Leader of the New Right, leaker of every major news story, based af, alpha, what's not to like?
Leader of the New Right, leaker of every major news story, based af, alpha, what's not to like?
why is he hated again?
small dick nazi shills hate him, normal socially adapted people seem mostly OK with him
What was the name of his book again?
Chimpanzee Ponzi scheme?
hey... my dick is fine.
did you actually read it? One of the best books on mindset ever written. Lots of actionable advice. Not for losers, though.
How do you feel when beastly ripped Arabs tear apart your precious virgin blondes? Does your little microdick get hard watching, Sven?
Can't remember the name of the book though. Was it Bonobo Brainstorm?
i know what to do, i am a nazi after all.
So funny. Remember that time Arabs cucked your weak ass country? ahahaha
There's literally nothing you can do except watch, faggot.
Maybe Gibbon Gestalt?
You've got nothing. Your women just like strong men, big brown cock, who can blame them?
Then it's Baboon Basics?
Maybe when Sweden collapses your Arab Masters will allow you to be a house slave, or maybe film your sister getting fucked by a train of Muslim beasts.
I should stop though, this is probably turning you on too much.
kek, youre killin me ausbro
Primate Psychology?
Chill out Burgerbro.
Remember to sage Reddit threads.
I forgot you can't say anything because superior Jews took away your free speech ahahahaha look at whitey squirm, go ahead, give me another title bitch.
Lemur Logic!
Hey Swisscuck finish this sentence -
The Holocaust was ____
Don't you dare answer wrong, it's against the law XD XD XD
America is more cucked
Go ahead, post "dank memes", fucking loser.
It's fun watching your country degrade, and seeing how powerless you are to do anything about it.
Donkey Kong Hermeneutics
Macaque Metaphysics
If you're an endangered white beta faggot, yeah XD XD XD
Cernovich is doing well. Good thing spencer fucked off.
Is this dank enough?
Ape Algebra
Do you mean Chimpanzee Cognition?
so edgy...I really identify as a burger, this hits hard XD XD XD
goyim are so fucking stupid it ceases to amaze me
There are spots in Sweden you can go to alleviate yourself of diversity entirely, while in America that is becoming more and more rare.
Dis nigga went cray cray aftah all da memes n sheit
Don't worry, America's Jewish and Muslim neighborhoods remain ethically pure.
Watching white America decline is like porn.
No, it was something like Spider Monkey Synopsis.
He is not right-wing
Rhesus Redemption
In a few years, Jews/POC will walk down the street and spit on white people and no one will care or be able to do anything about it lolololol
Capuchin Comprehension
Bigfoot Buddhism
>get angry Goy, the greatest civilization on Earth is not a complex and fragile system, all you have to do is become radicalized and start attacking the "enemy"
I think you mean Golden Monkey Groupthink.
Ya killin' it, son!
It still sounds wrong. Macaque Marketing is as close as it gets.
>it tasted of chemicals
I thought the guy was just an attention whore. But he got Susan Rice right, so maybe he's worth listening to. His faggotty persona and obsession with himself is still a turn off.
merchant memes are pretty funny, we know we're winning when our only criticism comes from powerless user cowards
>muh meme president
ahahahahahaaha, yes goyim, "your" president
Orangutan Outlook
He is right, listen to him and tune out the retard nazi-tier faggots like Spencer and TRS (obvious shills anyway)
I enjoyed how you were unable to asses my argument and instead resorted to your typical tactics.
I think we're done here.
Mandrill Machinations
But what about Lessons for Lar Gibbons?
Just remember who owns you when you wake up to an alarm to go to work tomorrow ahahahaha
Tamarin Temperament
I'm a college student.
All I do all day is look at asses in yoga pants and then go work out at the gym with my hot wife gf around all White people.
Cernovich droogs are cancer.
Not as good as Howler Headspace.
ahahaha yeah, Jews totally don't run the universities either. Totally owned bro!
Gelada Grounding
keep bumping white bitch
Yeah, a Jew owns my university.
He's a nice guy.
There are only White people here and everyone is taught to think critically and avoid liberal indoctrination.
Haven't met a single person who believes liberal bullshit here.
We're conservative.
Sasquatch sage Suppositions
Agile Gibbon Assertions
Proactive proboscis