Sup Forums the_donald cucks staunchly defends absolutely everything this shambles of a whitehouse has done for weeks

>Sup Forums the_donald cucks staunchly defends absolutely everything this shambles of a whitehouse has done for weeks
>defend him no matter what
>killing more sandniggers is the final straw

HAHAHAHAHA. What the actual fuck has happened to this website? I knew the_donald cuckoldry was endemic but fuck me.

Asac Shrader?

sage in all fields
hide thread

Divide and conquer

We learnt a while back faggot

Hank was the best part.
>it's another jesse and walt bicker but make up in the end episode

>jesse pinkman
Oh how much I hate that little piece of shit junkie

No matter what, Sup Forums stands firmly against Israel, its rodent people and it's devilish interests.

>hurr Sup Forums is one person like all my subreddits



>Sup Forums stands firmly against Israel

Sup Forums is pro-Israel and pro-settlement building. Go back to dreamland you silly little Kraut.

no, what are you fucking smoking you retarded bong? Sup Forums is anti-kike and anti-zionist. we don't want jews stirring shit up with their land theft, it just creates global instability that we have to foot the bill for. fuck off, shill.

>Talking about leddit here
If you want to talk about leddit, wouldn't it be more productive to do it there? Please leave.

Holy fuck, just look at this endemic newfag cuckoldry. GO BACK TO THE DONALD

Sup Forums is pro resettlement into the oven, jonathan

Nigger hate thread?

OP is the same person that made these threads. He's from leftypol
OP is the same person that made these threads. He's from leftypol
OP is the same person that made these threads. He's from leftypol

>Sup Forums is anti-kike

Kraut-DNA muddled Oxycontin smoker in Missouri detected.

>stirring shit up

You are pro-Muslim? The German DNA runs deep in you Hans. Even across the ocean your feel the call of the brown cock.

>land theft

You see my flag? Theft from who?

>this level of delusion and shilling to crush any dissenting voices

holy fuck, kill yourself.
>trump supporters are pro-jew



>youre either pro-israel or pro-muslims you stupid white go-er... guy. you have to choose one

>trump supporters are pro-jew

Who said that Paki? What are you babbling about Khaqim? Can you not read English properly? I bet you can fill in a whiplash claim form though, can't you Paki?

Yes, and dont forget that jew memes are just memes and hitler was wrong

If he wanted to glass the entire middle east we would be cheering.

You have absolutely no idea what is going on with Syria, and just came here for the memes of the election. Get the fuck out.

Shlomo is pissed off that we won't march off a cliff for him.

Point and laugh everyone!

>the strategic timber reserve appears

You probably have all sorts of opinions about the war and other topics but they really don't matter once they come into contact with that flag.

You mean like two weeks ago when we had to hold your hand and explain you step by step why Trump won and Bernie is shit candidate? It's productive for you when you suck our knowledge like an horny progressive.
