>#Breaking: #Russia Shot down many of the Tomohawk missiles striking at the Syrian Airforce
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Sure, sure you did...
Just a few months ago, everyone was talking about how Trump would start a new age of good relations with Russia, and speculating that he was working with Putin behind the scenes...
I wonder how Russian media will report on this.
She's going to get raped and killed when Assad gets toppled, isn't she?
Fuck you, burgers.
there is hope.
This, it's almost as though forces beyond Trump's control were working today. He's a puppet, but not for the Russians.
Do you want us dead, Ivan?
The people in charge of the deep-state network need to be lined up against a wall and shot for treason. It's quite obvious they aren't acting in the best interests of the United States.
It's possible. Tomahawks are slow and huge.
These things are cruise missiles, they aren't fast. 500 kts at most, but 50 is a fuck ton. I'm sure a good handful got through to their intended targets.
Send enough to suppress the air-defense and let the rest hit shit.
Trump loves kike cock it seems.
You're making terrorist threats.
>reported (unironically)
>no sources
>Some cunt on twatter
>Lined up against a wall and shot
In the US we have due process faggot. Get out with your communist shit.
fake news
He probably warned them in advance. This is a play to end the russia connection shit
Source: her soft lewd ass
>Believing this stupid bitch.
Every missile hit its target.
>Source: My twitter
Syrian education
>Russian forces were reportedly warned ahead of time.
Sorry bud, I live in America.
Besides, a terrorist threat is when a threat is made to commit a crime with the intent to terrorize.
Me saying something should happen vs. saying I'm going to do something.
>implying being executed isn't lawful capital punishment
M8, they control the Senate and the courts, they're too powerful to be left alive!
>being executed without due process or a trial or proper representation in America is lawful.
It's not. It needs to go before a court so they can prove guilt.
this, but it won't work, expect Drumpf to die in prison once its proven that he colluded with Russia to stage this chemical attack that killed babies
syrian regime propaganda
>Russian forces were reportedly warned ahead of time.
She's in Australia.
They were warned, not asked. This absolutely does not mean Russia will approve
Hahaha. Still got BTFO tho.
You can't! They must stand trial!
He didn't plan the chemical attack, this was just a plan whipped up in case Assad did something retarded again. AND SURE ENOUGH
>What is political theater: the post
he's right though she'll probably get spitroasted by some angry lebbos as justice for the decades of occupation syria inflicted on them
>RT reports Trump gives 2 shits what Putin thinks.
You're missing the point. It's still ostensibly acting against russia's interest even if they were warned
Pretty sure they were all crisis actors
It's been an honor lads
Drumpf supporters are now Neoconservative supporters.
>Drumpf supporters are now Neoconservative supporters.
Drumpf supporters are now Neoconservative supporters.
>Drumpf supporters are now Neoconservative supporters.
Drumpf supporters are now Neoconservative supporters.
>Drumpf supporters are now Neoconservative supporters.
Drumpf supporters are now Neoconservative supporters.
>Drumpf supporters are now Neoconservative supporters.
Which is real cool of the man who promised to improve relations with russia, and work with russia in syria
Quit implying that I meant unlawful means of execution.
Lining up traitors and executing them by firing squad is considered a lawful execution.
Is life hard for you?
I bet it is, your poor schmuck. So dumb, so so dumb
Again you miss the point, it's not ACTUALLY against russian interests anymore, they made a deal
>Lining up traitors and executing them by firing squad is
When was the last time we did that? Remind me since you're so knowledgeable.
Not relevant.
>Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.
I missed the part about the firing squad
STOP Panicking people. Were sending our finest SJW soldiers over there.
>shall suffer death
You're nitpicking words now. You're wrong. Go home.
Begone communist.
Now you're arguing for the sake of arguing.
But it was 2010.
>But it was 2010.
Time, place, names.
Ronnie Lee Gardner
>it's not ACTUALLY against russian interests anymore, they made a deal
uh huh
so which one is it?
The Russians were warned it was coming. They probably didn't do shit, just evacuated what they could and let it happen.
Oh come on. I voted for Trump but you are doing cartwheels and backflips. This action should not be defended even if we have the liberal enemy waiting in the wings. We need to vocally oppose this so hopefully Trump can get his balls back. It's almost like he doesn't want to be reelected. I'll wait to see how this plays out but if Trump keeps throwing us this line against bashir al Assad I'm writing in Ron Paul for 2020. This is not 4D chess, it's throwing the progressives a bone and that is not necessary or a good investment. When you do the right thing you will always have detractors. He needs to stop worrying about placating Jewish interests and fulfill his campaign promises.
>Ronnie Lee Gardner
>Went to court
>Stood trial
>Due process
>Found guilty.
>Executed 33 years later.
a puppet and a warmonger for israel, not russia(???)
Is that Syriagirl? Where is she getting her sources?
>Wanting to start war with one of the largest military forces on the globe over some small fries like Syria.
Of course they were warned, they aren't considered enemy combatants.
You're making it sound like you want them to get captured and then summarily executed. They're not guilty until a court says they are
That'd be amazing 6D chess play by Putin. All liberal cucks would go >wtf I love Putin now, big communism
yeah they cant even spell tonnyhawk missiles correctly
seems like he was trying to be funny and you're a autistic faggot who needs everything spoonfed to him.
nupol get out
There you go implying again.
This is going to make no one happy. They're still going to grill him even after this.
This was a piss poor compromise. Who knows what really happened in Syria, but I don't think Trump's presidency could've aired another controversy this early in the game.
Whoever did this was masterful, kicked him hard when he was already down.
Зaccытe, пидopaшки.
He did warn them in advance
do any of you actually read past the headlines?
Russianbro, can you please put an end to pic related?
>Tfw rooting for Russia
>RUSSIA shot down tomahawks
The Russian missile defense system that Syria uses did, God people need to stay out of politics.
UVB-76 the Russian Buzzer on 3.625 just broadcast an EAM message repeated 3 times.
My bro called an hour ago. He is in the USAF. Cheyenne Mountain and the neighboring
airbase are on 100% lockdown - the access portol to the complex was sealed 3 minutes ago.
it's hilarious
first, libtards were freaking out over trump schmoozing up to russia
now they're freaking out about trump launching missiles against russia's interests
make up your fucking minds
You assume that was the truth
WHat does this mean? They ready to deploy? Incoming Russian missiles? What's going on????
So, how will the old media hacks spin the Trump-Putin relationship in the upcoming months?
I mean, assuming the rumors were true, this was an unprecedented backstabbing.
>I choose to believe everything is a lie
>life is a lie
no thnks
Get out of here you neo-con dick sucking, kike loving faggot. These motherfuckers deserve exactly that and you fucking know it.
How dare you touch our missiles!
any user who isn't a lazy retard like me plis shoop tomoko riding a tomahawk
Trump's team was slowly stripped away bit by bit. He tried to communicate with Putin through back channels but the investigation shut this up real fast. The specter of that investigation still hangs over team Trump. The intelligence agencies are witholding information from him and his staff, and they are being monitored and listened to. I think they have basically cut Trump's achilles tendons. I really want to know what the hell is going on, and where this conflict with Syria is leading.