*walks up to you*

*walks up to you*
ay man, got a quarter?

Other urls found in this thread:



Sorry, Mr. Nigger.

I only pay using my Visa© Biometrics.

Great thread OP, thought provoking.

>That'll be $39.99 plus tip

What do, Sup Forums?

*walks up to you*
*starts sucking you're toes*


we have no quarters here m8

>those digits
Pretty strong. 20 cents is dumb though. You would need like 8 to make a dollar.

>plus tip

Not happening


Fucking nazi.

>american education

Sorry bud, just credit card.

time to bring them back, I say

This happened to me a week ago but he asked for a dollar.
Told him I don't carry cash and went off saying "if you dont want to help the poor just fucking say it dont lie"

*sucks teeth*
cmon man i know you gots a quarter

>no sorry

that's really what I would say though, call me a cuck idc

Damn dude are you crazy or just stupid? You'd need like 10 of them to make a buck cowabunga!

*turns 360 degrees and walk away*

>Spain gets it


Give him all that's in my wallet to avoid a potentially hostile situation that could potentially make the African-Caribbean-American-Egyptian race look bad

A quarter? No, but I do have a .45.

sorry all i got are a bunch of dollars, dimes n nickles.

>not giving him your bank account
What a nazi fuckface

What are you saying to me hermano I'm just a mexican latino boy I don't need trouble señorito nononono see I'm oppressed too

How the fuck is he gonna walk up on me if he is in jail?

Nah bruh

Here take my wallet doe

Nope, do you have a 3/5ths?



>being this new

It would be strange. I don't recall using 20 cent Euros. Americans would think they were quarters imo.

>not understanding the irony

>It would be strange.
having real money again indeed would be strange at first

>don't recall using 20 cent Euros. Americans would think they were quarters imo.
not really, as those would have real value


>not understanding the ironic misunderstanding of their ironic posts responding to your ironically literal interpretation of my sincere, non ironic post

The jokes on all of you. I can't do anything with fractions.

*stares at the black man*
*flashes teeth*

>do you know what a federal reserve note is

No one would answer that correctly except the kind of retard who would ask that question. It's the scrawny redhead telling jokes that were funny when you were 7.

People are all dumb on camera.

360 degrees makes you bump into him
jesus christ... what's happening to the world

>People are all dumb on camera

you are dumb even when cam's off

Say that to my global power projection, Ahmed.

And then I drop the aloee blacc song abiut do u have a dollar


You spin in a circle and moonwalk away

>ay man, got a quarter?

>I do my good man, but you need to get out there and work for your money. So I choose not to grant you this 25 cent boon.

>Now Good Day, sir! Good Day.

if you keep screaming your name, it forces the assailant to acknowledge you as a human

>ay man, got a quarter?
>uh, quarter?
>goddamn foreigners, slinks away

It always pays to know some Japanese.

newfags, I swear

there is always one

Nah nigga chill I only have an eighth, here, take it

no just incredibly shitfaced
I win
you BTFO
I love you


this unironically happened to me few days ago, in Turin
I was walking near my college eating a sandwich and as this nigger saw me he first told me I shouldn't be eating like that in public, then told me to give him some money. I told him I didn't have any and he just kinda walked off angrily.
I hate niggers.

The last time I got nigged -
>random nig downtown
"ay yo man you got a cig?"
"can i has one? i'll give you a quarter"
>give him cig
>nig fishes around in pockets
"ah shit i only have a nickel. is that alright?"
>whatever, dude
>walk away

How did I do, Sup Forums?

top kek forgot it's past midnight in kraut land

Give $40

My life become so much better when I stopped walking anywhere off campus at college. I'll drive down the street and I can count all the bums who I can just tell would come up and try and ask me for money. It's not even about race, it's like, "You're 49, I'm 22, and you're asking me for help? How are you this old and still not an adult?"

>Draws sword
"Nay villain, I will give you no quarter! En garde!"

Defend our island home

Sorry we don't have $40 bills in Old Caledonia.

Never been asked in the city, but on my campus if someone asks for a cigarette generally I'll provide and we'll chat for awhile

If I had plenty and I was already smoking I'd probably just say sure. Although when I was walking with my girlfriend once in NYC (as I had a cigarette in my mouth) someone asked for a cigarette on the side and I totally ignored them. Didn't even realize they had asked till I had walked past

A quarter of what?

Give forty $1 bills.

I wish I had cash to carry. Times be rough, ya heard.

>moonwalk away

Usually I stay and chat too, I've made good friends out drinking doing that. Stopped smoking for the military but smoking patios at bars always have the best conversations.

>be sophmore college student in NYC just got off a train
>about to leave subway platform while putting something away in my wallet for some reason
>lock eyes with KANG in distance as he sees me put away wallet
>I say to myself "fuck he saw me"
>kang finishes conversation with someone and Kang starts to walk toward me
>being a bit jaded since I've been in NYC almost 2 years now. I notice his hustler demeanor and know he's going to ask a broke college student for money
>"YO MY MAN, YOU LOOK LIKE YOU OWN DA PLACE!" he exclaims from 20 feet away
>I nod and he takes it as an invitation to conversate
>kang starts walking in front of me trying to show me around like he's a guide
>talks to me about some random bullshit, while giving me pet names like "PLAYA"
>I just nod with my head forward toward the exit

>right about to reach exit and 'inevitably'
>I reach into my pocket and pull out what amounts to 31-50 cents? and place it in his cupped out hands.
>As I say "k cya" kang looks at me with a disturbed look, almost ready to chimp out, but staying calm
>he still blurts out
>I get visibly angry and want to say something, but I know now, than to take the bait
>so I just keep walking and leave, still upset that he complained about not giving him anymore money, despite myself having nothing else to give
>low and behold kang goes about his hustling to someone else, without a shred of shame about harassing people

Life of a hustling kang I suppose. That's all I got. I wish it was juicer but I think he sensed I wasn't a sucker and didn't inquire further.

>wonder what he's going to do with 25 groszy but give him anyway
That's not even enough for the cheapest shittiest lollipop

Don't use cash and keep walking

Chicago college student here.

Same thing happens to me all the time. I don't even say anything to them anymore. I just keep walking. They presume you are one of those liberal white kids who thinks that "black people are so cool. I love rap music!"

I usually stoneface em and say "im good" but this dude was hyper aggressive. And we're in a public place with police around so nothing bad was gonna happen.

Kek you were lucky that nigger didnt start to chase you.

Kek approved