people
it was going to be our dream, our wonderful dream
i am sorry Germany, i ruined everything
kys subhuman gook scum.
time is up Italbro, soon you will have to pick a side again
Go to Russia in winter.
>when you build shit
>those germans are diagreeing with me
working with poles is a burden
they treat us badly for years, i know that
but i also know that deep inside, Germany still love me
do you know how many times i called our mutual friend Japan only to ear how he was, do you know how many nights i spent awake, thinking about how the world could be without me fucking up everything? i wasnt capable of doing simple task germany told me to do only beacuse i was afraid to disappointing him
now im here, alone, waiting for a sign from him
Fuck you.. Did you go to a hauptschule or was your teacher shit?
Wave a German flag
Sing the first verse of their national anthem
Have white children
Tell Jewish jokes
Tell jokes about retarded people
Disparage their automobiles.
Cross the street against the signal.
Unification was a mistake and East Germany would have at least remained white.
Every unification Germany has gone through was a mistake.
And Charlemagne was too soft on them
Remind them about the time they decided to gas 8 million jews.
Remind them that they are our Mexico and that they have to go back.
It's unironically true though ayylmao
>what colonies? The EU member states or what?
>East German SKSes
Bundeswehr was a mistake LMAOOO¨
Wessies ruined everything
I literally always get angry at the perfidious Albion for what they did
they treated you badly when you was allied with them during the war. they actually blamed Italians for WW2 i remember reading somewhere.
But then again im wary reading anything about WW2 because of the sneaky merchants, "History is written by the Victor"
How is this supposed to be triggering? Don't you people here say all the time how Germans destroyed the Roman Empire?
Around 220 AD was the highest extent of the ancient roman empire
where the fuck are you getting your facts from?
Can't imagine that we'd have done that considering that we saved Mussolini and shit
I thought the concensus was that that it was already fucked up and you simply plundered it and destroyed everything you couldn't steal
But the people who conquered Rome left Germany and became Spanish, French, Italian, etc. Germans are literally the cucks who stayed behind and later got BTFO by Charlemagne
I am a turk. No really, I am a turk.
>Rome left Germany
Lol this leaf
>all that dutch clay
sign me up
>the Gothic people are not Germainic!
>also only the Goths invaded Rome
Huh? Germans aren't this one people you idiot. Charlemagne was Frankish and fought Saxons.
Ostrogoths&Visigoths were from SWEDEN YES though.
Giving up your empire and driving Europe to become the sick man of the world so that you could impose international finance/jewry's will on them was pretty ebin
Germany doesn't love you
come to the Anglo. Italexit when?
>Saxons are not Germans
>Saxony is literally a region of Germany
But modern Swedes aren't descended from the Goths, Sven
DDR was better face the facts Wessies
most of it filled with turks
Show someone breaking ze rhoolz. They can't help it, they get so autistic if they see it. Especially if it's blatant and not accidental.
Saxons were a Germanic tribe that originated in Denmark and migrated to were they are now and also England
they have not much relation with for example Bavarians
I am loving all of your replies
Pretty sure they migrated to North Germany, not to modern day Saxony
not pay depts and send more ahmeds
But they do have a relation to, you know, Saxons.
Try harder Wessie
Even if they gave it their best, they'd never match the power of nazi Germany.
And even nazi Germany got owned.
Lol no wonder they are cucked