>Sup Forums low IQ brainlet "right-wingers" actually put their hopes and trusts for the future of their country and of Western civilisation in some degenerate TV show host who can barely speak at a 5th grade level
I will prove you wrong. Baruch Hashem for the internet.....eat my shit Soros...
When you say it like that, maybe we made a mistake.
soros is probably dancing in his home right now. he wants assad to go most
Do not lose help! Strengthen yourself....and be courageous!
If you are scare, then you don't belong on the battlefield! If you are scare, thats Hashem telling you need to repent!
Let us form a covenant of brotherhood, Why should we bicker all the time!
The Jews *want* us to hate on each other!
Its called haglian dialectic, that Bill Cooper lectured on it. It is avaible
Its time all Goyim wake up from their collective slumber and *TEAR* our birthright out of the hands of the *PARASITES* who confound us!
yeah and they are being successfull on that, like always
>someone at Sup Forums knows bill cooper
wasn't expecting that one considering this place is filled with alex jones shills.
I thought Sup Forums wanted happenings, don't be backpedalling now
>Oswald Spengler
He's believable if you're a Fascist leaning middle or sprightly schooler but he should be disregarded. His ideas are incoherent and not relevant to people like us.
I miss Hank
It's okay to cry. Here, you are invited to my home if shit goes south, amigo.
>For the Age has itself become vulgar, and most people have no idea to what extent they are themselves tainted. The bad manners of all parliaments, the general tendency to connive at a rather shady business transaction if it promises to bring in money without work, jazz and Negro dances as the spiritual outlet in all circles of society, women painted like prostitutes, the efforts of writers to win popularity by ridiculing in their novels and plays the correctness of well-bred people, and the bad taste shown even by the nobility and old princely families in throwing off every kind of social restraint and time-honoured custom: all of these go to prove that it is now the vulgar mob that gives the tone.
- Spengler
Trump isn't the one doing this. There has been some kind of secret Coup inside the White house. He is no longer in control. Only a puppet.
>Implying Clinton was the better candidate
Kys faggot, the hillary timeline is already in nuclear winterland.
>Guaranteed everything going to shit
>Not even in a fun way, just the same old kike shit
>Potentially fucks up everything in an amusing way
>Might also not fuck up and actually fix some things
If you have to choose, pick the one that might do something right. If he fails, it will be spectacular anyway
>not an accelerationist already
That's true. The God Emperor rhetoric was pretty pathetic though. Trump was a practical choice, very meme-able, but too many people let themselves become his creatures.
You have my word I will never express racial hatred, unless its to be funny and mean it as a term of endearment.
Peace to all of you loyal Sup Forumsniks.
lol and people always talk shit when I say im red pilled. Proof they are just shills who want to hate on me or are just deranged aspies who Hitler would have killed. Hitler and the nazis was a statist cuck, its just the idea of nat-soc that is good but that system should never be in place. But we need to embody that spirit if we want to triumph over our usurpers!
Leaving for yeshivah now, bye.
Yea, it's democratic Ceaserism just like Spengler predicted. The only problem is our country is too retarded/decadent at this point to save itself.
Maybe it would be better if a country like the US had more than two fucking choices. Trump is still the lesser evil
Better than the power-hungry cunt with a direct neural-link to the deep state we despise. Trump was simply a lesser evil.
This nation was destined to die long before this election cycle.
Being an observer of Spengler's theories, you should understand that this was nothing but the natural progression of a dying society in it's "winter" stage.