You have 10 second to state why you hate gays with out it being about

You have 10 second to state why you hate gays with out it being about



>Their icky >:(((((

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actually noone cares and the queer community doesnt use these slogans anymore

I hate gays that try to act like they're more interesting solely on the fact that they're gay.
If you really want to be treated equally act equally.

I don't hate homosexuals, don't force yourselves on everything tho...

Pushes males to be more feminine and promotes infertility.


>>Their icky >:(((((

I'm bisexual and yes I agree. They make the fact they're gay the main feature of their personality. And always have to push it off on people and make it known. Fucking faggots.

i don't like fags fucking each other with dildos and jacking off in public during their "equality" parades.

i don't hate gay people- i just hate faggots

I don't care if you're gay. If you define yourself solely because you take it up the ass, you're the one with the problem

They ruined family values with theirbown insanity.

They keep shutting down bakeries instead of just taking their business elsewhere.

Fags are inherently selfish.

gay rights came on a wave of postmodern/poststructuralist gender theory that is now threatening to destroy all of western civilization through anti reason, anti science, and anti humanist philosophy.

did i do good?

I don't hate all of them, but they all must be eradicated nonetheless




Give me one good reason why you all shouldn't be gassed?

high rates of sexual abuse towards children

Some people hate faggots.
Get over it.

They're just another step with the wrong kind of momentum.

b a s e d

I don't hate gay people.

I don't think the conversation of whether homosexuality is a mental illness or genetic is over yet, or what level of nuance exists or if homosexuality has multiple causes. We do know homosexuality has multiple way of expressing it's self, its logical to assume the cause is different between these expressions.

Complete acceptance of a potential mental illness is recklessly immature and potentially destructive to society. Trans people, for example, suffer from high rates of suicide. We cannot help these people because some one may be offended.

Although homosexuality and trans is different, ones an expression of identity and the other is an expression of sexuality, both are detrimental to reproduction which is extremely strong evidence that these are conditions which need treatment.

They're pedophiles

Biologically healthy humans are heterosexual, with no exception.

Then you're a traitor to humanity.

How so?

Literally go against human nature.
They are glitch in the Human species.
They can never reproduce and will forever stand out as a broken piece.
Don't try to pull that being gay is natural shit, it aint.
Because a larger animal humps a smaller animal that turns out to be male doesn't mean they're faggots.
It means a female is nearby, most animals go by scent not sight so if it smells a female in heat it dont gaf if it got balls.
Look in your heart and let the truth come forth, faggots are fuck up that should be dealt with by fire.
It isn't because I hate them its because we must kill off the weak links to go on as a race, even if it is my own child.
I will acknowledge this.

Some people ARE gay, yes. Some people are also hemophaeliacs, have down syndrome, or cerebral palsy. The issue is the normalization and near-glorification of the gay lifestyle in the entertainment media.

You advicate the destruction of the family values.

Sage, degeneracy is any evolutionary dead end that destroys your people and culture. Lots of things feel good but our people are more important than our pleasures.

Being gay isn't normal or natural. Gays aren't born, they're made, which is why gays are always grooming children, raping children, etc.

Some faggot piece of shit raped my brother when he was 12, and turned him into a suicidal homosexual.


I don't, equality for those that wish it for you is the best ideology.

I don't care, just stop hitting on me in clubs.

fuck off kike


>it can't be because of the religion i follow tells me it is a perversion
you're stupid, would you ask a muslim why they won't eat pork?


I advocate further study in to the phenomena and potential treatment, prevention and cure for homosexuality.

Its the ones with a chip on their shoulder, they're like the teen that becomes an emo because they feel they don't belong.

Flaming camp homosexuals do this too so they feel like they belong to a group.

I know plenty of gay people and while all are active in the gay community they don't let it dictate their persona.

Any gay people here with thoughts on overly camp or "flaming" homos?

Gay people are mostly self-entitled victimizing assholes who define themselves by their preference for fucking
I don't think it's gross or bad on its own it's just the stigma around it that encourages gays to act like faggots

What are you, some kind of libertarian cuck? Gas yourself.

They go against nature and should be gassed.

Gays can have families now sweetie. Gay values are family values :,)

They disproportionately rape children more than straights do.

I don't. There's a million other things in the world more worthy to hate and talk about than gays. I don't like that they've let trannies be part of their group because they push that shit on kids.


Faggots != Gays

As a gay person, I can safely say that by trying to remind people about gay people (and ignoring the fact we have more rights,freedoms, and tolerance from others then we did years ago), you're not helping anyone. You're just being a retard.

nobody gives a shit about your dick sucking skills OP or any other faggot for that matter.

Gays are next level non-factors like the transfaggots thats why you all have your mimimimi march everymonth.


Goes against every law of nature and biology you fucking faggot. Kill yourself you freak of nature.

I lived in Palm Springs for five years and gays were verywhere. If they werene't so prissy and jusdgemental people wouldn't hate on them so much. They also are routinely bi-polar and have the same emotional baggage that slutty girls with daddy isssues have.

Enjoy it while it lasts, sodomite.

>Gays are next level non-factors
Wrong. Sodomites are a huge public health issue.

Biological dead end based on nothing but hedonism

>law of nature
Nature being the universe and everything in it and the way it behaves.

Since gays exist they are entirely natural by definition.

They don't understand how nature works.

Gay people = no children
No children = no future for the human species

Luckily there are not many faggots out there. But every single one of them is one to many though.

i don't care about gay people as long as they >don't make it into a propaganda
>don't make themselves as victims excessively
>don't demand special rights

some places go as far as giving FREE sex assignment surgery

Perverts the natural sexual order and ordinance of mankind and allows evil spirits to reign freely and possess you.

The purpose of life is reproduction. Faggots can't do this naturally therefore are useless.

>I don't think it's gross
Ever had anal sex? It's literally scat

How so?


>Since gays exist they are entirely natural by definition.
Just like rats and tumors

They're sick minded individuals who belong in mental instutions/death camps and almost all pedophiles are homosexual. Faggots are a cancer on society and they must not be allowed to spread their influence which is exactly why they want to influence children with their filth.


This desu.

"Being gay" has had its definition changed.

Enjoying another man's cock inside you is degenerate, sure, but on the individual level doesn't matter too much. It doesn't impact society until it's being used as a basis for identity.

Most scientists disagree.

*russian scat rullette

I said they were natural, i never said they had to be liked.

You can hate gays if you want, its part of this universe and obviously natural for some people but don't try and say that gays aren't natural it's a logical fallacy.

I don't care if a guy likes another guy or if a gal likes another gal but when most homosexuals make that their entire personality or when they don't shut up about how gay they are or when they shut down stores for refusing service to gays even though they have a right to or when they don't let you have your own opinions of homosexuality then I and many others have a problem

I was born hating fags.

Don't judge me for being born that way.

don't see the long-term benefits in supporting them

Are childless people or sterile people or single people abominations as well?

Homosexuality is strongly related to increased promiscuity.
It literally is degenerate and acceptance of this behavior weakens "the fabric of society" by dissolving the nuclear family upon which the nation is based.

because the faggots that made this need to die


more degeneracy

hang the fags
kill the hebes
because those cunts took the reich from me

You don't get it. They are not like us. They are sick people. They spread diseases and perpetuate the neverending cycle of pedophilia. Just take what that kike Milo said about young boy/older man relationships.
They are also a subversive force just like the Jews.



Nice meme. I've heard that there's social stigma around abuse victims that implies to them that they're homosexual if their abuser was of their sex, but that definitely doesn't mean that the victim is gay. It's a myth from a culture that misunderstands sexual abuse.




>source is literally called Library of Hate

They promote an ideal that does not lead to procreation which makes them a genetic dead end.

If it does not carry on its genes it's not fulfilling its biological purpose.

Auntie married a man, had a child. Turns out this man is a faggot, so she divorces him. Cousin was raised by single mother; now she is a fucked up leftist.
Auntie married a man, had a child. Turns out this man is another faggot, although he wants to be trans. My cousin gets raised by TWO single mothers and turns into an even more fucked up leftist.
Yeah, fuck faggots

Nice meme.
Aren't you aware that that term refers to heterosexuals who have non-vaginal sex as well?

How can some gene that make the individual infertile still exist in human gene poll?

I love it when my shit is thick and it hurts my asshole. Get over it, it's true, and not only that, I'm going to tell you about it even though you really don't want to hear it, even though you would cringe to hear it. Get over it. I love the smell of shit, rub it all over my dick. Get over it, you don't want to hear it, I should keep it private, but I am telling you anyways. Get over it.


>Nice meme. I've heard that there's social stigma around abuse victims that implies to them that they're homosexual if their abuser was of their sex, but that definitely doesn't mean that the victim is gay. It's a myth from a culture that misunderstands sexual abuse.

It's not a meme fucktard. It was my brother. He was all into girls from 11 years old, until he got molested, then all of a sudden he's gay? He also started running away and drinking about the same time. He drank himself to death, always trying to hide the fact he got molested.

Nice gubs :DDD

>purpose of life is reproduction
Reproduction and taking care of the young is critical to any society, but trying to reduce life to reproduction is simplistic. Newton never had children. Neither did Haydn or Schubert. They were anything but unproductive people.

They're morally degenerate sexual predators obsessed with their identities.

I've never met one that was a good, honest person, they've either been flamboyantly faggy for the sake of attention or just overtly sexual regardless of the context of the situation.

Homosexuality, in our species, is not natural, anal sex is not at all pleasurable (No personal experience) and their minds are so self absorbed everyone around them might as well have mirrors for faces.

Tell me, have you ever met a gay person that you didn't know was gay instantly after seeing/hearing them talk? No? Neither have I.

Also, trying to keep us off the chemical attack hoax.

I don't hate gay people, they don't even exist
What exist is paraphilia

Every one of us is encline to several types of paraphilias, a few co-exist inside each individual.

The human norm is based on biology and nature, on the ability to reproduce, everything else is paraphilia, that include using contraceptives, masturbation, porn, group sex or any kind of sex act, fantasy or fetish.

Good or bad, normal, fun, deviant, degenerate and the like are moral judgment and irelevant in the discussion.

Every citizen is allready equal in term of rights.
Arguing that a minority of the population with a particular paraphilia is "special" or "the new norm" is illogical and arbitrary.

If society acknowledge a group paraphilia and pass laws for them then society could as well acknowledge them all and support any kind of alternative sexual activity, and for instance defend three person marriage or fund bdsm clubs and sounding associations.

Splitting people in only two category : straight and gay is arbitrary and acknowledging every paraphilia an endless and probably vain task.

Also implying that gay is equal to normal, when the norm is based on the biological ability to reproduce therefore mean gay people can be a family and reproduce but how society could provide sperm to lesbian couple and uterus to gay couple in a moral/ethic way ? It can't and probably shouldn't anyway.

Everybody is allready equal and can choose to reproduce with the other sex and or to indulge into one or several paraphilia or to be abstinent.

The previous statement is stemmed in the belief that sexuality is a choice.

There is no gay people.

Many male couples actually don't do anal. That stereotype probably comes from porn.

>Any gay people here with thoughts on overly camp or "flaming" homos?
I'm homosexual, and I consider homos, gays, and faggots different sorts of people.
I don't go to pride parades, I don't speak with a fake lisp, and I don't run around in skin tight, vibrant green short shorts like a faggot. In fact, I don't let my romantic and sexual proclivities govern my behaviour at all.
That said, I don't like faggots. Hell, I don't even like most gays. Their behaviour, while they say it's an attempt to be accepted, is just screaming about how they want your attention. They want marriage rights, though I never understood why. They want adoption rights, but there isn't a faggot alive that's fit to raise a child.

Cool it with the tinfoil-hat rhetoric, Franz.