Child rapists gets ca 100500$ reimbursement for staying in prison for six instead of five years.
The court considers him non-rehabilitable, that's why they set him free (prison is for rehabilitation in Switzerland) and he has t be reimbursed for the time he stayed too long in prison.


Easy 8000$ per month, just go on a rape spree in Switzerland.

Other urls found in this thread:

vimentis.ch/d/publikation/338/Ausländerkriminalität in der S​chweiz .html

i honestly think your better than the swiss cucks, austria-bro.

I'd crash in a Swedish jail cell for a year or two for that.

>a saftiga chaft entscheidiju bekumm

I hate swiss

Preach to the choir.

Something about the way germs hating each others guts is popcorn gif to me

Swiss are not Germans.

lol no


False equivalency, it merely means he has to go to court again, not that he is free now.
Also we didn't give him 100000€ for raping that boy.

the sentence alone is ridiculous as 10 years old never can give consent

Fuck this country. Our politicians are letting in niggers en masse. Just today, I walked by a salaftist trying to hand out Qur'ans - like I did 2 weeks ago.

Let's face it, Swissbros. Our country is going down the multicultural drain with the rest.

and there goes my last hope in humanity

I was in Schaffhausen recently, I was shocked. And your girls racemix as hell too.

Purge when?
If you made an initiative for a "day of the rope", demanding all leftist traitor judges to get removed, would it work?

>and there goes my last hope in humanity



>tfw Russia will become the last bastion of white people in your lifetime

Yes, yes Swiss uh er bros you i mean we have to face that multiculturaism is the only way we're going. Nothing we can do. Nope. The country's obviously overrun by niggers and islamists it's anoda civil war.

It's only a matter of time until prosperity indicators like HDI or GDI per capita here decline to mid tier and eventually third world tier levels judging by the direction this country is going.
I see coalburners almost on a regular basis nowadays. Also, go to any train station of any city here and you'll see economic nigger rapefugees pissing away tax money with alcohol and cigarettes.
0% chance.
We recently had an initiative for easier deportation of foreign criminals. Got turned down by a landslide.
All jokes aside, do you think this country has a great future?

I dont give a Fuck
I'm gonna hijack your fucking thread

Swiss are master race
Armed to the fucking teeth
Low gun crime
true neutral neutral
Their banks are stacked) nothing to do with African dictator sheckels I'm sure)
And only one of two countries in Europe that wasn't occupied in WWII (the other one is pols favourite leftist shit hole!)

swiss are for a reason called mountain jews


There is always based Poland. It's the better Russia because less AIDS and abortions are illegal.


It's like getting too many vaccines at once.
If we can make it through the autism we'll eventually get rid of the disease.
If you think filthy urbanites and germanic cucks can put a dent in swiss laws or culture think again and think harder.

Also checked you satanic fucking shill. No swiss citizen would ever say fuck this country.

Yeah we fucked up, dude should have gone to the alpine labor camp and dissappear there. Whoopsie.

Fucking these med pack degenerates.

>I see coalburners almost on a regular basis nowadays. Also, go to any train station of any city here and you'll see economic nigger rapefugees pissing away tax money with alcohol and cigarettes.

Hi Satan - when I switched on TV was a case where a blonde Swiss woman complained about massive domestic abuse, having bruises everywhere, I just wondered whether she married a Muzzie or what - and bingo, an African

Feeling is mutual, cheap Mexico.

Theres barely any black people in all of switzerland. Stop being dramatic

There are barely any in Austria as well, but it's the distribution that matters more than the total number.
Neither in Switzerland nor here you can sustain on a good job in a mountain village in bumfuck nowhere, you have to go to the cities.
Which are crawling with niggers.

yet they are massive in the crime stats

vimentis.ch/d/publikation/338/Ausländerkriminalität in der S​chweiz .html

Mostly Geneva and Basel for obvious geographic reasons.
What's more worrying is the EU bribed politicians accepting the human garbage you fish out of the Mediterranean and settling them in the rural areas.

Are you fucking dumb?
-At least in our newspapers if a mudslime or nigger rapes or loots they call it as it is.
-Rightwing party by far strongest force in parliement
-strong gunlobby
-just saw cops fuck up niggers twice today in Basel. Feels good man
-ofc there are immigrants in Switzerland. But compared to any other country in the EU at least we have them under control.

Most of the country is leaning right. Except for cuckpital Bern.
Lost beyond belief.
Scheiss Ritschuel

>Most of the country is leaning right
Isn't SVP the "literally Hitler" party? Why are they polling at less than 20% if most people support them?

>fuck this country
Stop being a faggot and never say that again.

>bribed politicians
no need to bribe leftists into doing that

>Are you fucking dumb?
no, you are with your irrelevant fantasies, there are hate campaigns against the SVP everywhere



Its the same shit as with trumps campaign.
In the big cities you have tons of little shit kids with rich parents. Who go on the steeets to protest god knows what. Albeit most of them cant even vote.
All the people from rural areas dont care about the shit and dont participate in polls.
Thats why SVP initiatives often turn out better than expected.
And thats also why they are the majority in the parliament

Well duh. The svp literally hate any non swiss. Any 25% + of switzerland are foreigneners.

Fact is that no ethnic minority in europe lives in schweiz..

Alter wie kannstdu dich selber noch ernst nehmen. Fühlst du dich besser wenn du dir einredest, dass es noch andere Länder gibt die sich so dermassen selbst am vernichten sind wie ihr?
Hoffe du hast dein Arschloch schon schön vorgedehnt für die nächste Million Araber. Sie wollen alle von euch versorgt werden. Abduls Schwanz lutscht sich nicht von allein.

It's not the leftfucks i'm talking about, we all know they are clinically insane. It's the 'middle parties' who tow their line. I'm pretty sure they get bribed, because it's certainly not a vote winner.
More like 30-25 % and stable. It's the socialists who never breach the 20% marker.
That said there's not just the 'literal hitler party', we got the 'almost hitler' party which, apart from the EU stuff, brings the right wing to about 50% of the votes.

>The svp literally hate any non swiss.
BS, conservative "new Swiss" vote for them

> hate non swiss
Wrong. They hate criminals and rapists which happen to all be foreign. You can behave and assimilate and you'll have no problem with any of them.

Bin kein Deutscher, falls du das meinst, ich war oft genug in der Schweiz, langsam aber sicher verwandelt ihr eure Städte genauso in Dreckslöcher wie Deutschland und Frankreich es bereits tun. Du hast alberne Fantasien eines Almöhis wenn du denkst Schweizer leben in einer Insel der Glückseeligkeit.

You telling me the svp dont like non whites? Really?

*like non whites

>It's not the leftfucks i'm talking about, we all know they are clinically insane. It's the 'middle parties' who tow their line. I'm pretty sure they get bribed, because it's certainly not a vote winner.
middle = left
liberal = proto-communist

They are winning the vote with exactly that agenda, some Catholic farmers in the Alps voting SVP won't change that. Just look inside any university, you're going the way of your northern and eastern cousins.

Only the assimilated ones. Not the svp's fault if you can count all of them with one hand.

You sure about that, Ivan?

The svp are like white supremacists man.

Not that i give a shit. Its your country not mine. Lets be real tho. Some of the posters they put out are stuff hitler would love

>implying Hitler was bad
He should have stopped after annexing Poland though. They want to be Germans anyways.


Why are these countries with the Cross in their flags are very loving to criminals. Sweden, Austria, etc.

Danzig is German though.

I'm a little drunk, but

>a saftiga chaft entscheidiju bekumm

Alter ich sterbe

The whole continent is turning far right when your problems are starting though... We started hearing whispers about multiculturalism all the way back in the 50s. You're going to come out of this just fine, unlike us.

less than Vienna

Sweden is doomed


Austria has a bacon strip as a flag, to repel Muslims. Not a cross.