Here the Sup Forumss discord

Here the Sup Forumss discord

merged with 8ch/pol/, they're already on there

Other urls found in this thread:

mods etc on there

What's gay about a woman sleeping with a man

It has a bump not a dick






Bottle blonde

I thought double chan hated us?

Praise KEK

Lazia is a fucking Slavic faggot - who is like 12 and who is far too confident in his ability to reason. Fuck off. Sage.

It says I don't have permission to post on that channel? Why's that?

Ask in perms section.

The server is vetted, you need to ask for permissions in the permission channel


Wouldn't worry about it. This thread was created by some Untermensch Slav who lives in England. He's not worth anyone's time or attention.

She's alright but I'm not into the deep voice, I've got my own blonde slav with a feminine voice so who really gives a shit about this chick anyway?

There's slav girls for everyone in Australia, you might have to settle for a Serb though the rest have already found alphas.

There he is now - Hey Lazia. What's up?

She's a spic that's working for the Jews because she's a whore
What do you expect?

if lazia posted he'd have admin tag
nice try (((shill))) back to worshipping lauren

Your spamming your own fucking thread, faggot, and Lazia is the first person who appears on that retard chat you have. Also, you live in England, and your flag is UK. You're Lazia, and you're not even English. Go back to Slav-land.

Also, there's that Lazia critical thinking - I point out that Lazia is 12 years old, and that necessarily means I like Lauren Southern. Good one, faggot.

Sup Forums is fucking dead.

>trans women are men!!!! im so edgy!!!
>actually but wait if a cis woman sleeps with a trans woman then she's a dyke

alt-right """""""logic"""""""""

>Sup Forums is fucking dead.
>Lazia is the only person that lives in England

She's not hot at all, 6/10 at best

Funny thing, her ancestral surname is Simonsen.

Its a Lutheran name.

Shes Larping as a crypto kike to avoid jewish atracks.

If any of you ever meet her feel free to confront her.


Couple shills in here.


Rip trump

>implying you a grown up human being didn't crawl under the blankets with another human of the same sex
It's normal, specially when it's your second cousin.

Fuck off Lazia

just like I said, a fucking uggo, with makeup or without, shit face, too fat, shit hair, cleft chin, etc

pffft whatever

/pol General Discord:


That discord got banned, enjoy the ban shill

This is not the pol discord. Try again

hahaha, you mad your shit ghosttown of a server is getting 1-up in your own thread?

get fucked cuck

This is the Sup Forums discord

literally go back to your dead banned server and cry over how admins banned you

Nope. It's definitely not

You have like 400 people online in your dead banned discord and only got 2 people to raid this thread

Jesus must feel bad to be this dead after your discord got banned

I didn't get anyone to raid this thread?

>woman with makeup vs without
Why is this even posted, who thinks this is a revelation?
>oh my god makeup is worn by women to LOOK BETTER??!?

>shilling for makeup


fuck off the_donald refugee

Come my nigger rats

Better a dyke than a coalburner fampai.


I prefer without makeup. I will make her my sex slave.

She looks fine without make up....