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>When you help your enemies, you win.
t. Trump
Fuck Trump
I cant defend this bumbling idiot any longer. Im done
fucking burgers
You're trying to tell me this sandnigger isn't an isis agent?
This. I know them feels. Also nice digits user.
Liberals wanted this.
Australian shitposters this early?
>if russia is bombing ISIS we should let them!
>gets elected and bombs syria instead
Trump just fucked up big time
Nuking Israel would end all conflicts in the middle east.
What exactly was attacked? Why was it attacked if it was abandoned?
Why would ISIS move after a random missile strike that everyone apparently was warned 24 hours early.
>why won't drumpf bomb assad REEEEEE
>Why is Drumpf helping isis REEEEE
Absolutely comical.
Kikes are the master race.
trump should send 50 more tomahawks to drop on isis
Fuck this guy I'm done. Not sure what we were expecting from a Kike lover.
>>why won't drumpf bomb assad REEEEEE
Who the fuck was asking for this besides neocons?
Lel I bet you've been sitting on that one for a long time, eh leaf?
Liberals will find anything to hate on him anyway.
>blows up base with nothing in it.
The Jews and neocohens win. I'm out.
Literally who on this board was asking for him to bomb Assad?
They did. And they want more, blood is all they ever want.
It's nearly 2pm her Mr. Coronary American.
You can never satisfy these faggots. They would rather see people gassed than concede that trump did something good.
But in all seriousness my friend, we can't let him get his hands on the nuclear codes ;)
Same here man. Officially out of this place, after tonight I won't be reading about politics or coming here anymore. I'm placing Sup Forums on my LOCAL DNS block to prevent me from coming back.
Fuck the Jews, fuck the governments
Hope you anons all live great lives, have nice wives and nice families too.
It was good while it lasted.
Exactly what Isis wanted. Anyone with half a brain knew it was going to happen like this.
>rebels losting
>fake some appeal to emotion and give it to the western media
>get ceasefire
Trump one upped them though by giving them artillery support.
fuck you shill kike faggot
Good tweet
Fuck Trump and fuck burgers.
my fucking sides.
you simply cannot beat the kike in anything.
im killing my self tonight. goodnight anons, see you on the other side.
One less leaf thank you allah
Icing on the cake
>Trump got the leafs to leave
Maybe it was worth it after all
Don't do that
This girl is lying, Isis is not in Homs. It's al-qaeda
Oh, that is such a relief then...
How is that any better?
Al-Qaeda is our ally in Syria.
All Trump had to do was not get involved for a while, a few weeks everyone would forgot about that.
I guess it's just too hard for neocons to not bomb other countries. It's just asking too much
Who else /convertingtoIslam/ here?
I'll take a caliphate over the poz anyday.
we acted as an airforce for terrorist organization X, not terrorist organization Y!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
For what ends?
Wait, I thought we were at war with al-Qaeda?
I'm staying.
[spoiler]but I'm a redneck'd frog[/spoiler]
To take out Assad. After that, who knows?
Obama I know it's you.
he's trying to push a ridiculous "the enemy of our enemy is our friend" narrative
shill shill shill
Yeah no shit. Read "two" Corinthians some more I guess
Donald J(ew) Trump
Because that means she doesn't know what the fuck she's talking about.
praise allah
lā ʾilāha ʾillā-llāh, muḥammadur-rasūlu-llāh
I am just describing U.S. foreign policy.
>scott adams names the jew
Poor guy, I never expected him to commit suicide so soon
Wtf i love isis now 99d chess
>Rania Khalek
>Ruth Khazarberg
Yeah, I'm sure China is pissing their pants at Trump lobbing a few missiles at sandniggers.
Assad supported ISIS numerous times and provided them air support in many battles, too many dumb fucks forget about that.
Trump just showed Assad a new Pres is running the show. Hope your forces enjoy being at the receiving end of some air strikes.
Sauce. Also best cow
Oh no wait, isis actually is in homs. Al qaeda is in Hama
final bit of fun before kalibr and s-400 goes to action
is anyone watching can right now?
there is this guy talking outside at the border and a phone literally just started ringing like he is inside a studio
what the fuck
"Even better" some might say
Anyone hear from Israel lately? They've been too quiet...
They fake shit all the time. I don't understand how these elephant missiles have the brains to kill nobody. Why is everybody cool with this?
Awesome. One less leaf to have to deal with.
i made a whole thread for this concept
but i'll post it here because i would love to hear some dissenting opinions
ISIS was a tool made to destroy Assad.
Us could have got ridden of ISIS long ago, but why would they? They are the anti-assad soldiers, and america want Assad GONE.
Assad knew about this strike, it's all preplanned. SAA are prepped for the counterstrike and will wipe the fuck out of ISIS in Homs now.
What happened to asking Congress first. Went out the window in statutes a long time ago I guess. Just like the 200 year old things we broke to pass the shitty new supreme cuck i guess
Nice proxy, Barack
Every liberal ever.
Think about this way guys if we had Hillary this situation would be way worse
So the bombings are so stacked for Trump he still wins? I don't get it. Nobody will think back and say oh yeah thosr airfields took down ISIS. Because they were Assad's
Kasha; Salty or Sweet?
No, but it makes them have to be a lot more cautious about starting shit in the South China Sea or whatnot.
Which is good.
the user you're responding to is shill spinning.
don't listen to that idiot lol worse than CTR
Actually tonight is the first time i can see him as a leader. If he keeps this up I'll become a supporter. Putin should go back to his frozen aids ridden fuckhole and fucking die there.
>but im ignoring that obama gave them all their weapons
Lying bitch
what are you going buy with your ctr shekels?
>but i'll post it here because i would love to hear some dissenting opinions
This actually seems right. I thought these Brain Expanding things were supposed to be ironic, though.
Well considering we created those terrorist organizations.
I'm a chinaman and if you don't stop shitposting I'm going to sneak into your country and multiply using my devilish chinaman tricks
>bomb dirt near airbase
>hit no one
>mccain faction thinks trump has taken the bait and is manipulable now
>pushes isis in for the kill
>assad knows it's coming
>saa curb stomp isis
>trump now extinguished muh russia narrative and isis at the cost of a few tomahawks
>plays golf
all according to plan
That's it, that's it he only wants to draw isis out. Then he'll clobber them. 69d chess.
t. increasingly nervous Trump guy for the seventeenth time
>delusion the post
I still don't like this and I don't understand flying these fatty bastards hundreds of miles away and all 2,000 of them destroy ISIS and cause no damage. I don't like this Borg timeline
He has been turned and betrayed our glory. Shillary would have done it earlier.