You boys ready for the draft ?

You boys ready for the draft ?

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Nope, Epilepsy is gonna prevent that

Have fun fighting slavs

Make #draftourdaughters a thing.

joke's on everyone else i'm too schizo to join the jew force

Goodbye American bros

I'm not fucking fighting Syria
I'll fight Turkey though

Let's fucking do it!

I've been saving my pilonidal cyst for just this moment

im probably just going to volunteer if syria/russia retaliate. this isnt what i voted for jesus christ. atleast when i get maimed by a landmine ill be able to get robot legs

Millennials will finally get a job

Having a fucked back can come in handy.
Enjoy dying for Israel lads.

we will bath in atomic fire

I'm 30, too old for the draft. Haha, sucks for you millennials.

Time to finally finish off them sandniggers.


But it won't happen.

I'm too fat to join so I'll stay back and have sex with all the single females who's betabux went off to die for Israel in a 3rd world desert shit hole

will it affect my disiabilty-bux?

yes good goys, die for greater israel you fucking retards
go fight for "our freedoms" in some faraway country that has nothing to do with us

Woooooooo! Let's go die for Israel!

As if a bunch of fatass weeaboo faggots could defeat the Russkies.

>atleast when i get maimed by a landmine ill be able to get robot legs

>implying youll be able to afford the new extra-jewish prices

you could be like that guy from Avatar , how cool .

My greatest regret is that I am too old to fight sand niggers a second time.

yes, but it's unlikely i'm to be an infantryman. I'm close to graduating college, i'll be an officer?

>Thinking there will ever be a drafte when the U.S. army is nowhere near desperate enough

Lmaoing at your life

Am I eligible despite multiple knee surgeries? Torn ACL and maniscus

I want to kill sand niggers but I'm mentally ill and they probably wouldn't let me in the army

b-but I have autism
just check my hard drives, sir

You are a millennial...

Fuck that. I will buy some fishing nets and a tent and I will peace the fuck out for a few years in the middle of nowhere.

>I'm going to be human shield

No. I'm ready for the Second American Revolution. The federal government is so corrupt that it is beyond saving. Time to start over again.

Nope. Bone spurs in my heels.

Can't get drafted if you've already volunteered!

Fuck I just turned 18 too
>tfw no hope

no i didnt vote for trump

G-d blessed me with Crohn's, but I'll totally cheer you good goys on!

This man gets it

41 and medically unfit for military duty. Guess there is a good thing about Central Pain Syndrome after all.

I'll be right behind you.

go back to ethiopia


Sure, because I'm not a pussy who thinks his country, which is stated as the most powerful by pretty much all world leaders, is weak.

>mfw we all die in a nuclear holocaust


All the lesbians and feminists are ready too!
> equality rules