I'm so so very very sorry
I'm sorry we didn't kill them off sooner.
I was so wrong
im sorry
trump can burn in the new hell on earth
Justin "if the enemy fucks your wife, you win" Trudeau comes out on top. A fucking leaf outlives for a couple years, it seems. gg cucks gg
Called all of my representatives earlier today to tell them to stop this, fuck interventionism
im not even memeing fuck Trump
we voted for him because he WOULDNT do some stupid shit like this
america is a fucking plague upon this earth and should be destroyed in nuclear hellfire, i don't even care that it would kill me its for the good of the world
More like, you're welcome world.
Le Shadilay's Principle:
principle that states that if a system in equilibrium is disturbed by changes in determining factors, the system will tend to shift its equilibrium position so as to counteract the effect of the disturbance
I know. This is bullshit man. Russia is our natural ally.
you're ridding us of russ scum and fashits dictators. be proud
No need to apologize
I cant vote in US eƱections BUT Like everyone here I helped shitpost to get the orange ape in office, i too deserve a dead by fire hotter than the sun :(
Whatever happens, I hope all you anons are OK
Sorry for what?
fuck off you linguine licking nigger
ITT: Correct the Record interns
suck this dick fatshit
>Americucks already apologizing
This is what happens when you drink too much flouride water
This is bullshit and I am fucking pissed
Are we completely dead?, oe theres a chance for murica and friends?
The Sup Forums went too far
Alaska should be spared. We never hurt anyone. Rest of you nogs can enjoy nuclear holocaust though while I'm smoking legal weed and fishing all summer.
Man, my thread got archived in FOUR MINUTES...geez...so, will someone please tell me what the deal is with Shep Smiths eyes? I can easily see his guests pupils and their eyes look normal even under studio lights but Smiths eyes are glassy and shiny to the point I cant see his pupils at all. Ive always noticed this about him. I think he eats Oxys all day long and thus his eyes are like that. what does Sup Forums have to say?
Shut up you nigger
t. Hillary "I will make syria a no fly zone" Clinton
I was stupid...so stupid.
It happens user
Keep your chin up we'll fix this
Donno why you fagz are so butthurt.
More sandniggers dead is always positive.
Fuck you Americans, you're lazy degenerate niggers who allowed this to happen. And what are you going to do now? Right, keep eating burgers and growing asses. Fuck you. Bring it on, pro- war shills.
You do realize times like this is exactly why your founding fathers came up with the 2nd amendment. 1776 or 1984 from here, take your pick.
fucking retards.
balkans will be drawn into this war, if it happens, since you use air carriers in the mediterranean
hi julian
Really? That's a bitch!
hey, at least you didn't vote for the warmonger or any of the neocon shills that were bound to start a war shortly before their inauguration
Sup Forums's opinion shifted towards anti-Trump exactly as I predicted. Just as fast too.
I can't wait for 8 more years of social justice as Sup Forums as a typical knee-jerk reaction and tries to meme the Republicans out of office in a hysterical binge of contrarianism.
Plus doesn't butting heads with Russia blow the fuck out of the "colluding with Russia" story?
You voted for A FUCKING RETARD. How could you NOT expect him to do something FUCKING RETARDED?
Explain this.
nah, it's just trolls spamming the same threads over and over again. just like pre election night and afterwards during the faithless electors thing.
hillary would have done the same, if not worse, so fuck off.
Don't be sad that the world is ending. Be proud it ended at the hands of the BEST DAMN COUNTRY ON THE PLANET!!!!
dont take me with you faggot
That's what I figured. The concern trolling never ends and some anons get so pissed when they get called that or a shill but, being anonymous, there is no way to confirm they are being genuine.
I think it's kind of dumb attacking Syria. But I'm not abandoning all hope with Trump because of it. I honestly don't know what a good solution here is because it seems like everyone involved is just an asshole. Getting rid of Assad helps ISIS; getting rid of ISIS helps Assad. This is a lose-lose for us either way.
New World Order for When?
Today we mourn what we thought was going to be a great leader, but no, just another kike puppet controlled by his fucking son-in-law.
May God strike the heart of every kike.
The only good kike is a dead one.
Kys sage
Is he a drug addict or robot or alien?
If we are going to die could somebody please red pill me on that assmunchers eyes?
you better fix this you silly cunt.
we cant take another 10 million refugees
>leftists will act like they saw this coming
I'm 100% glad hillary did not win, but Trump has to stop
it happens whenever there's a major or semi-major event like this. i remember after sandy hook all the pro gun-control nuts seemed to come out of the woodwork and there were all these threads bragging about how they're going to ban guns and this will be the end of the nra etc. etc.
even from a cursory glance this attack doesn't seem particularly "bad" in any way. cratering a mostly empty runway, inflicting no casualties in an attack that the u.s. even warned russia of prior to its commencement? hardly the worse the u.s. has done in syria and most certainly not a declaration of war.
{starting to believe theres something people dont want to see about Shep Smith, a truth too hard to bear...}
I mean. You lads were fucked either way when the choice was either Hillary or Trump. Obviously you lads wanted to go for lesser evil.
It's not your fault, you had no reason to think he'd betray you when you voted for him.
>hillary would have done the same
nah, she's way too cautious to do anything this reckless. That attitude cost her the election, but it may have saved the world.
you dumb idiot, re-evaluate your thinking
This. Sup Forums is 99% CTR at this point.
REAL Sup Forumsacks have always supported neo-con pro-Israel policies in the middle-east.
Don't worry the other option would have been even worse.
>not being excited that we're finally swinging our big dick around again
I don't even care about those civies or Assad. America needs to be a mad dog sometimes.
would've done worse actually.
OP did not vote for trump
Shills are out in force
Sage all b8 threads. This is not a drill.
I want all MAGA voters to protest against Trump, then I'll forgive you desu
Man, I am really disappointed with this. This is the opposite of what he said.
>growing asses
fuckin kek
Sorry for what?he lied about not opposing Assad but Hillary said she would bomb Syria from beginning, one is fake opposition and the other is plain shill, you got not choice.
I don't regret supporting Trump. Hillary would be much much much worse and have gotten to this point sooner. I do regret his mistake and hope it can be rectified sooner.
Can someone explain what has happened?
At least we won't be accepting hundreds of thousands of Sharia ISIS refugees.
Sorry Eurocucks, but that's your self-ordained moral imperative.
We might take a few white Christian ones off your hands if you get too full, though
Guess we'll never really know since she's not president. We do know however that Trump is getting dangerously close to starting a world war thanks to reactionary people like you that wanted something, apparently ANYTHING, that was different.
one airfield gets hit with missiles and people are dumping trump...what a bunch of faggots. if he didnt respond youd be saying it proves hes a russian puppet. such faggotry.
You tried. No one blames you. I still love you. You love us even though we legalized getting head from animals, elected a feminist, do nothing but shit-post, and have Quebec.
Do you think we're going to turn our backs on our big brother because of one fucking globalist kike shill? Do you think us so capricious?
You did your best. You elected the best possible person. It's not your fault he turned out to be a liar, or weak, or whatever it turns out he was.
We still love you. We always will. We need each other now more than ever.
You gringos are fucking hilarious. KEK
I am disappoint.
Respond to what? The false flag gas attacks from the moderate rebels?
yeah nah fuck off, op. america apologizes to nobody
>support Trump because he will be better for the world (but both he and Clinton would be shit for Americans)
>ends up doing exactly what Clinton would have done in Syria
I'm glad I'm not an American. I would be fucking furious right now.
Where does it say that the chemical weapons were false flags and not Assad's?
eat shit kike
He is getting Bush'd. He surrounded himself with Neocon and Evangelical scum who's interests lie with the expansion of Israel and profits of war. Not to excuse Trump because ultimately it is up to him, but he is also being manipulated by these blood thirsty Jewish rodents.
>if he didnt respond youd be saying it proves hes a russian puppet
Only CTR/Shareblue would be saying that. Everyone here knows it was a false flag attack.