Islam pol general!
We aim to teach that Islam is a religion of tolerance and peace.
Everybody is welcome to discuss Islam and our love for Allah (Praise be onto him)
Thanks guys! Peace and love to you!
Islam pol general!
eating some bacon right now and damn its good
can you still eat non halal foods in uk?
I'm in devon m8 so yes where I'm at you do not see this shit
happy to hear that man
eh better pakis than niggers
have fun with all the boats from africa
the sand called, they want their niggers back
no one knows the beauty of islam unless those who truly follow it. peace be upon you.
Fuck off christmas nigger
slide thread sage and paste some graphics for the brick
kys Mohammed
Oh boy, Christian general v2
ill teach you about islam.... Nothing but terrorists, all of them
It only takes one generation of NOT inbreeding to fix inbreeding you know. It's not /that/ big of a deal. Make consanguinous marriage illegal (and enforce that) and you'll eliminate the problem. It's not like muslim races are permanently scarred. Not that I'm any fan of muslims or Islam.
Oh my god. This.
My guy, his guy, and I were chatting about Libya and the topic turned to Islam. My guy's guy was a Muslim and the atmosphere of the conversation was perfect for me to redpill him on Mohammed raping a 9-year-old. He denied it of course and said I was bullshitting but then I presented him with the Wikipedia page of the girl and he got straight triggered.
My guy and I were laughing like hyenas as I had been BTFOing him repeatedly before this and he couldn't say shit. All he could say was "lel I COULD say something back but I don't wanna be mean."
t. Rasheed 12-fingers
Here's the Quick Rundown on Muhammad (pbuh)
>Arab Pagans bow down to Muhammad after they attack him but get conquered by him.
>Spreads word of one true God, Allah, or Elohim, the Abrahamic God.
>Is Completely illiterate, was an orphan for the early ages of his life, but became a decent person unlike the rest of the Meccans who were known to be shifty and deceiving.
>Doesn't say he's God, He isn't, he's a Messenger and Prophet, that came with the same message that Moses, Abraham, Jesus, Lot, Noah, and other glorious men of god came with.
>Was hated by the Pagan Arabs because he exposed them for who they were; Lying, Deceiving, Thieving Sissy Boy Crypto-Jews.
>Ancient Persian Zoroastrian Scriptures tell of a "Man who will arise from Arabia and who will destroy Persia for corrupting Zoroastrianism", pic related.
>Muhammad was known for his decency, and was probably selected by Allah.
>Upon receiving the revelation that he was the Messenger of Allah, he thought he was hallucinating and tried to kill himself but he was stopped.
>Muhammad is a peace to mankind that Humans should not worship, but was of the likes of Jesus, Lot, Noah, Abraham, Solomon, and Moses. Only difference is that he fought back against them, and his successors fought on when a Jew poisoned him.
the only peace they can tolerate is when everyone else is dead
>Was born on the day when the Abyssinians and Yemenites attempted to invade Mecca due to jealousy after they had built a church and someone pissed on it. The Abyssinians failed this invasion. They failed because God had sent down birds with "flaming rocks" to rain upon their soldiers.
>Never wrote the Quran, Uthman did that.
>Was white
(forgot pic from first post)
Islam confirmed as the devil's religion.