WW3 lasted a few hours Sup Forums
WW3 lasted a few hours Sup Forums
>no source
>(New York)
nothing wrong with this
Praise kek
keep me posted.
Finally, sweet death embrace me
Stop talking about it and just fucking do it already.
yeeeeeee booooooiiiiiiii
>mfw live in a state no one gives a shit about
Time to get comfy
Orange is the new nigger
Norkies nuked just now
We can only dream
Well luckily I'm safe in the land of maple syrup.
Quadruples Russia wins triplets Israel is glassed double USA Victory and singles Europe rises from nuclear war victorious and 5 repeating is a big nothing Burger
>new china logo in the bottom right
Re for the glassing of ME
Wills it. How can traps compete
>mfw an ICBM is heading straight towards me
>select all images with glass
When white bread is a symbol of white power
Much Excite!
well after years of supper powers jackin it its time to go to war thanks to literal memes made by random cucks in a shit hole
Good riddance.
Nuke Israel too so that everyone gets to die.
this should be the only post on the whole fucking board
i have never seen something so perfectly summed up