Jared Kushner General

Discuss how we can take down this globalist kike in Trump's cabinet.

Make infographics and whatnot

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>not knowing kikener runs the show.

Which is why he must be stopped

He's a cuckold

he was literally there since day one. people tried to warn you to vote Rand but you didn't listen


What would happen if he ended up with a lead cranial implant?

attack his wife

Do it

(((Kushner))) convinced Trump to go against Syria because of "muh evil Assad who shoah'd his own people" and when Bannon tried to intervene, he was shown the boot.

I thought Sup Forums loved globalist jews now? You russian trolls really need to get your shit together.


It would be extremely painful

rand also would have declared war day one

We used memetics to elect Trump. We need to use it to take down Kushner and re-elevate Bannon. Even Ann Coulter is on our side, so she could be a big help in dessimenating our memetic warfare.

Just shoot this cunt

Get some juicy kompromat and force him to step down on his own

digits and it was Israel that gassed them

>Oh no! Plutocrats are taking over! We wanted this when we thought it would serve our interests! Now we'll show them real power and remove the people from power who always held it
Lel you fucking faggots.

Can I get a rundown? What did he do in the past and why is he involved?

he fucked Trump's daughter, that in itself is an accomplishement

Breddy inderasting vid about him.


Even Bannon is reportedly calling Kushner a cuck :


Reminder that (((Kushner))) is a low level kike taking orders from bigger kikes like ((((Adelson)))) and ((((Dershowitz)))).

Reminder that (((Adelson))) said that he wants to drop a nuke on Iran.

Pretty sure Jared is an INTP, that means something to the NEETs here.
I trust Jared.

1. Find pizza gate info on him and leak it online

2. Start a #draftkushnertowar hashtag or tweet Eric and Don Jr. constantly about it

3. bump this thread/create new ones until Sup Forums has taken him down

Heavily involved with George Soros. On his payroll


Protip: you can not. Stuff your face with memes and stay asleep.

he's too successful to be INTP, he actually works

>Bannon is /ourguy/

>If we meme it. It will happen

>articles literally written by jews about jews jewing the goyim

I'd rather have power Jew out in the open where I can see him, than hidden where his plots are completely invisible until too late.

Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner, son of a Netanyahu-funding crook, is Israel's man in the White House. Kushner brought Goldman Sachs president Gary Kohn into the Trump White House.

>expecting a jew to support your right wing politics and to not betray you

What a surprise

>Netanyahu has long been a friend of the Kushners, and particularly Jared’s dad, Charles Kushner, a major donor to pro-Israel and Jewish causes. One time, Kantor reports – she doesn’t specify when – Jared gave up his bed and moved to the basement so Netanyahu could spend the night at their home in Livingston, New Jersey.


bigger kikes also include Henry Kissinger. And I think Jared's the puppet of Gary Cohn.


Can we set up a rule now here?
Never ever talk good of a Jew that is in government

It reads 'refugees welcome center'

I doubt it since it is in Poland

Bannon is toast. The NeoCons always win.

That's why I serve them. No master who loses is worth my time, because those who lose are worthless by the act of losing.

Their is a special place in hell for Mr. Jared Kushner

This jew must go.
What do?

The only candidate that had a chance against Clinton was el rato.
And that chance was fucking slim.

Jews ALREADY come from the depths of hell.



Kushner needs to be watched.

Fucking Ivanka's baby daddy can't bring us down.


Your a big guy.