Shut the fuck up Sup Forums Russia would never go to war with America. It's a zero some game. The entire planet would be affected. Not just by destruction from war but by economic ruin. Fuck off with your dub shit. Also, Russia told US that their support for Assad was not entire. Russia and US forward.
Shut the fuck up Sup Forums Russia would never go to war with America. It's a zero some game...
Still...we're glassing sand kikes over a false flag
pretty much. even if a couple ivans got killed by a us airstirke, they'd just smile and take it.
fucking slav shits lol
People have been waiting on pins and needles for something like this to happen for a long time. Literally just waiting to sperg out the repressed hype for a time such as this.
>America blows up a nobodys area in an Islamic shithole country
>screams happening
It's fucking nothing. Syria is shit. Russia is a bigger bro with America than pretty much anyone else at this point
Putin literally didn't do shit when the Kursk exploded so I don't even know how he'll react to this
I just wanted to live in a country that doesn't violently affect regime change for 8 short years T.T
Their plane got show down by turkey and they did nothing.
I told you guys and gals that Putin was throwing Assad under the bus. ;)
>tfw Putin is cucked by Trump and is forced to hand over Syria
>false flag
The delusion is real
It's a win-win for everyone.
We alpha
Even if they did go to war, USA would fucking destroy them so hard it wouldn't even be close.
The only people who would possibly get buttfucked are Eastern Europeans
5D Chess
Putin and Trump work together to stamp out ISIS and Syria in 3 days. Putin backstabs Syria and they're left helpless, teams up with Trump. Blow them to bits and divide up the oil and profits.
hahahah Russian's are cucks. Time to bomb Assad into the stone age.
We love you Britbros.
Pretty much this, Putin doesn't give a shit about Assad. He has also stated numerous times his reluctance for a war with the US as he is very aware that war will have no victor.
For whatever that's worth.
Cheers bud
I wish people would look at navy and air force sizes (not to mention technology) sometime before crying about "world wars" or USA vs such and such
It's not the early 20th century. There's only 1 superpower, and it's a monster of one.
What kind of stats are we talking about? Just how much stronger is the US? Leaf here, all we have are leaky boats .22 caliber sidearms
All the Russian shills that were supporting Assad are going to do a 180 now. It's fucking glorious.
Okay? So we got permission from Russia. We're STILL gonna get millions more shitskin refugees now.
>It's a zero some game.
It's worth quite a bit.
It's an exercise of strength.
We're no longer pussies like we were under Obama.
wtf was he going to do? Declare war on Poseidon?
Who cares? We're still getting into another fucking needless war. We're not supposed to be the world police. And where the fuck was his congressional approval
>pretty much. even if a couple ivans got killed by a us airstirke, they'd just smile and take it. fucking slav shits lol
right.. all it take is a spark to start and uncontrollable fire
Doesn't need any for the first 90 days of putting troops on the ground or missiles up Assad's ass
>the us never ever false flagged before to start wars xdddddd
Dumb goy
>There's only 1 superpower, and it's a monster of one.
The same superpower which lost to some paddy farmers 40 years ago?
Unless the leaders of Russia are tired of playing the game, they will go to war to end all.
>Zero SUM*
Jesus wept
I agree, man. Fuck syria and fuck assad, fuck them all even if theyre innocent. Fuck the middle east and all of africa, fuck asia. The world is overpopulated. Stir up shit and fuck em in the ass.
Gee great. We still ignored the constitution. Further disabilized a region. Help islam over Christianity. And wasted more money. But hey guys its ok. Atleast we won a pissing contest.
Putin is pussy , he will never go to war , our strength is only smokes and mirrors
>It's a zero some game.
When will the United States stop dancing to islamic fundamentalists' flute? Everything you've done since the fucking 80's has facilitated the rise of extremists. Funding them in Afghanistan, destroying every nation that opposes it. Is USA the real caliphate?
By that logic the previous world wars would never have happened
Here's a tip that law passed by Congress after Vietnam is still not constitutional.
It's basically nothing but a good old soviet proxy war, except we're the soviets this time.
They lost to the liberals at home. Stab in the back again eh
>world police
How? You think the government actually gives a fuck about syrian kids being killed with chemicals? Dont be a stupid liberal faggot.
your mum is a zero some game
They fell for it. silly goyim
>implying anybody , including Russkibros would enter WW3 just to defend some alavite Arab government in the ME
great on paper.
This is interesting. I could forgive Trump this IF it ends the war. Thats what Ive wanted for Syria and if this does it then its acceptable and in keeping with why I voted for Trump. But it doesn't look good at the moment. It doesn't at all look good.
This made me crack up hardcore.
You hit the nail on the head Ahmed.
Actually we grabbed them by the balls in terms of Syria cooperation.
lovely.. :3
#SyriaHoax getting all pumped up and trending.
Tomahawks killed that shit too.
Melania's feet are yuge
>supporting Assad
That is why today is the day of the missile. Down with Islam and all who follow it. Absolute garbage religion
>embargo on tomatoes
>grabbed them by the balls
>Look class, a real life moron!
We wiped out a generation of Vietnamese. But it wasn't a fight a military could win unless we literally killed every, single Vietnamese person.
Russia was in on the strikes the whole time.
Still Trump Lied to us
>zero some game
And even what you meant, it isn't.
It's a negative sum game
deliberately didnt kill anyone
thank you trump I knew you were the good guys
I want to suck on her toes
>/ourguy/ has autism shoes on
come on russia you know you want a war against usa! they are your greatest enemy
Should've done it, the Vietnamese are scum
The sooner Trump and Putin can work together, the better. If he distanced himself from the puppet narrative, but now is gaining favor with liberals for this attack - it just might be the perfect storm.
Lolberturdians exploding because they don't understand politics again, what a surprise
Everyone is on top of the the fact Russians were stationed at Homs, right?
>Zero "some" game
Wanna know how I know you're retarded?
So are you saying the world wars didn't leave europe and asia in ruins and cause their economies to collapse? Because that's what it sounds like
CNN confirming Russians were there during the strike
Right after you "greatest ally."
assad supports the christians user.
The killing bolt that would kill none
What the fuck are you talking about? Using military force to assert our sense of morality is being the world police. Ofcourse the neocons and progressives don't care about individual suffering they only care that it's the "bad guys" doing it.
I do not know what I would have done in Trump's shoes. Honestly, doing nothing would have brought him international discord for allowing Assad and Putin to launch chemical attacks. Even if that is not what happened, I do not believe it possible to drown that narrative now that it has been played out through the media. Trump bombed some worthless airbase, but his further actions will really tell us where intends to go with this...
Are you a female or something?
When another male challenges you, you take him on.
Even if it destroys your car... You race that fucking car.
Nothing is worse than having your manhood challenged by another.
Says who
I agree, but everyone has been dealt the dame cards at this point
Yes but Russia and US can extinguish those fires, together
>they will go to war to end all
And end themselves?
Get the fuck out of here m8
Shit yea I am. "Sum" sorry lads. I'm a little drunk
я нaдeюcь eхaть в pycce oднa дня
я нaдeюcь eхaть в pycce oднa дня
>A killing bolt will shine in the night but will not kill.
The Russians were supposedly informed hours before the attack...Something doesn't add up
I don't care. Christianity did it's damage and has no respect for or from me.
All 3 abrahamic religions are fucking cancer. It's just Islams turn to be the most toxic
Is this a poor translation or a threat?
I'd be for glassing some sand kikes for no reason at all, what's the problem here?
I need a quick rundown on this meme