wow steve bannon is more based than I excepted. I am glad he is trying to protect trump from (((certain))) influence.
Other urls found in this thread:
Bannon was the voice of reason.
Imagine that.
Early haiku post.
Heels dug into the magic,
I drift off, cradled.
>this board's culture
>implying we haven't all adopted bannon culture
the hand upon the rudder of the ship of state is Sup Forums
Bannon has always been /ourguy.
Get your head out your ass Trump and realize Kushner is a no good piece of trash.
Your daughters could have done a lot better
He's right
im surprised you didnt call him a kike. why?
leftypol shilling assad/bannon/"white people" articles like crazy, don't respond. Sage sage sage.
Bannon was the only good thing about this trump meme, if /ourguy/ is out I'm out too.
Instead of an angel and a demon, Trump has a kike whispering in one ear and a very (very) bad goy in the other.
The ultimate battle between Western Man and Subversive Kike is currently playing out in the mind of our dear leader. The result of this will be either securing the existence of our people, or ensuring domination of world Jewry
Who will win?
a fucking leaf
Barron if you're reading this tell your dad Kushners a pedo
delete this
Webb/Bannon 2020
It's time to meme Kikeshner out of the White House.
Bannon calling anyone a cuck.
Top Kek.
Bannon got put in the corner and that is where he will stay until he has a hissy and resigns.
Bannon was overmatched in DC.
>a grown man calling another grown man names behind his back
lol okay
Rush Limbaugh said "cuck" today on the radio.
what have you people done to this world
The jews always win dumbass
>i cannot believe how influential this board's culture has become
You're an idiot if you think Sup Forums accomplishes anything. Sup Forums is just a reflection of the disenfranchised of society.
It reads like a bad fan fiction page. The shilling is getting really thick... I wonder why?
Kushner is family. Bannon isn't going to win this fight.
If Mango Mussolini is smart, he'll listen to Kushner and work with the Dems to pass some progressive legislation. Maybe single payer health care like he said he wanted during the campaign.
Who here wants to see Jared gassed?
>Bannon got put in the corner
His position at the NSC was temporary to begin with, Jackass.
FUCK Jared kushner
So Kushner takes a "sometimes-politically incorrect" liberal stance (like Bill Maher) and Trump falls for this meme and lets him be his gatekeeper?! AND THE WHOLE TIME HE'S LEAKING SECRETS TO MMM AND ACCEPTING MONEY FROM SOROS!?
Lemme guess, Trump is one of those 1960 Mafioso faggots that thinks nothing is more important than family and if anyone insults your family it's time to go to war!? THAT'S HOW THIRD WORLD SHIT SKIN COUNTRIES BEHAVE
PRINCIPLES ARE MORE IMPORTANT THAN PEOPLE'S FEELINGS. What's the 5d chess move here Trump? Kushner's a cuck and he knows your strategies, was HE behind the leak on the ISIS raid earlier this year? If he's literally a sexual deviant cuckold, then why not?
If he is smart he will back O'Connells plan to remove the 60 vote threshold on legislation and make the dems even more irrelevant.
I am glad I am not a dem.
Such an impotent party.
I'm catholic. But there's no international Jewish conspiracy to do anything. That's paranoid as fuck.
My mechanic is a jew. Pretty sure he's not invited to Bilderberg meetings.
because with a name like "kushner" it would be redundant
Tell yourself what you have too.
His whisper campaign against Ryan and Priebus was hamhanded and amatuerish.
The only decision on Bannon is whether to feed him to the wolves at this point.
Bannon is learning.
If Kushner wins this war, Trump can kiss a second term goodbye.
Fuck Zeke Emanuel, in particular
i like how all the retards think bannon is out when hes not out at all
I pledge my allegiance to Banon not Trump.
Another thing to add to my rant, there isn't even a chance that Kushner is a Trump attempt to infiltrate the globalists because he's an actual sexual cuckold according to Bannon. There is a 0% chance that someone who gets off on their beautiful wife getting fucked would have the guts to be a double agent.
Kushner is literally a zionist, satanist freak.
This just shows you that this drunken wife beater uses Sup Forums and that's the source of half of the memes in his shoddy excuse for a newspaper.
What do you expect from an ex-gold farmer CEO though.
I love how he got BTFO by Trump and threatened to quit and had to be talked back into keeping the job by a money man. Bannon is literally a cuck to industry, just like every other shady faggot in politics.
no thanks, it's worst than the daily mail and breitbart
You fell for kike memes. Liberals attempt to invert the natural order and suppress the natural ability of men in favor of "oppressed" outgroups, that are oppressed only by their own inferiority and incompetence. Jews control liberal ideology through many things but especially political philosophy in academia and control of media (information) channels. Liberals will burn the west to the ground to prove how tolerant and definitely not racist they are.
Kushner is America's Littlefinger. He must be stopped.
This board didn't create and massively push both cuckold porn and bella and the bulldogs style subversive cuckold porn. Someone else did that
very fake news
This. Fuck Drumpf.Bannon was the only reason Trump could appeal to nationalists. Now hes just another globalist puppet
$0.02 deposited
>(((Someone else)))
Kushner must be stopped
sorry there is not more name calling
you're acutally an idiot.
Bannon will be fired soon by the looks of it
Trump is nepotistic asshole, will never fire Kushner
If Kushner is an actual sexual cuckold then maybe I've got a chance with Ivanka :^)
Bannon was already back in the NSC today, so I doubt it.
Bannon is literally Sup Forums. Watching him crash and burn is hilarious.
>tfw Kushners betrayal leads trump to acknowledge the jewish question
We can't let him have the nuclear codes.
I agree.
If Trump decides to go with a Kushner/Valerie Jarrett agenda (Jarrett is Kushner and Ivanka's lawyer), he can go fuck himself.
Trump + Kushner = A New Yorker celebrity version of Jeb!
And if that's what the GOP is selling, I don't want it.
If that's what the GOP is selling, I will gladly let the GOP go the way of the Whigs. And it will, btw.
This is very bad
Bannon is basically pol incarnate and is in the position to potentially change human history.
showing his powerlevel like a newfriend to Trump's son in law is not a good move. Weak ass checkers shit.
The next month will prove whether Bannon is truly gothams 9D chess reckoning or another shill tossed to the gutter at first convenience.
He will never dump him.
He is family.
Bannon had not even a chance against Kushner
That is a great way of putting it, he even looks like him.
Bannon was the last chance for humanity, the last stand against those fucking demons. All is lost, press F.
> altright
> believing thedailybeast
as far as im concerned bannon is a traitor who deserves execution. you do not insult trumps family.
Dumbass, this is Sup Forums, just a shit stain of the internet. Sup Forums is just another internet echochamber on par with trumblr. Thinking Sup Forums does anything remotely successful is just foolish. Even Tumblr is more organized than this. You'll eventually come to this realization when you grow up or have spent enough time on this board.
>a fucking leaf
Both Catholicism and Judaism operate a global network of tax exempt places of "worship" and they both answer only to their centralized masters.
Given every leak that has confirmed many worst case scenario theories, you'd have to be an idiot to not think that a global intelligence network posing as a religion wouldn't be able to push propaganda or an agenda.
Ask your mechanic if he goes to "temple" every week.
Ride the tiger.
Sorry Ahmed that's not how civilized society works
"civilized" is a liberal code word for "cucked". Bannon is nothing more than a liberal traitor.
Spoiler alert, the jews always win
so ban religion?
They put him in the corner and told him if you play nice you get to keep the title if not you get fed to the wolves.
The fight is over.
Bannon lost.
Fuck Bannon. This fat neckbearded piece of shit journo hack thinks he's better than a businessmen who is family to Trump. Bannon ran a newspaper (which is codeword for scum) and Kushner has experience with global business ventures. Bannon should be thrown onto the streets like the fat pedo he is.
you gonna put your life and liberty in the hands of a kike jewboi?
>mfw bannon knows
His time will come soon enough, Nigel.
Kushner isn't a cuck. He's a kike. He's the one doing the cucking.
Bannon doesn't understand this because he's a bluepilled slob and believes in "Judeo-Christian values" and doesn't understand the Jewish problem.
Why do the Jews always win?
Incel virgin.
You're going to put your life and liberty in the hands of a fascist zizek knockoff with a napoleon complex?
The kike will win because he understands the sides. Bannon thinks Jews are based, so he doesn't even recognize the enemy. It will be his downfall, like so many before him.
>he thinks anyone wants to be zizek
Jews win. Its over.
Love Bannon.
Bannon has dozens of business and hes worth something at least like $50 mil
fuck off shill
>tfw the globalists kill your friend
>tfw they take everything away from you
>tfw they send you into a violent spiral of deep depression and loathing
>tfw you find Sup Forums
>tfw you realize you're not alone
>tfw you decide to fight
>Jared Kushner isn't a cuck
Sorry bucko, that's where you are wrong.
>Bannon was overmatched in DC.
Fuck you. Bannon is fuckign awesome. He's gonna smash it. Kushner can fuck off.
What the fuck has the chooch Kushner done other than being born with a silver spoon is mouth and marrying Ivanka?
Bannon came up the hard way and made himself a millionaire. He succeeded in the Ivy League, on Wall Street, and in Hollywood -- bigly in every case. He is unquestionably a brilliant guy, and he intimately understands what's wrong with this country.
Kushner, on the other hand, has no such intimate knowledge, being a silver spoon kid, and Jewish royalty.
I don't hate Kushner. He seems likable enough, and he may be a smart kid - although even that's not clear - but what does he know about the blue collar types who were the winning margin for Trump in the rust belt? He knows bupkis.
And what, now he's going to bring on board the globalists at Goldman Sachs, and that's going to save Trump? Does Kushner understand Goldman Sachs better than Bannon, who actually *succeeded* on the Goldman Sachs killing fields? It is to laugh.
I can only pray that Trump's instincts continue to hold true. Maybe this is all a big nothing, or maybe he's trying to do a "team of rivals" thing with Kushner and Bannon a la Lincoln -- but that's a very dangerous game to play unless you're as wise as Lincoln. I give Trump credit for being very smart, but Lincoln he ain't.
Current mood: AGITA.
>Trusting a politician.
How stupid are you people?