Why is Quebec still stuck with Canada leeching on him ?

Just fuck off already stop rigging our shit and lets us leave.

Language =/=

just fuck off Canada you are poor we are the master race (literally)

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>Why is Quebec still stuck with Canada leeching on him

Kek, someone post the equalization payments to Quebec, I'm too lazy. The only poor ones are us on the East Coast because we're stuck with having a bunch of frogs in the way taking all the dough.

no, Soviet Language is master race, son of bitch

The stupid frogs had two opportunities in recent history to leave Canada and they voted against it both times.

Without Canada, they'll stop getting their free gibs from the rest of the country.

Classic French

Let them separate so they can come crawling back after economic collapse.

It's virtually impossible now due to the Clarity Act. Unless the population of Quebec explodes by another 10+ million and every single seat is won by the Bloc Quebecois, they'll never separate.

you can't understand because you are a fucking nazi, Stalin is best, evidence :

Actually, a seperation might be good, as it will
severely cripple the Liberal party. The rest of Canada gets a more conservative government, while Quebec, with their weedman, will look more like Paris every day.

>bait thread
>not even a single digit
>but "muh independance bruh"
>being from quebec
really, it saddens me to see that even among the french speaker there is truly this division thus we remains the same...
but think about it one second.
even if canada is truly a leftist cess-pool, we can all agree that they are proud of their white diversity.
all i can say my dear is to stop with this maymay full of proselytism.

oh, you remain a canadian shitposter, you dumbfuck.
be proud of your soil.

what does quebec even contribute to the rest of canada, beaver pelts?

they contribute nothing as part of the nation.
you should think of enslaving for money.

The actual French speakers voted for it.
It was Anglos and shitskins that caused it to fail by 1%.

Maple syrup, poutine, GSP, a shit load of PMs, the flag, the anthem and moar.
Fucking retard

tfw Canada riggs the second referendum to make us stay and then complains when we wanna gtfo cause this isnt our country and want to live like we should. I would rather be the 51th state than being stuck with those left faggs. D.J Trump > Trou d'eau

lots of Electricity because fuck american companies we took that shit back in the 60s.
75% of the worlds maple syrup. (not that fucking corn shit that amerifats eat)

Useless political leaders that always end up shitting more on Québec even if they are from here

Trudeau sr.
Trudeau again

oh and pretty decent hockey players

>replying with a load of bullshit
truly canadians, you are the lowest of the low.
especially you quebec.

> chernobyl
> stalin
> insulting anyone elses intelligence

shut the fuck up mohammed

I know.
But le eternal anglo likes to believe his stories.

D-do you think that Americans eat corn syrup? Like, use it as though it's maple syrup?
Because if you do you are fucking retarded m8

Yeah w/e send me a swiss knife.

>what is a unilateral declaration of independence as Canada collapses under the weight of immigration

US maple syrup can't compare.
It's all about that weather

A little FLQ would be needed in this time of need. The saracen are flooding our holy land and we need to get up and defend our land culture etc. DEUS VULT

Misery loves company. We ain't ever going to let you leave, friend. You're stuck here forever.

Hi, or excuse me, Bonjour.
Albertan here. Mind paying us back all that money? I mean, what with you being the master race and all..

>Quebec is immigrant free

And then what will you do without your frogbux?

You're talking about the kind of syrup you siphon out of a moose's cock every morning arent you

> French speakers
> implying speaking the French equivalent of ebonics makes it French

Take your Quebecois dumpster shit and get out of the country then. Go back to France if you don't want to be part of Canada, chuckle fuck.

Oh wait...France doesn't want you either.

I say we just collapse and both rename.
easy, we got just the PM for that

>Quebec is literally forced by the Act of Union to fund the construction of the west
>the west is a leech for most of history
>Alberta strikes oil

Albertans are scum. But then again, you're all recent immigrants so of course you don't know your history or care about anything more than your wallet

Every french faggot I met was a filthy socialist. Lazy fuckers, who make nothing of value.

See, the whole moose thing belongs to the anglos.
We say caribou.
Wrong again le 50 something%

Why would Quebec vote to seperate when they leech so much.

Take the gibs and then when canada collapses then seperate

Cut the budget by like the 2% that is funded by transfer payments, or just tell the bankers to fuck off like Argentina or Iceland and have a massive budget surplus

I shit you not the majority of these people have some sort of twisted and deluded superiority complex, even after losing all of New France they're entitled as ever.

You even mention of battle on the Plains of Abraham and the first thing they'll say is "IT WASN'T A FAIR BATTLE!"

You lost, now deal with the consequences of being apart of a conglomerated group of provinces.

Deal with the consequences of not doing the job proprely.

This is the shittiest "argument" ever. It just shows that you have nothing. But hey, at least it shows that you know at least a single event in the history of this country

Remember when the West turned off the taps of oil and natural gas flowing back to the East during Tru-don't Sr? I do.

It was glorious watching you guys squirm under the pressure of the winter. You realized you can't fuck with us because we hold natural resources you require to stay alive during our winters. All it took was a small political move by oil tycoons to send a message to the Federal government that your shit won't be taken lightly.

Tru-don't Jr, aka Ski instructor, will see similar backlash if he continues to harm the country's primary income.

>be on welfare
>no job
>why am I part of this government anyways I don't need this government I wish they would just let me leave
>cashes EI cheque

>implying it was an unconditional surrender and that we weren't guaranteed certain rights

We didn't want purposes, we wanted citizens. Guess it was too much to expect you guys to be grateful for having your lives spared as well as your land.

You literally lost all of New France, how is that not an argument?

Implying warfare is not based on deception

Good thing we have electric heating systems now :^)


I live in a province that was taken by conquest from you frogs. Know what your kind did? They sucked up their defeat and left like men.


Got you senpai.

You're literally giving away whole sections of your country to foreigner settlers right now

>guarantee certain rights in the articles of capitulation
>respect those rights

Clever there, Kevin

The hypocrisy in your "electric systems" is showing.

You know how harmful to the environment strip mining is? All those precious metals you need to create all those batteries, solar panels, etc.

As bad or worse than horizontal drilling.

Stupid frog, you need to stop virtue signaling and open your eyes.

Canada also had a civil war with Quebec as well.

I live in a province sitting at 97% white. I'm not doing anything.


To neighbouring Acadia.

And you guys are the losers today. Anglos are the biggest racemixers and cucks in the whole country, and a big part of your population actively supports its own displacement and submission. You only hate on French people out of jealousy to our success and a desire to live in a time when you actually could've wielded the hall-monitor-like power you LARP as having

Quebec is a financial vampire that leeches off the rest of Canada, they could never survive on their own and they know this so it makes them bitter

at least they arent cucked though

>And you guys are the losers today.

Yeah bud, whatever you say. Us and you have seemingly only culture left in this shithole country. I don't even hate you guys, I just hate the constant bitching and moaning.

> pierre trudeau
> justin trudeau

>implying electrical heating uses batteries

You literally use the electricity to create heat directly instead of using gas. It's hydro direct to heat, very green.

>they could never survive on their own and they know this so it makes them bitter

This is like the signature of a rebelmedia cuck who's never been to Quebec

>come into thread and bitch and moan about French people
>I just hate the constant bitching and moaning

Those in glass houses...

Albertan here, lived in Quebec for 4 years. Ok place, they do something's right but they're all fucking brainwashed that big bad Canada is preventing them from greatness. The red pill is, if QC was so great, they would be, but they aren't and it's all on them. Canadians help them out, but they fuck everything up. You don't need to seperate to start being great, just be great and the West will join you. News flash, everyone hates Ontario. focus on uniting that hatred and good things will come of it.

I'm pretty sure you mean reindeer, not moose.

A lot of us have been to Quebec. Quebec City and Montreal are filled to the brim with Chinks, Niggers and Hajis.

There is no way you'd be able to financially support yourselves considering you can't do it now.

>you're not allowed to complain about our groundless bitching and moaning!

Watch me.

A few weeks ago I was at the grocery store and this 6"5 guy kept taunting this muslim guy by telling him how pretty his veiled gf was with the cashier and me trying to hide our smiles.
Made me appreciate Quebec a little more.

>having the muslim understanding of nationality

You're right.
Though you're wrong.
Here we say Orignal for moose.

stop rage, Stalin master race, 0% IMMIGRATION

weak bait t b h

seperatism isnt a thing anymore, only deluded old SSJB retards and stupid kids who dont know jack about squat want it

les separatisses sont yenk une minorite vocale, personne n'ent veut apart les politiciens qui sont, dailleurs, tous des imbeciles corrompus au boutte

la vie continue les boys, s'allez toujours recevoir vos cheques de BS

Just Montreal is, but it's ok because Montreal is an island so it's strategically in our favour if things break down.

>There is no way you'd be able to financially support yourselves considering you can't do it now.

Ah, another rebelmedia cuck. Do you know that we actually have a budget surplus?

Sorry kid, I ain't buying it. You're clearly confused.

where were you living? we are not all like that

Je dirais que le vote passerait aujourd'hui si ca ne serait pas de la division en lien avec la vision du Quebec souverain. Je ne suis pas vieux et je connais beaucoup de pro separations.
Mourealah dmarde.

A Caribou is a Reindeer right?



>Just Montreal is, but it's ok because Montreal is an island so it's strategically in our favour if things break down.

Yeah because the first thing that comes to mind when I think of Montreal are roaming bands of white nationalists who would gun down and slaughter shitskins on a whim.

>Do you know that we actually have a budget surplus?

Then stop raking in our billions you literal leech. Probably spending it all on camo pants for your cops.

It makes them more intimidating.
That's the point look at those boots, hello.

Tfw i can read french :)

Woah, so SCARY.

You're literally Sharia 1.0

Trudeau loves sandniggers because he is one. You are all sandniggers.


nice try franc cuck

Ok for the record that is in montreal.
I assume.

I actually don't mind the police doing that since it's a unique thing that no other police in the world do. Only Anglos seem to hate it for some reason.

>Then stop raking in our billions you literal leech. Probably spending it all on camo pants for your cops.

>stay part of our country!
>b-but don't you dare take all the gibs you can while it lasts

If your queen can beat me in a fistfight, she can have this country

everyone gets one

lmao in north america Québecois are by far the biggest concentration of aryan blood

So what do you think of the budget fellow Newfie?

Surely the mark of a great province and city is one that would waste taxpayer dollars on Bart Simpson camo pants.

>for some reason

You do realize that people have gotten out of tickets and arrests for claiming they don't look like cops? Because they don't look like cops.

It's unprofessional and looks retarded. But of course you have to be different.

Can Quebekikes be any more delusional? You are exactly what is WRONG with Canada. We are stuck with you, not the other way around.

What sort of fist fight? ;)


Close b'y

Would you fuck around with a dude with a gun and bart simpson camo pants^
Right. Just look how he is holding it in stand by

The only quality quebec has is being racist. All the french stuff is fucking pathetic though

Hell no, I'd assume he's a crazy man pretending to be a police officer.

p'tete que oui p'tete que non

me souviens pas d'avoir vu bcp d'enthousiasme pour le souverainisme lors que le PQ etait au pouvoir dernierement, pis nos politiciens de chez nous sont tellement tous fuckes quon a autres choses a sen plaindre

jai de largent dans la banque, une bonne job, mon propre apart, pis dla biere dans le frigo, la vie est belle, quoi

Caribou was only mentioned once in your link, it said that they're better swimmers. So you just proved yourself wrong.

Good. Behave.

Yeah, I mean you see people walking around in bulletproof vests that say POLICE on them all the time

>Britcuckistan can make even fist fights seem gay

Ok well ask any quebecker if they say
élan or orignal.
Not the retarded city folks with weird ear piecings.

Ca prend du charisme.
Criss as tu vu les patates toe

You can buy police vests on ebay. Then all you need is a red baseball cap and whatever camo pants you want.

Bam, you're now a Montreal cop. Doesn't it even bother you slightly that your departments actually own these camos? Why? For what reason do you need Urban pink camo?

Why not have your police officers actually look like police officers so you don't have so many thrown out tickets in court?

you know why theyre doing that, right

govt fucked them over with their pensions and cos theyre an essential service they cant strike so theyre doing it as a form of protest

im not super thrilled our cops look like edgy retards but theyre doing it for a reason

You can also buy blue pants on ebay.
What is your point exactly ?