hahaha, all the pro-war Amerifat posters fucking devestated. The public all across the world are awake to this bullshit. not falling for another fucking war like Iraq you murderous pieces of KIKE-controlled shit
Other urls found in this thread:
God bless our ability to meme
>all the pro-war Amerifat posters
This doesn't seem to be the case around here. If people on Sup Forums were pro-war they would have voted Clinton...
I was a Trump supporter but this is going too far. First the failure to build a wall, and now this?
How did that happen?
>Get this trending faggots:
The meme that saved the world
I have had shill Kike american flag posters saying "we're going in! try and stop us! hahahahah" *eats burger*. hope these people fucking die
fuck off shareblue
We're doing it Sup Forums
fuck off shill
It's pretty clear to me too. Going into Syria is the exact same bullshit as when Bush went into Iraq and it create just as much of a mess.
Fuck everyone on here who's shilling in favor of war. They are pure trash.
We tried to warn everyone. None wants to listen about the JQ.... oh well cant say we didn't try
I've seen American and Canadian flags on here talking about how eager they were to remove the "dictator" Assad. Never underestimate the stupidity of Reddit newfags.
fuck you, here bomb
they havent had a proper war in over a decade.. the owners of the country have acquired a massive increase in military spending and want to try their new weapons
Signal boost!
>rare tactical pepe deployed
Dilbertman knows what's up.
Why should anyone care about shitstain Assad or the rebellion?
Fuckin stay out of the Middle East. That goes for Russia too.
>" It’s too “on-the-nose,” as Hollywood script-writers sometimes say"
His power level is rising!!!!
strategic use and fossil fuels. thats what it has always been for us.
for them (the middle east) its about anient blood feuds, Islamic dogma and a fight for independence
those are shills my friend
there is a concerted effort across all media platforms to push this WE HAVE TO GO IN NOW AND DO SOMETHING HES GASSING THE CHILDREN narrative. They are trying to force Trumps hand
>Get this trending faggots:
If Trump thinks we should remove Assad then /ptg/ will no doubt follow. The shills are already nudging them in this direction.
Good to see people writing about this.
holy shit kek
>all the pro-war Amerifat posters fucking devestated
where are they? On facebook or something?
Have many of you idiots noticed it's 1 guy making the same threads?
everybody is against this accept the deepstate, we can't let them ignore us.
>Make it happen faggots:
>When your memes change the course of human history again and again and again foiling the globalist threat.
Trending!!! Post that content on twitter fags
I fucking hate that Kike puppet country who goes to other countries to "liberate" by bombing the shit out of them and killing civilians.
America, I'm glad our president hated you, you fucking Israel dog.
Bumping with ammo. Change the filename after downloading to escape the filter.
It's insulting to people's intelligence. So they want people to believe he'd do something like this even though things where getting better for him like they where no longer calling for him to be removed, etc? This is the litmus test for credulity.
Which one of you glorious autist started this?!
But none of you actually know anything.
Can someone translate original?
There are plenty of nupol drumpfcucks parroting what he says here.
fuck the delusional Americans on this board muh god empowa
I don't speak swedish.
Not all Americans support the warmongering deep state and its military industrial complex.
Keep it trending faggots
Yeah, you do realize most of Sup Forums Americans are pro-assad right?
God bless our shitposters. Anyone keeping track of how many times we've done shit like this and it actually worked?
Praise kek you guys actually did something useful
2013 Ghouta attack was faked for US political purposes
US staged this 'Chemical Attack' false flag, then pushed for war (CNN & John McCain and Adam Kinzinger)
Reviving the chemical attack lie: BBC et al
ASSANGE: Conflict between Trump and CIA over Syria policy
It is glorious. I never thought so many in so many places would be aware of what's really going on.
Locally, it still blows my mind. What a difference 10 years makes.
This video is very redpilling
>USAID gives money to straight out terrorists but sues my university for having someone from Al-manar attend an educational course
Trump is starting to piss me the fuck off.
If he goes through with war in convinced he's a kike puppet
bump for dropping the veil
bump for world peace
bump for truth
bump for julian
How do I reach the normies?
Not bad.
Trump alluded to the idea that he would go to war in Syria, in order to rally the democrats base to look for anything to disprove the attack and ultimately put Assad on their "protect" list
5D chess holy shit. He is making Twitter redpill itself to stop him
drop basic redpills on facebook or twitter
for example (pic related)
You'd think these threads would have a little bit more energy.
So what are you Russian shillbots going to do after we bomb your headquarters?
Europeans should kick their kike NATO out
fuck you
you're not going to do shit. look at Twitter, fucktard. Most Americans think this is a fucking hoax It will be like Vietnam, and you remember that dont you, Amerifat?
That was a leftypol raid
Please elect Marine! She has told these warmongers to fuck off in a statement today
It's good that it's trending, but it would have been better if it was #NoWarInSyria or something similar. A lot of people are going to look at the timeline and think it's just a bunch of conspiracy theorists. Anti-war has higher appeal for normies than claiming False Flag (even if it is a False Flag).
Get them both trending then fuck face. Make it happen.
>Sup Forums is so culturally significant that it's one of the only things preventing ww3 as we teeter on the brink of another cold war
wtf senpai.
>Make it happen faggots:
Over 56,000 tweets in the last 10 minutes pedes
holy fuck you fucks are doing it
I'm with you Britlad, fuck these warmongering swine.
warning there are kike shills even in THIS THREAD calling for war on Russia and Syria. DO NOT FALL FOR THIS
neat. there is still hope left.
You beautiful mother fuckers.
I look away for less than an hour and we have a hash trending.
Nobody believes it's a hoax shitbags. We've let you play your games long enough, now it's time to bring you little bitches to heel. You have memes, we have tomahawk missiles.
We're not pro-war. Shariablue finally figured out one good tactic. They knew this board had daily syria generals praising based bashar and now they're pushing this pro war thing.
Sage, Hide Shill Posts, Do not Post in Shill threads.
Americans in general are not ready to go to war in syria. We weren't when Obongo was in office, and we won't be now. Our politicians are the kike-controlled ones. They just know that their goyim livestock is no longer willing to play hardball and want to replace us.
dont take strawpolls shills use the info to divide pol
>The public all across the world are awake to this bullshit.
>Offers no evidence of a hoax to rebut the evidence supporting chemical weapons being used
>Feels proud
Hopefully there is an asteroid the size of Alaska hurtling towards Earth this very moment.
im not loyal to any crooked politicians. im loyal to the people and so i choose whatever will be best for them. if trump attacks over that gas attack its clear he is just another puppet and i would side with assad but not because i like assad.
Drumpfmorons will defend him no matter what
impeach assad and white people
>"we" implying 1000 Russian bots are not doing this
>Feels proud
Maybe it ought to be an asteroid and a comet.
No, they won't and the shills come from reddit and leftypol.
Amerifat Trump voters are the ones trending it you turbo faggot.