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>$80 million to make a hole in an airfield
time for golf
So trumps using good ol gun boat diplomacy?
A random sandnigger is not a source
Nice try though drumpfkin
>muh 10d chess
what a fucking moron
Trump stop doing this to me.
>A killing bolt will shine in the night but will not kill
Extreme Difficulty. S Rank. No Alerts. No Kills.
So we called this in to the Russians ahead of time, blew up an air base and made sure not to actually kill anyone then.
This was just a show of force to tell Assad not to be dumb and gas anyone again, and to distinguish himself from Obama, who set a red line then did nothing.
post the full prophecy
>Wastes 93 million dollars in missles
>doesn't even kill sand niggers
Wtf I hate Trump now
>It will happen when the weather cools. - Climate change
>That's when they'll make their move.
>The plans laid long ago, before the founding of America, and older still, will come to fruition.
>They're trying to force God's hand.
>Watch for these signs:
>Three branches will become one. - Republican control of the Judicial, Executive, and Legislative branch
>An island will drift away. - brexit
>A killing bolt will shine in the night but will not kill. - Tomahawk strike on Syrian airfield with no casualties
>The star will gorge itself on clay. - The Jews taking land
>Idols will speak and move about. - Celebs getting involved in politics
>The black flag will fly above the dome. - Isis marching on Jerusalem
>The belly of the dragon will drip water.
>Two voices will call out in a silence that all will hear.
>A rock will stand on seven hills.
>The ravens will starve. - the Tower of London Ravens, should less then 6 be alive, legend has it the monarchy will fall
>The bear will leave its cave forever. - Russia taking clay, rising again
>The rod and the ring will strike.
post full prophesy
>that Trump accuracy
Best part is he literally did this while having dinner with the leader of China
>"Try the steak, it's really good, also the mash-potatos are just to die for. Don't for get to-
>launch the strikes
>-try some of the wine, some the best I ever tasted"
Was it maybe just a warning?
>some sand nig on twitter
Who the fuck is that faggot?
>leith is a terrible source, full of shit
sage and hide
We have fuck tons of those missiles just sitting around. Might as well use them on something instead of just letting them rot and completely waste the money used to make them.
Globalist liberal NeoCon cucks thought they had Trump in a checkmate
>false flag attack against civilians
>who were probably already dead and just placed there by Soros Funded White Helmets
>Start railing on Trump to act
>SJWs and betas and bluepilled populace wants blood
>50 TedCruz Missiles launched
>lets Ruskies know ahead of time where they gonna land
>Ruskies make popcorn and watch the same patch of grass get hit 50 times
Trump escapes the Checkmate looking like hes serious while avoiding WWIII the establishment wants.
mother fucker.
No way...
belly of a dragon will drip = china in south china sea
a rock will stand on seven hills = gibraltar
Isn't the city of seven hills traditionally Rome? Could this mean something about the Pope?
read the pentagon statement you retard
they literally warned everyone ahead of time and bombed a empty airfield
Why do people think "The bear" exclusively means Russia? For all we know it means that California goes red
Exactly as planned. You don't fire a million dollar missile and miss, it doesn't happen, sorry. This was an effective show of power and a firm message.
>a rock will stand on seven hills
That's possibly islam taking down the vatican
The weather just warmed
>seven hills
it's istanbul
>a rock will stand on seven hills
Peter II next pope
fucking faggot should have nuked mexico instead to show who is boss
Only the US can launch 50 something missiles and have NO casualties.
Imagine Russia doing this with their 60s era missiles, just one missile would kill 1500 civilians and 2 terrorists
But it's okay because if they ain't SAA they are terrorists xD according to the reddit-tier /sg/ narrative
hey there shareblue
watcha doin
Yeah, OK...
Haha wow. Thank god. Jesus fuck.
Time for some celebretory Siege.
trump getting lessons from kim jong un, ay?
No it's Constantinople
What's the rod and the ring.
Trump is 100% in the clear here. Do not let the shills dissuade you.
Here are the facts:
>Trump gave advanced warning to the Russians about the attack
>The airfield was empty when ti was hit; literally no casualties
And Trump had fantastic reasons for doing this:
>The "Russian puppet" media circus forces Trump to do SOMETHING
>He decides to fuck over the entire media by removing their entire argument in one move
>No one is hurt, no alliances were harmed
Killary literally called for the us to bomb ALL of Assad's airfields, not just one empty one.
Also worth noting is that the US has long talked about a false-flag Syrian chemical attack.
You're a fool if you think Trump doesn't know this.
Using the old maxim of "cui bono?", you can see that the people orchestrating this shit played right into Trump's hands and gave him the tools he needed to silence his opposition.
oh fug
Uhh guys?
it's renamed to fatih aka title of mehmed ii :^)
>Jews thought they'd boxed Trump into either a war or a humiliating political defeat
>he acts
>in one stroke destroys the Russia narrative, the Hitler narrative, the incompetent narrative, and the WW3 narrative
>doesn't even take a single human life
Why do they even try
Shit this isnt good.
Siege cancelled
Blumpf believes Assad was behind the chemical attack. He wants to destroy Syria for his masters in israel. A job well one orange man.
Globalists wanted Trump to take out Assad's whole air force which would be overkill and help ISIS.
Left-Libertarians wanted Trump to do nothing and fucking get thrashed for it, look like a retard and lose respect.
You mean Constantinople
also it almost certainly refers to Rome
Trump just trolled everyone including his followers
I missed you guys :^)
Brainlets genuinely believe that Trump just randomly le attakked russia xDDD
Flat tire, out of commission!
The fuck kinda logic is this?
i cant believe how stupid this board is you thought this was anything other than a show of force. really opened my eyes.
holy fucking shit
kek's prophecy
I'm glad my precious tax dollars went into making a crater in a desert for no reason other than to dickwave.
T-thanks Trump
Australian news is reporting one death from the strike.
>be Syrian soldier
>decide to take a shit at 4:30 in the morning
>air raid siren goes off mid poo
>Most missiles struck the same area on the airfield.
Damn, that's some accurate shooting.
Don't toy with us.
It's not night time there.
>Isis taking Jerusalwem
Ask me how I know you're a LARPing piece of shit.
Butthurt little baby
>$100 mil in munitions
>no dead sandniggers
Former trump supporter here. Haha it's fucking hilarious watching his presidency crash and burn but seriously we can't let him get his hands on Assad's coordinates.
You mean Byzantium
Did Trump give a heads up to Assad too?
yea it was nigga
its 6:33 am now and the missle hit more than an hour ago and the sunrise was at 6;15 am
the hell would "an island drifting away" mean?
Those airfield-islands the PRC is making?
>Two voices will call out in a silence that all will hear.
Oh my god
>A killing bolt will shine in the night but will not kill
what card this from
>after all this
>finishes his talks with the Chinese president
>plays a round of golf as the media shits itself trying to figure out what to complain about next
Anyone on Sup Forums crying about this is a shill in my eyes. How can they not see it?
>>A rock will stand on seven hills.
Keep Dwayne Johnson out of Rome
>the hell would "an island drifting away" mean?
where are all the russians?
>$100m to blow a hole the size of a fucking skyscraper in the desert
>kills no one
>does nothing
Fucking retarded.
Can I order the full enchilada?
Give it time, roach
It means the UK is going to cede control of the Falklands