This is old news, but in case you fags haven't seen it, here's direct proof that david brock shills have been flooding this board with their slide threads and anti-trump shit.
This is old news, but in case you fags haven't seen it...
Other urls found in this thread:
If you zoom in on his face he looks like an angry grandma
anti shareblue thread? anti shareblue thread
the fuck you say
How can his face be so fucking greasy? Can't he spend some of his millions on anti-grease cream? Jesus fucking christ.
don't forget the leaked memo. I mean at this point they're shameless but some people still refuse to believe someone would waste millions trying to indoctrinate Sup Forums of all fucking places.
didn't he die?
So cringe. That reddit spacing and lack of attention to detail. These brock shills can be spotted from a mile away.
We must go over there, and expose them for the shills they are!
Yep, here's the memo:
we know, they are empty people who
are morally bankrupt modern day sell
outs comparable to judas. but what
would jesus be without judas? i welcome
them to waste their pointless lives here.
ps brock made 15 million last year off hitlery
and soros and i doubt the slaves he has
make minimum wage, because that's what
jews do enslave goy to pointless tasking.
The shills are almost enough to stop me from browsing Sup Forums
almost enough
Didn't he make $65 million?
bump because fuck David Brock the pedophile
Is this a psyop article?
Daily Beast is left-wing right?
Honestly I find them hilarious, I'm legit going to miss them when the kikebucks dry up. Hope they don't get murdered too hard by the Clintons.
>That's not a nice thing to say to grandma snugums
David Brock is a doodoo head
And his hair is stupid
The end
2nd AMA thread
There are at least 20 of these a day.
Keep going anons, this is how we expose their bullshit.
>Should have made things right
>Should have voted Hildawg
Pick one
Finland dropping redpills.
Couldn't a memo like this that aims to undermine the president, and basically the people, count as an act of treason? Shouldn't this faggot brock be prosecuted?
You mean like two weeks ago when we had to hold your hand and explain you step by step why Trump won and Bernie is shit candidate? It's productive for you when you suck our knowledge like an horny progressive.
Also /r9k/. Someone screen capped it. I either post this image or the video of Hillary collapsing on 9/11/16 then the threads die.
Who is this Trump you speak of, OP?
Do you mean the amusing senile guy pretending he's president of some 3rd world shithole that owes the world trillions it can't pay back?
Good redpill to kill slide threads.
Daily reminder that Hillary has parkinson's disease. That's why she's so much away from public:
They drugged her up for debates where you can see how meds are wearing off at the end and how she's having troubles to answer quickly.
It also explains her seizures and specially 911-collapse where she was seen shaking in the van. That was not just "overheating" or "pneumonia". Also her weird behaviour, swallowing troubles and creepy "laugh" are obvious signs.
95% of parkinson's patients develop personality changes. Uncontrolled parkinson's rage is also common. Hillary is well know for her ill-temper. They also have troubles making logical decisions.
There's no cure for parkinson's disease, it will only get worse. She will be dead or shaking wreck by 2020.
How do forum bots beat the captha?
Damn I'm pretty greasy too.
Easily dude you ever played RuneScape? There's bots that can play the whole game for you, solving a captcha would be simple
>Brock was a right wing anti-clinton strategist in the 90s
>hands Trump the election on a silver platter
>Democrats give Brock even more money
Are Democrats really this stupid?
Dunno but they do it easily.
I support our President.
If it did it didn't work. Brock is too much of a moron and has too much money to ever stop doing this.
Everyone, let me introduce to you, Shareblue. Welcome.
You answered your own question: "Bots"
Besides, recaptcha is shit.
Anyone have a David Brock rubbing his jew hands meme?
Trump vs Assad Straw Poll
Vote Here:
Who is this Sadiq Khan you speak of, bong?
Do you mean the unamusing bigot pretending he's British in some 3rd world shithole city that pretends nothing is wrong as British children are raped and abducted on a daily basis?
>That many people on Sup Forums
>Even split
>only two options when every Sup Forumslock knows this isn't a safespace
Ledditors should stay on leddit.