Uh, guys? I'm a bit terrified right now. Is everything fucked?

Uh, guys? I'm a bit terrified right now. Is everything fucked?

I don't want to get drafted bruh

Let's us die together

I love you, Russiafag.
I don't want to fight you.
But neither of us are free; both of us are slaves. We have no choice.

Time to die commie


Shoulda planned ahead goys

Fuck this shit.
All American anons and Russia anons let's just fuck off to Alaska and secede.

I am too. You're not alone, user

Time for this shit again? Third time in a century



ha ha ha ha

You do know once the reserves are all called up they start pulling from those who have been out of the military less than 4 years first, right?

You're literally ahead of people who didn't serve in taking a bullet.

This is why the military is full of rape. It's literally a bunch of retarded apes hopping around with the IQ of 10 sticking their dicks in things.

burgers and tracks suits in harmony


Just got in, what the fuck is going on.

We can't we all just kill Islamists together my brother?


Who else is ready for some of this good shit?

Gotta fucking kill kill kill some fuckers, WWWIII NOW WWWIII NOW

can't wait to get shot, shoot me shoot me

Well I ain't shooting no one, just let me eat my fucking cereals.

It will be ok Russian friend

based Trump

I hope the radiation won't leak into Canada

Welcome to die.

You will probably get your shit pushed in soon.

>tfw your salary is $400 per month and you are virgin

I don't give a shit if WW3 is happening right now. It couldn't be worse.

Let's kill California off first then we can focus on the real enemy

Its fucking nothing. Just some shitskins died. No world war, we won't get anothet happening for months.

Putin will distance himself from the Assad regime. Trump will use the CIA false flag to forge a public US/Russia alliance.

We will annex you

What can I do to not get drafted? Would I be safe in a prison?

just be gentle with the non-shitlib parts of canada

no, we're good. how's your media responding?


This is just a good ol' HAPPENING!!! thread. Nothing to really be worried about; however, feel free to get worked up and excited for a few hours.

You can just refuse to serve. They'll throw you in prison anyway and you won't have to commit a real crime.


The day Sup Forums cucked itself

If Turkey can murder Russians and get away with it, the united fucking states sure can.



>tfw on a paid internship
>still getting good money while also being enrolled at uni
no draft for me I'll be getting /comfy/ with the NEETs

It was only a matter of time.

See you on the battlefield Ivan.

It's nothing personal, wear a Sup Forums patch, and I'll try to spare your life, if you'll do the same for me. Good luck bud.

Not how the draft works anymore. You get to finish out your semester.

wear KEK on your uniform, i won't look for you on the battlefield.

I don't want to fight with you bro. It's out of our hands now. But I love you.

wtf thats gay
thanks a lot bush