5% if we're being honest.
Ignore the catalog. Sup Forums is a very reactionary board.
I think it's very likely, Trump seems to want to prove to people that he isn't Putin's puppet. He is going out of his way to fuck with him and Assad.
US called Russia, told them to GTFO. Bombs ahead at Syrian chemical weapon locations. Bye-bye. Assad quit fucking around, actually too l8. we're going to get you removed via Geneva convention.
Trump is going to look like a hero... Although it's all a show :)
20-30% chance.
At this point it all depends if any Russians were killed and how the U.S and other powers react in the coming days.
I'll give you a 2% for a chuckle, but in reality it's a 0%.
Even in the event that the United States committed a huge error after all the news is out, we'll negotiate out of it.
The Russians were warned. None of them were harmed. No Syrian either.
This attack is a propaganda operation.
The "Trump is a russian puppet" narrative is now killed, the neocons are pleased (for nothing since the attack did barely antying) and will hand over the power for Trump.
It's on the same level as when Turkey shot down that Russian MiG.
Trump has erased any notion of him being a russian plant, liberals won't hate him because he barrel bombed the evil barrel bombing dictator. Overall it's a good move, hopefully he listens to Rand in the future.
Zero chance. This was the right move for america. They sent a strong message and nobody will do shit. I love the surprise element of it.
No country would stand up to the United States. We own this globe and everyone knows it.
100%. Please go to sleep
impossible. they contacted the russians about the strike before hand and injured no one.
fpbp. Not oging to happen. Sup Forums is 50% retarded 50% being raided
>le 52% kike owned country thinks he owns anything
Fuck Drumpf
This. I wonder why people still think America will invade. Once I saw am attack was happening I thought the same but realized it was just the airport they used to gas the civilians. This was about sending a message.
25 percent if limited strike, 75 percent if precursor to full fledged military campaign
It depends on if there are any Russian casualties and if more US strikes happen. If this is the only one, and no Russians died, I'd say 5%.
Basically 0. The world isn't going to go to war over fucking syria of all places.
The US communicated to Russia, that much is known. Best case, no Russians were harmed and life goes on. Worst case, due to communications issues Russians were killed. HOWEVER, since this attack was communicated in advance it wouldn't be the US' fault.
No chance.
>Sup Forums is a very reactionary board.
I think you need to read the definition for that word.
Syria is a shit hole. Nothing will happen.
Russia was warned ahead of time so it's just fucking nothing.
Guys please tell me russia was warned and nothing will happen
I cant take this shit anymore, my life has been a living hell the past few months and i cant deal with this shit
>30%, 40%, 50%
Top wew
Reality is less than 2% that a full fledged WWIII will start
Most likely nothing will happen at all other than a couple statements from Syria and Russia. To actually escalate to WWIII a shitton more has to happen that won't
Pol just enjoys the memes and happenings like the drama queen faggots they are
WW3 will start in under a month.
Check em
Statistically speaking, as likely as Trump becoming president one day
Trump is 100% in the clear here. Do not let the shills dissuade you.
Here are the facts:
>Trump gave advanced warning to the Russians about the attack
>The airfield was empty when ti was hit; literally no casualties
And Trump had fantastic reasons for doing this:
>The "Russian puppet" media circus forces Trump to do SOMETHING
>He decides to fuck over the entire media by removing their entire argument in one move
>No one is hurt, no alliances were harmed
Killary literally called for the us to bomb ALL of Assad's airfields, not just one empty one.
Also worth noting is that the US has long talked about a false-flag Syrian chemical attack.
You're a fool if you think Trump doesn't know this.
Using the old maxim of "cui bono?", you can see that the people orchestrating this shit played right into Trump's hands and gave him the tools he needed to silence his opposition.
Exactly 0%. If anything significant starts, I'll buy you lunch.
>All these niggas that didn't play Hearts of Iron
There isn't enough world tension for that shit. But what Trump just did escalated it a bit to like 10%
syrian shithole isn't worth a WW
but its fun to blast it with conventionals
I kekd
1% - Here's why.
>Trump used the false flag as an opportunity.
>notified Russia before hand.
>sends troops to investigate the attacks with Russian help
>finds evidence of Jews responsible for attacks
>Trump Wins Again.
1% because Tillerson said it was Assads fault. I think it was just talk.
This this this
I can't believe there were no casualties.
He's playing 4D chess. He made a great move. He simultaneously fucked the media and warned Russia about it.
cheers you brilliant bastard
The absolute best case scenario for Jewtin if he were to chimp out right now is mutually assured destruction.
The snowkikes will just bang their shoes on the table in impotent rage the same way the always have.
If China isn't in the dance, there will be no WW3
That's not what "reactionary" means. The word you're looking for is "dramatic".
With China, North Korea, Syria and Russia all in the news right now, plus the out of control Middle East and migration crisis, plus struggles with Mexico,
There's probably a good chance
40% 40% 20%
Trump is basically just virtue signalling
A fair chance. Ramzpaul and Styx are pissed off and I don't blame them. He betrayed his supporters.
>USA bombs Syrian base that Russia helped financed
>Russian soldiers were also on that base during the attack and died
>Trump's piss video (((mysteriously))) gets leaked and audio tapes of him talking with Russians telling them to hack DNC and he will uplift Obama's sanctions
>Trump gets impeached
That's how it will pan out. Russia and USA won't go full blown war. We can't use nuke each other without blowing up the planet. It would just end in a stalemate like the cold war. Nothing further.
WWIII either happens or it doesn't. So 50%.
Absolute 9%
The world is too globalised to a WORLD war to happen again. USA, Russia, Europe and other big players just don't want a war. They might fight in shitty countries like the last few decades, but not directly like WWII.
fuck, I mean absolute 0%
As long as there are no Russian troops dicking around in that area, it should be fine.
no Russians died pavel
0% you fucking fags. It was all just a dog & pony show
Very unlikely. This is just a HAPPENING! moment. All will be Daijobu.
I'll give it two weeks before we going back to status quo
Not worth it, but the shitstorm will be great.
YA best START believing in world wars.. YOU'RE IN ONE!
It's never going to happen
Look guys, it's time to accept that Trump was a bad choice, and honestly the Democrats are the better party.
Russia is pissed, but they're not going to go into nuclear war over Syria.