Guys, I'm getting REALLY scared, I do NOT want to be drafted

Guys, I'm getting REALLY scared, I do NOT want to be drafted.

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Volunteer now then


Hahaha. Good thing i'm female ( bio). Have fun fighting in the desert.

Its alright you have autism

Does having been to a mental hospital and clinical depression make me exempt? If not I'm killing myself.

Those that voted for this deserve to face the consequences.

why do you go on and vote for a retarded kike lover?

Fucking coward, leave my country.

I have Asperger's, I hope that's good enough.

But user I thought you were a veteran of the Meme War. Fighting in the scorching desert against Syrians, Russians, and jihadists can't be any harder than dealing with the CTR boogeyman.

If you seriously think a draft will happen you're retarded. Things have to get extremely bad for a draft to even be on the table.

Tits or gtfo


ww3 isn't happening you retards. russia was notified before the strike, and nobody gives a shit if syria has a hissyfit.

You aren't getting drafted, its fucking nothing. Probably like 3 people died. We will forget about this in a week.

cut off one of your fingers right now. it will hurt now but will probably save you later.

It's just a demonstration of force, because everyone was mocking him, he needs to show who runs the show

Goy please, you need to help your greatest ally.
Think of the children

it's got all the ingredients of another vietnam. russian supported enemy, triple dune desert, IScong, warmongering potus, incompetent local allies, etc.

top keks

>tfw my little brother just started basic training yesterday

wear dresses and be boipussy

Asperger's is autism

Also suicide bombing children


Don't challenge him, he's already very challenged

interesting to muse over the idea of todays generation going into somthing even just as bad as ww1


I hope for the sake of your conscience you didnt vote Trump

Nigger you are not going to get drafted.

I'm fucking freaking out about how fucking smug I've been for the last 6 months and what I'm going to be dealing with at work tomorrow.

I'll have to just double down and reveal that I actually want another holocaust to happen.

Relax Bubba, you probably 450lbs, way too fat for the US army...

You guys are fucking stupid, like we want neets in the war

>be limp wristed burger neet
>get drafted by trump
>2/10 irl shitposting
>get shot
>be dead war hero

You're part of the draft now too hon.

The NEETS will be used as cannon fodder

They'll just put you in the Air Force

>have both a peanut allergy and ass burgers
>no chance of draft

Don't worry, they don't draft faggots.

oh wait....Thanks Obama

Don't go if you get drafted. Sit in a cell. Live with your choice to not fight for Israel as a man. It's what I'm going to do.

>Volunteer now then


>trump drafts all Sup Forums users
>teaches them military-tier computer skills
>deploys us in secret facilities where we have all the tendies we need
>we professional shitposters now

fucking this,

normies will remember this for 4 fucking years.

rip trumps second term.

I'm going on Monday :/

I can't wait to see the dank memes you guys make while your god emperor feeds you into a meat grinder for literally nothing


Get a job then you NEET fuck

I'm 34 and have asthma HAHAHA!

you won't be drafted. the reps have everything and they were the ones that did away with it.

You wanted a job, didn't you?

Trump is going to make the beta rising real

This isn't a declaration of war, you fucking idiots. This is just meant to show Assad that we aren't going to sit back and let him do whatever he wants.

I'm signing up foo

Bruh have you even seen NCOs?

when you start talking to a recruiter and they ask about your drug history just say a bunch of random drugs you researched before hand, don't use marijuana for this purpose, they don't care

Send the Mexicans, tell them they get citizenship if they go and fight. Put them on the front lines.

>not enlisting

What are you, a liberal pussy?

There is no evidence Assad it did you fucking kike

This is Iraq/Afganistan again at the best and Vietnam again at the worst mixed in with a little bit of cold war.

Sucks to be you

You chose this.
You wanted this.
Embrace it.
Soon, everything will end, forever.


>>not enlisting
>What are you, a liberal pussy?

Yeah, go die for your kikes masters, Bubba Dean le good goy...

Draft our daughters

Who else here
>clear conscience

No use in getting worked up until we see the Russian response.
> There was no immediate word on casualties. U.S. officials told NBC News that people were not targeted and that aircraft and infrastructure at the site were hit, including the runway and gas fuel pumps.
>The US warned the Russians ahead of Syria missile strikes: Official

You wont.

These people's are fuckin braindead, James...don't even try...

God damn do I hate happeningfags

it is supposed to go like this:
"choose between the anti-establishment refugees or us kikes and the establishment who brought them"
but by then the refugees will have become turncoats, mayors of london,members of parliament, infiltrated bbc and other public sectors, and basically become british working class, without our culture

But I don't have 20/20 vision.

>Yeah, go die for your kikes masters
I'll gladly fight alongside kikes if it means killing Islam worshiping sand niggers. We can deal with kikes at a later date.

Haha enjoy dying for something you have nothing to do with bro

Obvious bait but serious question
Didnt the draft start taking females in 2017? Or is it 2018?

You're going too, bitch.

Get a swastika tattoo. I plan to get one if Canada gets dragged into some retarded globalist because the military isn't allowed to recruit people with white supremacist tattoos

Shoot yourself in the knees. Or maybe you need those since you're always sucking so much cock OP.

Hahaha. Good thing I identify as female. Have fun fighting in the desert.

expensive yet strategic
shit like this makes me wet

>TFW cripplefag
I may not get drafted but, I want to help. Should I join intelligence?

Equality kicked in

Your new job will be flying drones user. Don't worry

Becuase the only other real choice was Hillary fucking Clinton, who is such a horrible "human" that she made Trump look like a God-Emperor.

who cares about drafting, you can always run away, im more concerned about a fucking thermonuclear exchange that incinerates us all man

I will miss you burguer bros, you were always my favorite country, next to Mexico of course, I guess I will never go to Disneyland again, it was an honor to be the last gen to see the glory and freedom of the US of A.

I'm pretty sure Aspie's can enlist.

Chair Force baby. Enjoy being a paper pusher.

>>Yeah, go die for your kikes masters
>I'll gladly fight alongside kikes if it means killing Islam worshiping sand niggers. We can deal with kikes at a later date.

OMFG...the eternal anglo need to be deal with...if Germans were running the ship, nothing of that bullshit would be happening...

Nobody is actually going to show up for the draft.

As a fat white guy with poor eyesight and a fucked up ankle I am not worried about drafts.

Though if I could get some sort of engineering work I would totally jump to join the US in its systematic destruction of europ-...I mean russia. Yeah the destruction of Russia.

Feels good to be old. Fuck all you. L E L

Air force my dude. Fly those drones and bomb the FUCK out of ISIS.

>he'd rather sit in his chair and be incinerated by a nuked rather than join the military and die like a man

Thanks feminists

>implying you'd pass the mental exam

I'm actually Canadian so I'm staying nice and cozy.

They'll give you some psychotropics and ship you off.

Yups u a vet

Good luck, dude. Seriously.

But, nothing happened?

This. Why would they shoot off 59 missiles when only a few are needed? It's to send a message.

stay comfy next time. it's always like this.

I hope your gay ass country gets fucking wrecked.

They can draft people in the US?, I thought after vietnam and the professional army, this would never happen or I just mistaken?

Holy fuck! Children, everyone calm down.

No one is getting drafted.

If no one got drafted after 9/11 (a real happening) then no one will be drafted now.

Russia won't do anything

Iran won't do anything

Assad won't do anything unless he doesn't want air power

Get a hold of yourselves