/esp/ España General - Recovering Edition

This thread is for the discussion of Spanish politics. TRY TO KEEP IT IN ENGLISH SO NON-SPANISH BROS CAN KEEP UP!
What do we do to save Spain? Portubros highly accepted.

Latest News:
>Concern regarding corruption in Spaniards increases by seven points.
>The PP wants to give the presidency back to Sánchez if the causes are filed.
>ETA will approach its dissolution once weapons are given.
>Espinar drinks Coca-Cola in the senate after asking to ban it in the senate.
>Rufián to the Catalonian antifraud ex-boss: "See you later, gangster, we'll meet in hell"


No beaners, sandniggers or protestant netherlands allowed.
>Catholic Netherlands

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first for arrimadas


Make girls great again.

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RIP in peperonis españa
it's too late

>No el OG alt-right

Why is Arrimadas so perfect? If she had blue eyes, she would be a S tier woman.

Make Italy Rome Again


how is that independentismo going there catalonia bro
is patriotism becoming a thing?

Awesome thread, makes me happy to see it here.

Based Poland.

Would you mind send a few qts our way?

We are in dire need for traditional wife material.

catalunya is kill
we're canada tier
i just want a good ole civil war

Pretty hard to see any Alt-right or right party in this country.

Women would never vote it. We would need a redpilled woman leader, and that is hard to get in this country.

They will want all the feminist stuff.

If we want a right party here we will need to adapt a lot of shit.

are you the poland bro of the original brainmeme thread?

They should update that pic with Mad Dog Mattis.
Arrimadas should become the supreme leader of Cuidadanos, and become falangists.

I don't think so, sorry :C

We can do what our politicians have been doing for decades; lie.

Dejame entrar manolo, sabes que quieres.

Sweden full green mode.

They are getting what they want for real.

I was exactly looking for this image. Thank you polandbro

he was pretty based, defended spain from germanbantz
but you look based too, poland is great ally

Well, look at Le Pen, feminist only repect other feminist.

my OC is popular, wew lad, nothing better than seeing your kid getting reposted

Thanks. Is there any hope for Spain? Civil war?

One day we'll be one again.

Reminder, if you get bullied by brits, post this

That's the best option.

Maybe the only one.

Way to cute to be prez. And she just married her indepe boyfriend. The guy was part of CiU.





Who do we side with in the incoming WW3? Russia or USA?

Let the anger out.
Stop the siesta.
Fiesta now.

When the EU falls. There is a really high chance of shit hitting the fan

Oh shid nigga

we are okay, we just need time to get people redpilled again since our problem is ideological and not an invasion
btw, do you know how are Computer Engeneering jobs over there? i would love to go to live to Poland, at least for a while

Neutral defend borders and take North Africa and bring them to Congo where you force martiage with Congolese.


Spain is not like France.

We don't have as many Africans here, people are not mad enough to vote for a real right wing party.

Women there accept that the Africans may be dangerous, here they love to date them.

sage KEK gtfo

>muh country is """""founded""""" on a war of genocide

Spain has literally been inhabited by Spaniards for 10s of thousands of years.
>muh arabs
>muh visigoths
>muh romans



From the ashes we into empire again

Cubano ijo de Españoles aqui.
Porque mierda tubieron que perder esa puta guerra.. la isla se a convertido en la Republica Dominicana 2.0

daaamn almost quints.



I'm planning to go to either Finland or Poland if Spain ever falls to communism or irreversible cuckoldry. I'm already learning Finnish, Polish will be next.

Memeing my OC

We must become neutral and boost our economy, Switzerland style.


off by 2, wew lad

How do you see the future of the island?

Will the Castros hold a lot?

Raul is about to pass out too I think, who's gonna take the dictatorship then?

i was going to post this right now
based Blas de Lezo


Cabronazo, aprende a escribir bien.

Civilization ain't free.

Cuando tu naval y ejercito tiene la misma tecnologia que en los años 1800 en el 1898, estas destinado a perder.

Yeah, I work in the industry. The computer industry here is groing fast, you should try it out!

I want to know the age of my fellow spaniards here.


My great grandady was in Cuba for long time he wanted to stay but his mother begged for him to return and take care of the family manor
he really hated the americans due to the mistreatment he saw of americans towards Cubans (we were the same shit so not bully)he worked to build the railways in cuba

It's a shame he died before the end of the war.


>Blas de Lezo is so based that he is forgotten in the past

I think Cuba would fall anyway.

So sad to see that promising land getting fucked like that.

26, divorced.

Wanna marry me? I dont have a job at this moment, so i can clean and cook.

22 tacos

Let GB get weak
Wait for war to end
Take back Gibraltar
Take back North Africa and Western Sahara
Call for South American brothers to raise in arms
Comunidad Comercial Latinoamericana
(protugal is invited)

>n-no homo

Take him to dinner first

Jeez I'm feeling old, so lads, what would you suggest to do in order to find traditional wife material in this commie-age we live in?


Taking North Africa is a bad idea.

We don't need that sandnigger shithole. If we get that we will need to keep it's people. Bad business.

I-it's too soon senpai.

Is Spanish humour better than the English?




We have to name some of our new destroyers Blas de Lezo.

plz, tell me about that Spanish based hero that is widely talked about

why dont we respect our based warriors!!

Computer Engineer
looking for le girlfriend :(

that was too desperate, you need to have a date first, as """friends"""

Ok i will take the advice.

It's lost my dude no hope I'm in contact with a few Cuban nationalist intellectuals here in Miami and the idea of some sort of division or geographical split in the island surfaces every now and then as a means to weed out the Marxist culture and sort of bring the white minority under a military type government since the blacks are majority communist either way, but there is no man power and the culture is irreversibly fucked. Cuba as a the remains of a Spanish colony is lost.

Sorry mostly English now, I try.

I guess

Cool story

>Blas de lezo destroyer
>Ends up single handledly beating the brits

>British """""""""""""""humour"""""""""""""

Have you praised mummy yet, gallegofriend?

No we don't, we bring them on train and send them to Congo in camps where we force marriages to them on Congolese to destroy them racially, we gift North African women to Congolese and we bind the North Africans to Congo then we claim North Africa for Spanish people.

is different, i love muchachada nui and
El Consultorio de Berto Romero is pretty good

Getting laid is not hard, but if you want gf material it's more complicated.

I think the key is make activities like trekking, survivalist stuff, hunting, where the girls will be totally redpilled.

I have a gf for 1 year and something, and my past relationship was for 4 years. Great and beautiful girls, and pretty redpilled. My actual one loves history and agrees with me in stuff like the entire WW2 and anti commie stuff.

But I've always been lucky with girls, knew her through friends and just talking as good pals.

If you want a gf you gotta be patient and not fall until you really know the person. Otherwise you can be totally fucked.

>Has a monarchy
>Catholic nation

You're cool in my book Spain!

It´s free hand labour. We could build giant solar plants and sell the energy to Central African countries.

We leave them in the Congo with families there.

Yeah It's not about having sex, that's kind of easy if you really want just that.

We have soaring divorce rates. That means there's high chance of fucking up..

People have to choose wisely.

tfw A Coruña has an sculpture of an English killing woman on the main square
tfw Vigo reenacts every year the expulsion of the French and people love it

i couldnt have born and live in two better cities

29 feel like an old fag. ..I'm happy to be せんぱい though.
I hope you're all training and getting ready




this guy gets it
I am galician-american with a gf who is into all of that, full 14/88 we live on a farm with a buncha commies tho in California

>tfw i will always miss gallegas y galicia
the morrina hurts so bad bros you have no idea
commiefornia is more like china than america these days
I go to the old Spanish missions and get baked and just feel for hours thinking of what could have been :c

Yeah but we don't have them residing in the same land that is to be Spanish, they work on work sites constructed abroad for pay and such goal is to legitimize and to Deroot them from North Africa by binding them elsewhere.


spain is trash. except for their digital art. everything else needs to get taken over my more immigrants.

Shut up Tyrone.

I'm going to bed niggas. Hopefully tomorrow there are more /esp/ threads, it's been really comfy and nice.
See ya

Does Spain still do Catholicism? Like if I were to go to Mass would the Church be empty?

Morocco sends u immigrants to the border if you dont pay them, destroy Morocco, no more immigrants en Ceuta y Melilla
all land is now weat, cereal, solar and nuclear plant
No one wants to come to Spain from South because they would die on the way, we dont buy energy to France anymore, electricity superpower

its not like we wouldnt kill every single moor

G-good night to you too user!

Leave the (((eu)))). You never needed it. Never wanted it. Like most. Get out join the revolution. Your neighbour's hate them. France. Portugal. So why stay? Without the control no doubt you would pick yourselves up and do well. It's your country. Control it.

Our monarchs are cucks and degenerates who lost us the empire after they sold the crown to napoleon and we gave it back to them drenched in heroes blood only for the king to kill those heroes,those are the ancestors of our kings and then we have them fucking with the transition to cleptocracy we live in now,and also they are fucking french not even a Spanish royal family