US Navy has two warships on alert in Eastern Med to strike in Syria if necessary, officials say

US Navy has two warships on alert in Eastern Med to strike in Syria if necessary, officials say

Other urls found in this thread:’s-air-strikes-hit-Russian-top-line-air-defense-missiles-sent-to-Syria-Hizballah


Here we go, Tonkin Gulf: Electric Boogaloo.

Trump really does want us all to die for Israel.

hurry up already
I want a happening that will shadow over every happening that's ever happened except the dinasaur extinction meteor happening

>a thread with no happening faggotry gets ignored

here's a bump op and thanks for that link

>US strikes Syrian military
>Kill Russian advisors and service men
>WW3 begins


This fucking sucks.

If Trump strikes the legitimate Syrian government he loses half his voters.

Yeah i agree, it's a win win for the democrats too.


>mfw it could all come down to some captians itchy trigger finger.

I need a fucking drink...

It is kinda exciting isn't it?

Video game might have corrupted my mind after all. This is real life

this is what's going to start it off. a russian service member will get hit and shits going to the fan. wish we'd just keep our fucking noses out of this one. this is just going to further destabilize the region.

>The proposed strike would involve launching Tomahawk cruise missiles to overwhelm Russian air defense systems used by the Syrian military. The Russian government currently helps maintain the air defense sites and advises the Syrian military.

>According to both U.S. military officials, the current proposal would likely result in Russian military deaths and mark a drastic escalation of U.S. force in Syria.

Wew lads, could this be the coming of the Happening?

Trump vs Assad Straw Poll
Vote Here:

if we attack syrian forces shit will hit the fan, even more so if a russian gets killed. hopefully trump realizes this and this is just some cock waving. who knows though, israel is demanding retaliation for the "chemical attacks". should just let them fucking handle it, but that'll never happen.

waiting for the news that will start the war: "US ships attacked by Syrian/Russian forces"

Latest updates guys. Not looking too good.

I imagine it will be something like this

USS Cole 2?



so how soon could a strike happen?

>90 Tomahawks

Jesus fucking Christ.

They know they can't use Cruise Missiles with all those S-300/400s, so they HAVE to take them out first of they want to use them.

Shit is going down.


>Jesus fucking Christ.

Times two. :^)






>Not looking too good.

pic unrelated


He loses everybody. The leftists who have been hunkering for this war will also go on to brand him a warmonger for it.

Wow, that really is unrelated.

How much you wanna bet Israel sinks them to get the war going?

Well if Hilary Clinton is for an attack, you know it's a bad move

>hey lets load up the entire ship with Tomahawks
>Syrian museum aircraft sinks 2 destroyer out of range of CIWS like sitting ducks

leaks are saying cruise missile strike planned tonight

air assets are the target

no airplanes only missiles.


Yes. It's all a trap to make it look like Assad is in the wrong. By the end of two weeks he will be totally vindicated and invading Turkey for us. Trump is the Jew now.

Ok for real if trump declares war on assad i am done supporting him. WHAT THE FUCK does assad have to gain by using "banned" weapons WHEN HE IS WINNING THE FUCKING WAR!


t. not a shill

how did trump get compromised?

I was a Trump supporter but this is going too far. First the failure to build a wall, and now this?

Slightly unrelated but somewhat related at the same time.

no clue

The plan is cruise missile attack tonight according to leaks. Will hit air assets incl russians?

i would say 'le why isnt the wall built 8 weeks into his presidency'

but i will agree with you on this syria shit, its the opposite of what he has promised the american people

>The plan is cruise missile attack tonight according to leaks

what leaks? Link my shit up family

I think he might actually do it....ima go dip into th xanax stash..

jesus christ, I hope not

this is why I wanted trump, we dont need a war with white people over shit skins

The plan is cruise missile strike with enough to overwhelm air defenses. Air assets to be target. Tonight.

That is the leaks but who knows if credible.

Fuck trump if it's true

Nigger. If Trump declares war on Assad then that's Russia too. You ain't going to be doing any supporting unless you have a fallout shelter nearby.

Why is Trump being quiet? This goes against all of his election promises and will bury his presidency and any chances of him getting reelected. It will also make him even more reviled than Bush and Clinton combined.

What the fuck is he thinking? He stands to gain nothing from this.

I agree with desu and i have been on the trump train since before reddit

Fuck me how can he fuck up so badly

>That is the leaks

need a source on these leaks, not saying you're wrong.

They are probably waiting for the Georgia and Flordia to show up.

I will have a breif 15min grace to shitpost before i get nuked

>Get this trending faggots:

he is but it was actually against us the whole time

Calm your tits. We'll bomb some shit for a day or two to send a message and that will be it.

We're not going to war with Russia over Syria. We killed a bunch of Russians in Korea and Nam. They didn't do shit.

Assad did nothing wrong, he is fighting al queda and ISIS and he IS WINNING WITHOUT US STEPPING IN AND FUCKING SHIT UP

Can't we just stay out of other countries shit? Besides, if he does this the Demmy's are basically guaranteed 2020.

He will alienate his base to appease his opponents, it's a bad move which is why i'm sure it's nothing but cockwaving, but cockwaving is also a mistake because it makes him look impotent the same way it made Obama look with "Le red line" bullshit.

>we'll just bomb some rando shit and hope to hell Putin bitches out
This is exactly why I voted AGAINST Hilary.

What if Putin already has plans for a counter attack?

They obviously do, all countries have emergency plans

We'll know for sure in a few days.

so assad can drop barrel bombs on playgrounds without protest, but if he drops chem weapons, oh man, he's crossed a line and must be stopped at all cost...

5 trillion dollars
10 year occupation
soldiers patrolling IED infested streets


the rumor is cruise missile attack tonight

>Jews try to sink navy ships as false flag
>Navy captains not briefed on their role as human sacrifices
>Shoot down Israeli jets
>America demands blood
>Trump invades Israel
10th dimensional chess

What time is it in america? and when tonight do you think or does it state when?

Americans have this silly notion of bringing democracy to god-forsaken shitholes in the desert. Just go total war mode and bomb them into oblivion, simple as that.

Dont toy with my dreams like that, man...

Syria Chemical Attack: Push For Ousting Bashar al-Assad

Syria Chemical Attack: Push For Ousting Bashar al-Assad

Syria Chemical Attack: Push For Ousting Bashar al-Assad

7pm EDT right now, I dunno Bongbro

>exactly why I voted AGAINST Hilary.

he could be it would be stupid of him to not condemn Assad when all of MSM is reporting that Assad gas his citizens, but doubtful


What is so bad about Assad anyway? Don't they get it that anyone who replaces him might be even worse?

Yep, and russian servicemen are in every Assads base.

مرسی اگاه اطلاعت خیلی خوب بود

But Israel already struck SAM positions before which had obviously been manned with Russians.

It's not going to be something new’s-air-strikes-hit-Russian-top-line-air-defense-missiles-sent-to-Syria-Hizballah

I guess only dumbass Syrians happened to be with the air defenses though, since they could obviously work it with their training.

Hopefully Trump doesn't attack, but dead russians aren't enough to start WW3.

ری اگاطلاع خلی ود

Good its time to blow Assad out of the water no matter what the russian think. Syria a people so old we should worship them is for syrians and not not baby killers.


Fuck off cuck, you should be drafted in the malmo ugandan sharia police

i don't get fox news where i am at.
is this the number 1 story? is it dominating the news cycle?


>implying tomahawks haven't been updated in the last 30 years of service to fly at treetop level and destroy whatever they are tasked to destroy
Stay uninformed.

I thought Trump was a Russian spy? Why does he want to invade Russias sole ally in the middle east if he's a Russian spy? Or maybe they are posturing because he really is a Russian spy and pretending to want to invade Syria makes him look less like a russian spy? Or maybe Putin is sick of supporting Assad and him and Trump have a secret deal to invade Israel? Maybe they're both antisemites who deny the holocaust?

If russia has any dignity left its aiding in the fight against ISIS but Assad, have you really no idea what he did?

Can you stop? I'm writing my masters thesis on Syria so can you keep off it with this shit until I'm done.

Has been for days in UK

>Maybe they're both antisemites who deny the holocaust?
>hearty Kek leaf

Only time will tell.
And remember, there are SAM operating russian soldiers with itchy fingers that don't want to die too. Shit can hit the fan very quickly.

I did my army tour, 3 years in the special alpine forces, surviving in the damn mountains and marching forever with crazy backpacks :D.

>US Navy has two warships on alert in Eastern Med to strike in Syria if necessary, officials say

Of course. A super power always keeps the ability to strike anywhere ready if necessary.

What did he did?

Boyscout camping is not military service you faggot

And what did he do, Ahmed?
Waving hos hands from cockpit of barrel bombing airplane?
Clean the shit out of your head.

It is for the guy who announced the war.

US, Turkey, Saudis, Jordan ready to roll tonight. France said no. UK is up in the air.

Mattis says some Russian causualties are accepted.


>Mattis says some Russian causualties are accepted.

Fucking hell it's really over isn't it