Press A to apologize

Press A to apologize

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fuck off


She literally would've went to war with Russia, what a shitty bunch choices the US had

You like little girls perv?

>a majority of americans wanted her to be president
>Still didn't become president
I've had enough of this meme country



Butt hurt shill detected

That was a good meme to keep people from voting for her but you're retarded if you actually believe that.

Fuck you cunts!!
Fuck Hillary... Fuck Ivanka
Trump has been given false information by Ivanka and Jared

Only if by "Americans", you're including non-US citizens. California sure does :^)


She'd have pushed the tomahawk button on the ffirst day nigga

She grew up to be quite a speechwriter.

>hurr durr
Both candidates were going for the Electoral College win and she didn't have a majority of the popular vote, she had a plurality

No fly zone

doesnt mean she would have attacked

nope, she literally advocated for it just today. this result is unavoidable with the 2 choices we had, though Trump promised to not do this. i guess the only we could have possibly avoided it is with Sanders or a third party candidate

>No fly zone
No fly zones are a joke. We waste fuel and wear and tear on planes flying around in boxes.

Chelsea is cuter

She wanted to fight Russia in Syria. Why would anyone apologize.

a F U

I have liberal friends that doesn't mean I'm liberal though


But but, I gave OP an "a"

But we seriously can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.

And now im giving you the "D"

*unsheathes foreskin*
*teleports cock in your anus*

Pfft. Nuthin persona 4, kid

Literally perfect


Go commit double suicide with Trump, Shillary.



His name was Seth Rich

Burn in hell witch

The fact that it's Trump that did this is much worse. At least if it had been Hillary, ALL alternative media would have been against her. But because it's Trump, you have supporters who previously though we should stay the fuck away from Syria, now applauding this move.





I'm going to be the civil guy here, rehardless of whether I agree or not.


>le both sides suck we're all fucked maymay XDDDDDDD

Didn't she literally say that we should bomb Syria earlier today?

Are you stupid? We are mad at Trump BECAUSE this is EXACTLY what Hillary would have done if she were elected

He's doing the right thing. Don't like it? Move to Iran, traitor.


> 46%
> majority
Go Huff some Assad brand sarin


>implying she's a liar


Please accept this peace pepsi on behalf of all non Hill voters

adams apple O____O


the alt right was a mistake


The no-fly-zone was proposed YEARS before that and no one ever thought it was going to cause war with Russia.

You think the US and the USSR survived the cold war as ideological opposites and competing superpowers with numerous proxy wars across the globe, and one conflict in the Middle East is going to cause war now?

This is unironically fake news



She would've sucked too but at least wouldn't have been making an ass out of the presidency daily.

VAnkA Chel Chel BFF

like pro-wrestling
enemies in the squared circle
best buds in the circle jerk


Never. Never, never, never, never, never, never, never.
Trump may have let me down but Hillary never could have raised me up I the first place.




Some golden ass hair


>6 MILLION more people voted for her instead of drumpf
>drumpf is VERY unpopular
>drumpf just bombed a country FOR NO REASON
>and she's running again in 2020
how scared are drumpfkins right now

Hillary wantes to shoot down Russian planes in Syria and take 500% increase in refugees.

Go be a retard on /r/politics again.




Hilly is literally perfect

Hilly is literally perfect
