Gas the kikes race war now
ITT prove you aren't r_thedonald
Other urls found in this thread:
If Donald doesn't start building the wall I'm not voting for a second term
all niggers and jews must be removed
((((Trump)))) loves jews more than his wife.
I dont know how reddit works.
I'm an AnCap but low key I'll be on board when the reich comes.
Look at this based black guy!
I predict the runner ups being neo-cons and lolbertarians thus forcing me to vote for Donald.
What is Sup Forums's beef with r/the_donald?
I'm not a redditor - just a newfag, and I don't get why you two wouldn't like each other. Please don't call me a shill/kike/cuck/ledditor. I'd like an actual explanation.
a black conservative, fucking based!
I'm not afraid of animated horses and I know how to sage meaningless posts.
T_D is an echochamber for edgy kids who like a fucktard politician because he has no filter and uses easy words
g-g-gas the k-k
Goodbye Jews.
There is literally nothing wrong with supporting international Jewry.
Trump generals need to die.
>Implying t_d won't help us in any war scenario
Israel are based conservative Jews. It's only the leftist globalist jews that are bad.
He said prove you're not redditprick faggot.
Gas the muslims, Syrian war now
I'm a civic nationalist. Does that make me reddit AF?
Trump is a Zionist kike shill.
I dont call people who arent trump dickriders ''shills''
I don't know if you're a cuck or a kike. All I know is you're going in the fucking oven
Yes. Ethno Nationalism is the only confines of reality. I respect all cultures, they just need their own land like we do too.
/mlpol/ was the best thing to happen to this board since election night
You morons realize that a Jew is behind this post and is just larpong to divide the movement right? Fags need to wake up and see the Jew for what he is. And he is behind this post morons.
there is ur explanation
On the board where if you don't agree with the majority opinion you're called a shill/JIDF/redditor/baiter
>edgy kids
on the board that shitposts nazis for the lulz and thinks saying nigger and kike on every post is super hardcore
>no filter
See above point.
>easy words
Like shill and cuck instead of engaging in any rational argument?
I'm laffin' hun
ArtAdmirer is a pedo
r/The_donald mods need to be gassed
>I'm not a redditor guise I swear
fuck off reddit
>Please don't call me a shill/kike/cuck/ledditor.
You must be ne- never mind.
Pretty sure the preliminary design were going in this week or the next.
Ask your Muslim overlords if it's okay to use naughty language after bedtime britfag.
>are we boining?
>is he setting the fiya?
>ohp! We're boining!
>how can he be boining us?
>this is outrageous
>it's anti-semetism is what it is
>my grandparents were boined!
>how can he be boining us?
No such thing as a good jew, I don't use the term based, no black people individually are "good", and I dislike the fact Trump is so close to the jews and I won't vote for a second term if Trump doesn't follow through with his promises.
I tried to be civil. I tried to respect you all. But. NO. MORE.
Churchill was a fucking traitorous warmongering jew puppet.
Reddit tends to be overwhelmingly liberal and r/the_Donald has several liberal similarities.
Trump is le god emperor! He can do nothing wrong! Some kikes are good kikes cause The Don likes them!
This post absolutely stinks of reddshit. Go back to the fucking Donald you dog blowing retarded niggerjew.
This so much!! MAGA praise the GOD EMPEROR praise KEK!
If you defend the_donald, you belong with these people, if you can actually see the image and keep your sanity then you should go back
In the military I was forced to work in a very diverse work environment. Due to that I am a racist, in that I believe there are differences between the races. I am an ethnic nationalist, in that I believe a homogeneous country is the most stable and happy. A happy and stable country is a productive one. I believe Islam is at war with the west, and the west should be at war with Islam. In addition to racial homogeny you also need cultural homogeny. Islam is a culture, a codified law system, an education system through madrasa, it is a state unto itself, and it is incompatible with any nation other than the caliphate. Islam is an existential threat to all peoples of the world. We need to burn them all. Send the niggers back to their hell continent of their own making. Gas any Jew who doesn't leave back to isreal. Nobody will go along with this. It requires a race war. Kill em all
I shared a pro-Trump post once during the election there and got banned because it wasn't pro-Trump enough.
This is why I haven't left image boards in 14 years. Also, their website is incomprehensible.
Your post is a false flag slide. You're the shill who is obviously from plebbit you shitskin cuck
Lurk moar you piece of shit.
Prototype proposals are being presented very soon or it is occurring now.
I only want Trump for the wall and refugee ban. Let Assad die and cull the ranks of the retarded subhumans in the US army.
Donald trump is cuck tier
Women's rights and gay rights should be removed.
They think differently. They are too passive. We have years old board culture that they don't respect. Instead of lurking they just shitpost. This shitposting keeps shill threads from 404 and oldfags have basically left the site because of it. They are cancer.
Sieg Heil, 1488 the only answer for our people to prosper and find peace is for us to have an ethnostate
Global warming is real and absolutely will decimate the human population of Earth, but it's a good thing.
>tumblr filename
>false flag
I personally dislike how they ram old jokes into the ground. They spam ancient jokes that stopped being funny a year ago and they're just not very clever.
>And they pretend they aren't terminal cancer.
Fucking nigger immigrant goat fuckers ruined my city, now fucking reddicuck memelord fedora shit stain immigrants are going to ruin this board.
why don't you critique actual specific posts instead of your nebulous and inaccurate idea of Sup Forums as a whole, no wait then libfags and shills just get btfo lmao
Fuck you, you stinking twat.
don't believe /pol, before the elections they blamed payed hilary shills for raiding the board now they call the same newfags like you as r/the_donald, soon you will notice that this board is like insanity asylum.
sikhs are bro-tier xd
You admit your a newfags, but call me out as a redditshill?
You are vandalising this board with you uncontrolled faggotry.
>Data-mining Thread
I love how the left panned that op-ed as much as the right did.
I'm a Catholic NatSoc. The Jews are the Christ Killers and are the root of every problem in society.
Hopefully the kikes that have subverted the Church are ousted and a good Pope (Pope Benedict was probably the only good pope post Vatican II).
Also gas the JIDF, age old enemy of /new/ and Sup Forums.
Pay denbts, greasy tranny cockgobbler.
ayo muhammed stop fantasizing cocks it's haram
Bless you
I miss /mlpol/
Your cuntry so insignificant and denbt ridden even the mohamedians can't be arsed to invade you.
>Greasy C U C KGreasy C U C K