Boggles the membrane

Boggles the membrane.


He's right to do this, We will support Rand and Ron from now on, And hitler too.







holy shit

Oh no! Not Paul Joseph Watson !

What a loss.

Well, at least he admits he got conned.

Wait, is he implying that he liked the idea of Trump being a russian puppet?

People should really stay away from twitter tonight. Emotions are running high. We still need the full story and some time to assess this.

>most ardent Trump supporter besides Bill Mitchell
>completely abandons him within an hour

I know he's not much of a loss but if anything it's just telling how badly betrayed Trump's base is.

He just eroded an already low (but very sturdy) approval rating.

Friendship ended with Trump

Damn,I still think Trump is /ourguy/ the problem is he is under a democratic oath so he goes through nignog judges and his cabinet is hot shit

Hilldawg is now my best friend

t. shill



British jew. Only supports Trump when it's profitable.

He actually tries to pass laws,but nig nog lawyers stop him

>0.5 cents has been deposited into your Nimble_Navigator account

idiot shill

Hildawg is Trumps friend goy

Jew puppet confirmed

>Jew apologist that didn't even support Trump in the beginning

Oh no.

It's not a war. It was a surgical strike, in direct response to an action by Assad, to stop him from doing that action again, nothing more...precise, surgical, measured, with no implied escalation.

At first I disagreed with what Trump did, but I'm back on the train now! No brakes! Woo woo!!!

He'll come around.

Any surprise? He likes to jump ship at the first sign of rough water.

not surprised.
only 40 little missiles and the dude jumps ship.
this is literally fucking nothing.
raid against PJW when?

>action by Assad

No one cares about that nigger lip faggit


And you know what?
Libruls are now OK with him

PJW is right.

Who's this faggot and why should I care?

t's all pure optics, like when Clinton bombed Sudan. Perception management is Trump's bread and butter. The Tomahawk launch is a slap on Assad's wrist that 1) eliminates the "Putin stooge" card from Democrats' repertoire, and 2) makes Trump look noble and strong in the eyes of normies (contrast this to Obama's wet noodle/doormat approach). It also motivates the Russians to keep Assad on a tighter leash and sends a message to the Chinese concerning the South China Sea, given the timing. This does nothing to fundamentally change the outcome of the war and relations with Russia are left completely intact.

Hey i got trips neat

Looks like I'm a #cruzmissle now

I'm still trying to wrap my head around this but I think it's not actually that big of a deal.

>Trump knows the gas attack may have been a false flag but wants to placate the neocons and others who say something must be done

>Trump sees an opportunity to do something that will make the narrative that he's in bed with the Russians look even more ludicrous

>Trump asks for a list of military options from advisors

>Trump picks the most rinky dink thing he can do that will still placate the people begging for war

>He has the military communicate to the Russians operating in the area to stay clear of a certain area where we will be operating

>Russians relay the warning to Syrians, the Syrians clear all personnel from the airfield

>Trump launches a bunch of missiles which strike one small airfield and doesn't cause any casualties

- "Trump is a Russian puppet" narrative permanently BTFO
- Anti-war and/or anti-neocon people like us are initially angered, but relieved when it doesn't escalate into further conflict
- Other countries get the message that Trump is not afraid of launching military attacks
- The people who believed the mainstream media narrative that Assad launched a chemical weapons attack against civilians are happy Trump did something about it

Let this simmer a few days and see what happens. If there's no further escalation after this flurry of missile launches this will have been a pretty ingenious move by Trump. If he is indeed now in bed with neocons and this escalates in our involvement in a war in Syria he will lose his support base almost overnight, which he will deserve.

That's never going to be a meme. Not ever.

what did kek mean by this

Who cares if we are "betraying" the base? He betrayed us. What ever happened to America First? This is a jew war. He IS a globalist neocon.
Rand 2020

>Trump knows the gas attack may have been a false flag
Trump said Assad was responsible
Trump BTFO one of Assad's airbases

Yeah, I'd say Trump knows exactly who's "responsible" for the gas attacks.

Don't be a fucking dumbass. Rand and Ron Paul can't win fucking elections; we need someone else.

ITT: Fags who didn't realise Watson was a Kremlin shill.

I thought we were the cool counter culture though???

checked and agreed


Just because he said that doesn't mean he completely believes it.

We launched a bunch of missiles at an empty airbase. It's a pretty literally nothing move.

>we need people who can win (((elections)))

Fuck off


Ron can't cause he's like 90 years old. Rand could.

We are. Trump isn't going to go through on the invasion, they've already confirmed that--this is just a show of force.

But that means we get to look tough for opposing it when he backs down from the invasion. The "Alt-Right" or whatever the kikes want to call it is now objectively the pro-peace faction.

Kill yourself kike

>military strikes on sovereign nations are OK if it wins me some political points with neocons

It won't show in his approval rating, now that he's a good goy all of MSM is cheering him on and shilling for him

These people won't vote for him tho

I'm not saying it's "OK", I'm saying it's not as bad as it seems on first blush.

>you only bombed the military base of a country
this is american education at work


>Just because he said that doesn't mean he completely believes it.

and Olympic Gold in Mental Gymnastics goes to...

It was basically empty you dumbfuck

>mfw we elected the guy who will actually start war with Syria and Russia

>Implying I would turn my back on God Emporerer because he bombed Kebab.

Wtf are you smoking?


>and Olympic Gold in Mental Gymnastics goes to...

>Rand could
Did you just not pay attention to the primaries or something?

>Airstrikes are peaceful and what the peace faction does

So this is full on denial mode? When things escalate how will you justify it then? They are peaceful operations? Peaceful ground wars? Peaceful fallout?




HAHAHHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAH so if a MILITARY BASE OF A SOVEREIGN COUNTRY is empty it's totally okay to destroy it? holy shit you can't make this up

Wtf I love Ryan 2020!


No, it's not OK and I made it clear that I don't support what he did.

But I'm also pointing out that it's almost literally nothing and has almost no chance of escalating into anything more serious.

But here I am debating this with someone from a country which spends less than 1% of its GDP on its military.

does this faggot wear make up?

>Trump grounds Syrian airforce by destroying one of their largest airbases
>This means that they can't bomb anyone anymore
>This means they can't "gas" anyone anymore
>Russia is still allowed to bomb because Trump hasn't declared a no fly zone
All that literally has happened is that Trump has forced the Russians to take over fully in the air campaign for this war. This isn't war, apparently not a single person died in a hellfire of 59 missiles, this is literally shaping the narrative to a peaceful solution. Putin has already said Assad isn't unconditional - Russia will get rid of him if it means they achieve their own goals in Syria.

Amazes me that people are jumping ships like rats, before thinking about the geopolitical implications of the attack.

Fuck off back to the_donald. This was false flag bullshit that John McCain helped orchestrate to push the US into another war in the Middle East. Trump fucked up and drank the koolaid.

He claimed on-interventionist foreign policy, he said he'd drain the swamp, then the swamp tells him to go start a war and he does it. He either got played or he was the Jews all along.

it appears we followed the loaded plane from that air field to the targets where the gas was dropped.

Assad did it.

Don't make excuses for that fuck just because he hates ISIS too.

>action by Assad
Spelled MOSSAD the wrong way

>He either got played or he was the Jews all along.

He's a kike puppet, end of story

SAA reported casualties. Asylum applications are probably going to double with everyone thinking war or at least further escalation by the US is imminent. Enjoy.

Besides that he called on 'all civilized countries' to stop Assad. It's another Iraq/Libya/Afghanistan in the making. Fucking thanks retards

>Trump literally said in his campaign that he didn't start the mess in Syria, didn't support it, but would endveour to clean it up regardless
>People get mad when he starts doing exactly that

Pulling out of Syria would have been a disaster, just like Obama bitched out of Iraq. It would have created a power vacuum that would have allowed Isis to expand explosively. Just like when Obama pulled out of Iraq.

wtf I love PJW now.

>tfw we're breaking free from the homosexual agenda

Obvious shill. Terrorist had hardly any morale and were being pushed almost everywhere. What do you think this does retard? Reinvigorate enemy morale and increase instability.

>Trump says "peace through strength"
>Trump displays strength
>Sup Forums hemorrhages


This. I detect another Trump long game here. This wins him fans at home. Appeases foolish neo-con kikes who then let their defenses down as we see in this comment. Earns Trump rep as tough guy, exact opposite of Obama, unequivically good.

Not warmongering either; but just punishment meted out for bad deeds done. I don't see it going further. Also, Putin respects strength period. This is exactly what he would've done if he were in Trump's shoes. You know it's true.

This could be successful for Trump on many levels. Pretty hard to call him literally Hitler when he's out there protecting innocent Syrian baybees.

Weak meme

>a leaf

That doesn't even make sense.

If this keeps up I might have to start liking Trump on principle.

>It was a surgical strike, in direct response to an action by Assad,
I agree in that even if Assad didn't do this gas attack as many are saying, it makes things very clear that further such bullshit won't be tolerated without heavy repercussions.

I don't have a problem with that. And I don't even give a shit about baybees but I know many do.

LOL if you post it here w/screencaps I will enjoy greatly. He's funny and sometimes okay but that doesn't mean he doesn't deserve a full-on ass-whupping at present. Plus the way he talks is admittedly annoying as fuck.

Bah, go shoot yourself iin the face with your AR-15, Bubba Dean

How hard is it to get?

We don't give a fuck about that place anymore. Fuck optics. Assad can eat Syrian children or jumpstart Holocaust 2.0.