Come here for the memes and actual political talk
Come here for the memes and actual political talk
Fuck off back to the_donald, 14 year old.
wew click so edgy
you white people are so cringy i cant believe you faggots would go to a chat client to talk about politics
you tell em brother
>Sup Forums
No such thing, fuck out of here.
you tell em!
seriously a fucking political discord?! does discord even allow political debates on their servers?
Yes, they are extremely pro-freedom of speech.
fpfppfpf you faggots and your freedumb of speech
freedom of speech is what got you into this mess! feminism would never have exited without it!!
Why is picture of cucklet?
No, we should talk to sand niggers like you
yeah like youre doing right now?
nice try guy but the cia doesnt need discord windows is already a keylogger
> don't piss off Jordan
The thread.
>using Windows 10/8
have a rare jordan ancapball
havent you heard even linux is compromised
Nice! Thanks my dude!
daily reminder your king is half white
have another!