Yet there are so many hapas that have contributed greatly to our society. Mixed-raced people, especially half-Asians/half-white, are very well integrated.
So I heard you guys disapprove of racemixing
I dont think anyone here hates hapas, but not gaving a people or a homeland us a disadvantage, and each people evolved separately physically and mentally for a specific environment over thousands of years. Homogenous societies are better by every metric, even if it is at the cost of a shawarma shop or a thai restaurant.
hapas are qt
How is this politics or news?
Please don't race mix.
Because of it, I don't know if I'm a cuck for not standing by hispanics, or a shitskin for simply being in america despite having a white mother.
Considering that the Alt-Reich is gaining a voice all of a sudden and even has a presence in the White House in the form of Steve Bannon, I think it's absolutely pertinent and necessary that we dispel with racism.
I don't really care about race mixing though. I just think if America wants a chance to survive, it needs to secure a Western European majority. Demographics mean everything. America won't be the same with a Chinese, Mexican, or African majority.
You topic doesn't pose a question or ask an opinion. You stated 2 facts and an opinion without inquiring for further information. This topic lacks substance and is akin to a troll thread meant to derail focus from the issues of politics and news.
Bait level: Low.
Race is the whole point.
Whatever good was left in Metallica died when James Hetfield stopped drinking.
Metallica only made one good album
Metallica sucks!
Hey kids do you wanna listen to thrash metal for 8 minutes? Me neither!
Most fucking overrated metal band of all time.
And that dipshit laws ulrich killed napster!!!
Burn in hell you black mother fucker!!!
The bass solo one is the only Metallica song I can tolerate.
High five?
>Y-yes g-goy, *cough*, I mean user, r-r-race mixing is o-okay with b-based hapas. White G-g-genocide? What's t-that?
Fuck off, kike. Eat shit and get pozzed by Syrian migrants.
bass solo take one
Too bad for you megadeth >>>>>> metallica
Is there anyone more hateable than civicuck nationalists?
You insufferable faggots will never understand how shit-tier your ideas are until you're living in the United States of Somalia.
Same boat.
Racemixing exacts it's toll on the product. People with no place. No space to call home.
>alt right
>presence in the White House in the form of Steve Bannon
>dispel with racism
Fucking nu/pol/ strikes again. Did you actually believe that crock of shit?
Get the fuck
every single drop of nonwhite blood needs to be purged from europe and america
Daily reminder that Dave Mustine wrote em all
possibly the most overrated guitarist ever.