While the President is launching Tomahawks into Syria Bannon is calling his son-in-law a cuck

>While the President is launching Tomahawks into Syria Bannon is calling his son-in-law a cuck
we may have meme'd too hard this time lads

>You're a cuck.
>No u.

Let Bannon fuck this Kike up

Bannon is that fat faggot right?

Get rid of Bannon immediately, he's a good scapegoat to feed the dems. He was just a shill anyways.

No that's (You)

Kill yourself Kike

Fuck off kike. Kushner is a liberal faggot who has no business being a part of the administration.

trump has to PUSH THE KUSH

>Jared is a cuck

D..did Bannon bang Ivanka?

>an anonymous white house official said

>meme'd too hard
There is no such things.

Thought bannon was smart

hes about to get jewed up and spit out

>anonymous source

An anonymous source just told me that OP is a faggot. Anyone else hear about that?

muh dick

(((Jared Kushner))) is the antichrist.

Kushner is a little beta pretty boy who is clueless about foreign policy.

The real puppetmaster who changed Trump's mind and also ousted Bannon was not the little beta Kusher, but Admiral McMaster, I bet most of you dumb faggots don't even know who he is, or his position in the neocon foreign policy establishment

It is McMaster who has been responsible for the weird shit lately, and responsible for turning Trump into a retarded typical neocon and ousting Bannon. But McMaster is a white man and military man, and so according to the subhuman, worthless retards on Sup Forums he can do no wrong.

Actually, you've never even heard of him have you? Lol

Wait retards still believe in an antichrist?

Bannon is Sup Forums Go back to plebbit

Gets the noggin joggin

I hear reddit makes valid points. Much better than Sup Forums. Much wow. Also bannon is fat.

Bannons favorite book that he quotes often
He is /our/ guy
Ignore Trump shills.