Are half of the people on here shills?
My God this Board is filled With CIA and Russian Shills
It was better as /mpol/. The horse pussy was the chemo that kept the shills away for a day
Maybe we don't want a war in Syria, retard.
Remember his "America First" speech? I supported that Trump. Not this one.
>Are half of the people on here shills?
Pic unrelated
>Are half of the people on here shills?
yes... its like that for quite some time now.
Fuck jewish wars. Stay out of Syria and shadilay.
>I love the slide threads so much I want the whole board to be one huge slide thread
we're all shills here m8
No shit, that's why I stay.
Let's me directly interface with them.
>blame Russia without evidence
>nobody believes you
>blame Russia more
This is why the world laughs at you faggots
>oy vey, the goyim are starting to turn on me!
Putin here, AMA
How did you hack the world so effectively?
There were over 30 what could be called organized shill teams operating here at once today
Well I only hire the best so I contracted the hacker known as Sup Forums
what is this image trying to say?
Can we keep feigning ignorance please?
Underestimation is half the reason we did it to begin with.
White Christian nation and Reformed Muslim leader are your enemies goys!
Putinist checking in.
Hey... That could work!
Well people saw that Sup Forums was influencing the world so naturally they try to convert it as their asset.
Don't blame them it was gonna happen sooner or later.
Redditors need to FUCKING LEAVE
>censoring Sup Forums
At your own peril. If there's one thing this place can do; it's making issues ubiquitous in culture, in response to limitations.
>filled With CIA Shills
>Russian Shills
>migrant rape
>a russian psyop
nice try achmed
now go back to your country
fuck off shill
>live monitoring fucking scroll wheel functionality
Y'all need to fix your shit, inelegant.
Its neither and both at the same time. It's literally just counter opposition and constant violations of the fucking rules in almost every thread on the front page.
There are 14 >TRUMP FUCKED US threads and just as many >KILL DA MOOSLIMS thread.
Now we are getting threads about people claiming to be controlled opposition or claiming other people are trolls.
The ocean of piss is about to cause a tidal wave and back wash against everyone.
And most of the shills have a red leaf in their flag.
Dear cia
Please give me a job
I dissed Assange in the other thread
P. S. I think Snowden is a doo doo head too
I'm a Shill and so is my wife
Slavs (Poles) get enriched here all the time, nothing to do with psy ops unless we're being manipulated by the Pole lobby.
You're hired.
First assignment-
Solve the Nork problem, once and for all.
Maybe it's unironically a really bad fucking idea to remove ANOTHER secular dictator from mudshit land. It's only been 6 fucking years since Libya (Arab Spring) and 14 since Iraq, and look how that turned out.
I remember when he was still the right's right-hand man.....before george soros got his hooks in him.
>Anyone who opposes Trump are shills! even if he did an unbelievably stupid thing this time!!!
like what
I could do it in a month, I'd have to get close to him though.
What's the end game of that anyway? If you depose there, what of the people?
I would actually say that most of the post on this board are now shills.
Like everything
this is why they can only legally reply and post to each other
his is why so many shit threads filled with the same comments
doing exactly the opposite of what was the base of his presidential campaign?
where the fuck have you been all day? under a rock?
Yes, with Mosad and CIA shills.
I have actually been informing myself instead of falling for fake fucking news, you shill
>Are half of the people on here shills?
Pic unrelated
It's the_donald. They're puckered onto Trumps ass and wont come up for air. They're nothing more than ventriloquist dummies parroting what Trump says and does, defending his every word and action.
aaah yes, that changes everything
just forget all that Tillerson said in the press conference
>b-but look at this Sputnik image!!!!1
you're the shill here
>he thinks Tillerson has ANY power whatsoever
Stop shilling
Things changed. He supports American interests.
They really hate it when you remind then that this attempt will fail, just like the last time...and the time before that
fuck off shill, Sup Forums has always ALWAYS been pro-assad
hahahaaaa it's so funny to watch your mental gymnastics trying to defend Trump even when he's bee ousted as just another neocon
I guess you're right, things changed. But some people don't like a president that does the exact opposite of what you voted him for.
If that works for you, i there's something wrong with you.
Are you reall from Urugay? You type like a literal shill.
We don't give a fuck about Trump, we are latinos. We have our own problems. US affairs are just comedy to us. Why are you so invested in this? Responde puto.
>He supports American interests.
The Funny thing about the story is, The 13y old girl lied about that she was kidnapped. Instead she had consentual Sex with 2 adult migrants.
There for ---> Russian Haxx Story
>i-ill just call him a shill one more time! how dares he contradict me!!!1
anyone who thinks white nations killing each other is a good thing should tell you want they are,
>he didn't even answered the question
En español puto. ¿Qué mierda te importa si Trump miente o no? It's all fake news as far as I now, like I already said. Pero si mintió tampoco estaría perdiendo mi tiempo hablando de ello en internet. ¿A quien le importa Trump?
By the way, you didn't even answered my question. Responde.
Do they still let you guys listen to real music?
the horse pussy was pretty good I admit
anyone saying we should attack Assad is a shill through and through
matate pibe, sos un cultista, insultan a tu meme presidente favorito porque se mandó terrible cagada y te ponés como una loquita
dejá de proyectar, bien que importa el tema para que te pases diciendole shill online a todo aquel que no esté de acuerdo
That's why this board is interesting.
>he still didn't answer the fucking question
¿Qué mierda te importa Trump puto? Déjate de trollear y arregla tu país. Eres una verguenza para todos los latinos que postean acá.
Stop shilling and fuck off, nothing has happened, and nothing will happen.
>Are half of the people on here shills?
No I always said I would support Trump even if he ate a baby on live TV, I said nothing about sucking McCains dick on Syria
And he can stop telling us how Obama and company broke laws because he wont have anyone locked up anyway. Becoming a giant pussy about it too. At least Hillary will never be a president and I get a SCOTUS I want, other than that he can go to hell
I'm not!
si no te importa para que estás acá?
claro que me importa la política internacional, también la nacional.
que carajo hacés en Sup Forums si no te importa la política?
sos un manojo de contradicciones pibe.
acá el que da vergüenza sos vos.
>Not wanting to attack Syria
Next you're going to tell me not liking Israel makes me a libtard?
most of the people on here are lurkers and don't actually post
Nunca he dicho que no me importa la política. Dije que ni a ti ni a mí nos importa realmente lo que haga Trump. Para de trollear.
Es un internacional que no tiene nada que ver con nosotros. Si él miente o no, si él es un neocon o no, si él es un agente comunista. NO NOS AFECTA EN NADA.
He is an outsider and he will always be an outsider to both of us. Stop pretending and acting like you actually live in the US and his doings have any effect on you. It doesn't.
Yo vengo a Sup Forums para conversar con gente que ve mas allá de lo superficial en las noticias. No para perder mi tiempo con shills como vos que se tragan todo lo que dice la televisión. Me importa una mierda si empieza la tercera Guerra mundial. Ni Chile ni Uruguay participarán en ella. Las políticas de Trump, el medio oriente, y Europa son solo un circo desde nuestro punto de vista. Deja de pretender que votaste por Trump. Stop shilling already and fuck off.
of course and now it's been expanded to fund non government operators abroad see picture related
Additionally, the Center strives to:
Enhance the capacities and empower third party, positive messengers, whether they are governments, NGOs or other entities.
Develop a global network of credible voices who can effectively counter violent extremist messages.
Use cutting edge technology and data analytics systems to better understand ISIL’s recruitment successes online and seek to address those causes with potential recruits to prevent radicalization.
Leverage the entirety of the U.S. Government to confront ISIL and other extremists in the information space and bring coordination and synchronization to those efforts.
Build a forward-looking entity within U.S. Government that is agile, innovative, and embraces technological advancement.
Yes actually.
yes, yes, not wanting to trigger WW3 is such le shill position guiz
>not wanting white people fighting each other over a desert shithole while muslims come over because we are fighting in their homelands is a shill move
>The horse pussy was the chemo that kept the shills away for a day
Damn right it was, good fap material too.
Tu teoría es que por ser latinos no podemos opinar de nada.
Mentalidad de esclavo.
Voy a seguir opinando de lo que se me cante la regalada gana y no podés hacer nada al respecto.
most are trolls and shitposters, then the shills for whatetever political agenda, then the various government related shills and then the insane people who should be kept on the watchlist
Shareblue AMA
Not half. ALL of the people on here are shills.
Shareblue AMA 2nd thread
Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, america is going to war again, I thought Trump was anti-war, fucking faggot
This is textbook trash talk:
If your opinion is this moronic. Then yeah, por favor nunca más digas tu puta opinión.
He hasn't done anything, he won't do anything.
Y mentalidad de esclavo o no, siempre serás un esclavo. No hay ninguna diferencia entre el uruguayo alfa y el beta. They are both powerless.
It's a Mixture of underage kiddies, ironic shitposters, and then a couple shills replying to each other.
Why do people say that /mlpol was a slide thread?
The catalog always had at least 7 to 8 political threads to like 10 to 12 pony threads.
If that's the price to keep Russia and Leddit away then so be it.
por que no te prendes fuego chileno pelotudo
We are. If The elections go left wing this year, we will become Argentina soon enough.
Welcome to the mantrain that Sup Forums has become
>I don't like your opinion! shut your mouth! you're a shill!
We went back to the start. Thanks for clarifying your posture about this. So much for free speech.
En cuanto a tu ataque a mi país, mostraste la hilacha, lo tuyo es personal conmigo o con mi país. No pienso caer en esa. Que tengas buenas noches.
>1 post by this ID
Do I need to say more?
oh god no
>we've reached an age when unicorn porn keeps liberals and shills away
Please can we PLEASE stop calling it kekistan!? I submit to you.. kektopia.
Oldshill here. Been shilling on the chan's since 2007, participating in most major ops during that time. Not sure why I shill to be honest. Maybe it's because I'm an autist? Also a veteran of the Meme Wars of 2016, during which I shilled on behalf of Donald J. Trump. Am currently preparing anti-Trump memes in anticipation of the Great Meme War of 2017. Will dump in 24 hours.
Okay, i think we can all agree the ridiculous amounts of threads covering the same topics is preventing meaningful discussion at the moment. With this in mind i would like to point out what is going on in regards to the story. Syria does not have a central bank, it has not bowed the knee, to the powers that be. This entire struggle we have watched layed out is a countinuance of the same old power play theyve been running for almost 20 years. The question isnt did assad really gas his own citizens. The question i have for you is are we going to keep letting them run the same playbook on the american people? its always our family that has to die in the wars, its always us that pays the cost of war. the common man. If we need to fight, so be it. But with all the turmoil and active parties trying to slam a wedge in any space the can fit it, i think our attention and resources should be focused on the homefront. your opinion doesnt need to be selected from a dichotomy. Think freely, use the platform to discuss with eachother solutions to these problems. Thats what made pol stimulating., through the shitposts and laughs we could talk about the real state of things, with no bullshit rhetoric. How quick everyones forgotten that the Bankers and privateers of money are the number one threat and enemy to the future of all free persons on this planet.Stop trying to do their fucking bidding. By wishing collapse at our hand to one of the last powers to resist the global cental banks, we will go down in history as the nation born of the desire for freedom, that went on to force the world to relinquish theirs.
I'm close to 33% of the posters here are bronies?
>the ones than don't blatantly post also count.
Complaining about shills is a shill tactic, don't fall for it
T_D shills have to go, fucking neocon warmongers
>Are half of the people on here shills?
Fuck I don't care who we fucking smash, just fucking wreck some shit. Syria, Iran, N Korea, fuck em. Trump is Chaos. Trump is God. We need a war and God Emperor needs to be a war time leader. Civil war in the US coming after we Crush syria / iran / N korea. Let's fucking do this.