Vanguard America stands with TRUMP!

Just want to be clear for all you cowards jumping ship, Vanguard America still stands with Trump.

fuck you cuck


Fuck off.

fuck off ghoul

Fuck off, shill.

God bless our leader Donald J. Trump.This is the right move for our people. MAMA. Make America Modest Again!

American vanguard supports attacking a country that did literally nothing wrong? How about we attack the FSA militants who actually gassed the civilians and not Assad.

>I'm a Cuck

-Translated from faggot to English

No. Fuck the Syrian People. We have every right to destroy them.

Fuck off Russia.

fuck off, this was a Sup Forums failure, we need to meme harder.

I fully support Trump but my god you're fucking braindead.

hurr durr I support trump but I disagree with someone for supporting trump hurr durr. Fuck Trump.

You are cowards and traitors. Attacking Syria is really putting America fist there lad. Have fun dying for Israel.


Join the Fight brother!

We are fighting for our own interests!

Fuck you newfag. Trump allowed in the revocation of FCC laws and then does a 180 and attacks a country he said we had no business being there in the first place.

You support him still because you are an underage newfag piece of shit

Been on Sup Forums for 4 years and I'm 26.

Piss off nigger.

Yeah attacking the guys who bomb ISIS is really our own interest.

Fuck you cunt

Shillary trips of satanism

Everyone is jumping ship, yet we stand strong with our future.

Who are you nobodies

Peas of a pod, birds of a feather, moderates and sodomites sticking together!

>Who are you nobodies
Are you kidding? Haven't you seen all the news articles about us, we are the guardians of the white race and so is trump let that be clear.

Yeah, speak for yourself nigger.
You don't stand for me you faggot kike.

Well you guardians haven't responded to my email

woah i guess i'm an /americanvanguard/ missile now. wait i mean /reactionusa/ wait fuck, alright /altright/ missile now

>american vanguard

Fuck off, you cucks think Hitler and GLR were failures.

Fucking fashies my aching ass. No wonder the Washington and Oregon chapters left. You alt-lite cucks.