50+ Tomahawk Missiles Launched Against Assad's Army

I support Trump. I voted for him in 2016's election and I supported him all the way until he won.
I still support him, he is a great man and a great president.

I respect his decision to do this but I have to say that I disagree with it. Its quite obvious that Assad is not responsible for the Sarin gas attacks. The public has 0 evidence proving that Assad is responsible yet.
Its obviously the FSA / ISIS's doings. Both of which have gas weapons on hand.

By doing this, and fighting Assad we have 2 main scenarios to deal with. Firstly it will turn out like Iraq 2.0

We take out Assad and a hole of power will be the outcome. Militant groups can take power later down the road or a shitty democratic weak president will be instated only to be overthrown years down the road.
Lots of time, money and lives will be lost in this.

The next scenario makes the one above sound lovely. Russia could get involved and attempt to defend their Syrian allies. WW3 could start and we all know that will be horrible and its something that nobody truly wants.

I will always support my country to my dying breath but I pray to god that this is just a warning to Assad and that this just blows over.

It's that time again. ZOG wants war.

I'm heavily against dicking around in the Middle East any more than we have. He's becoming more and more like a neocon. I voted for America First, not wars for Israel or muh poisoned babies. I'm not totally dropping him unless he escalates further

We just have to pray that once the military and Trump finds out that it wasn't Assad that they won't strike anymore.

I will only support this if I see DAMNING EVIDENCE that Assad was responsible.

I wouldn't even support it for damning evidence, but I wouldn't be as angry I admit. America shouldn't be world police. I'm tired of it

Sure, if he is anything like Saddam he deserved to be overthrown and killed but we, as a country have to ask ourselves is it worth it?

The lives, money and resources lost to something like this aren't replaceable.

There are ways to go about this that will work but I'm just not sure yet if Trump is capable of performing any better than how Bush performed in Iraq.

And this is assuming we actually get evidence of Assad doing these things.

Honestly, looking back on it I don't think going to Iraq was even worth it. We killed more civilians than Saddam ever did.



sai daqui favelado do krl

Thanks m8

Another bump.

Fuck off the Donald poster

Trump is not moving to take put Assad, he has effectively called the neocon's bluff, threw some missiles into an empty airfield, killed no one, and forced a closer investigation. Trump is not reversing anything.

>começa a frase com letra minúscula
>não usa pontuação

>chama os outros de faveldo

Não vou morder.

Trump just blew up the weapons that the rebels were using without reportedly killing anyone. Stop thinking in 2D chess.

Smart thinking. I sure as hell hope this is true.

here's yet another brazilbro bump for you, burgerfam

>inb4 hahaha vc feiz typo haha tava serto


I agree.

Former Trump supporter here. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the tomahawk codes!

No ye cunt

>he is a great man and a great president.
>great president
it's just been a few months....

He's done more positive things in a few months than Obama has in 8 years.

I just hope is right.

This is my hope too

There's some evidence that Syria did carry out a gas attack. The gas coincided with a SyAAF air raid. We know Syria possesses chemical weapons. The Syrian story that they inadvertently hit a rebel chemical weapons storage site doesn't make sense given the nature and chemistry of nerve agents.

What concrete evidence is there that it was a false flag? There isn't a lot of evidence either way, but there's definitely more leaning towards the SyAAF being the perpetrator.

Either way, as long as this is a one off strike it doesn't matter. This won't turn the tide of the war. Assad will still win. The US military gave forewarning to Russia to avoid Russian casualties. This actually seems like a good move all around.

>that the rebels were using
Wasn't this a Syrian airbase? As in the Syrian military? Trump administration thinks Assad did the attack, even though there's no evidence, so it wouldn't be on rebels' weapons

There's not enough evidence either way. The FSA / ISIS also has gas weapons in their possession.

Also how many times has Assad been blamed for gas attacks in the past? Fucking tons.