what kind of 4D chess is he playing right now?
What kind of 4D chess is he playing right now?
It's called global thermonuclear war
>russian puppet story gets fucked
>north koreans stop sending threats
>venezuela will not blame us for everything when the socialist fuck ups completely collapses
>neocons endorse trump
>putin has to back down and end up looking like a cuck
4D chess was a myth created by us.
He's clearly a kike puppet
What the fuck is he doing!? Does he want ISIS to recover or something, does he really believe that shit about the gas?
Anyone can play it. Can he win it?
So ya'll believe he's a kike puppet while the Left believes he's a Russian puppet.
So, where's the middle ground?
Prepare your anus for the second wave of the horde
the dumb cunt was playing chequers all along
He's the Lord Kek puppet. He's an Unironic believer and wants WWIII to please Kek.
Also praise Kek.
Flexing his dick with a one-off strike
>i hope
>literal shill for the kikes
>playing 4D chess
This. Why are there so many concern trolls and D&C shills out tonight?
>Norko test fires a missile and gets the attention of the world
>Trump fires 60 missiles at an empty airbase in response (Also the missiles actually work)
>Also gets the dems to switch to his side in the process
He's moved into 22nd dimension hyper-timelocked chess
I think it's time to accept that the meme will die soon
More like 5D chess. He is putting russia with syria in place, while sending a message to china and north korea. One strike, 4 goals achieved, that is pretty impressive.
>concern trolls and shills
some of us are legit worried of an all out invasion, but I've cooled down and think it may be just a one-off attack to flex our muscle
Remember Kek is the god of chaos
I will admit i was goddamn terrified
wait. starting war with syria is good for china.
Because US navy will concentrate on middle east and pacific ocean will be less pressured.
China is true winner of this attack.
Lol at Trump having dimensions. He doesn't give a fuck about the "beautiful babies" or civilians; Someone (McMaster?) told him that Assad and Putin are testing him to see if he's man enough and he went "LAUNCH THE MISSILES" because his ego is frailer than a baby bird.
Putin is a tactile former KGB intelligence agent, while Trump is a man-child who gets into Twitter beefs. Putin is playing Trump like a fucking fiddle and it's working completely. We're not even 4 full months in and he's already dragging us into a foreign conflict, despite the fact that his campaign platform was based on the idea of "America first" and avoiding all foreign conflict.
We're fucked, and I blame you, Sup Forums.
And fulfilling Hillary's call to strike Syria. With Hillary on board, all her followers will be too. Trump now has their support. Win, win and more winning.
This guy gets it.
He's not. He's an impulsive, irrational asshole. It was funny as shit during the campaign, but it's not funny anymore
>putin wants war
are you fucking stupid?
hes playing with himself
it's the game where he's not really in charge he's just another Jewish puppet and you all got fooled again
Who said something about going to war? There will be no war happening, the 60 missile strike put them into their places pretty hard, without the need to escalate anything fully.
When's Susan Rice going before Congress? Brennan needs to testify.
he doesn't play chess, only tiddlywinks
Yeah, Trump's not interesting in -ousting- Assad he just had to give the guy the Negan treatment as Friendly Reminder. Lesson learned.
well, do you really think assad give up his statue after missiles?
They will be fucked up by "rebels" if they show weakness to them.
They have no choice but stand against US.
He's really just that dumb
Fuck I thought he would be smarter than to listen to the globalist, I blame his kike daughter
No. He got emotional, like fucking Merkel after the beach boy pitcture.
It's all pure optics, like when Clinton bombed Sudan. Perception management is Trump's bread and butter. The Tomahawk launch is a slap on Assad's wrist that 1) eliminates the "Putin stooge" card from Democrats' repertoire, and 2) makes Trump look noble and strong in the eyes of normies (contrast this to Obama's wet noodle/doormat approach). It also motivates the Russians to keep Assad on a tighter leash and sends a message to the Chinese concerning the South China Sea, given the timing. This does nothing to fundamentally change the outcome of the war and relations with Russia are left completely intact.
>putin has to back down and end up looking like a cuck
Putin is /ourguy/
Fuck Trump
the one were we have to spent another 5 trillion dollars on some god forsaken hellhole
Not gonna lie, former Assad supporter here. While I do love watching children being gassed to death, we seriously can't let this man get a hold of the sarin stockpiles.
wat picture
Holy fuck you're right.
He really believes the shit about the gas.
*check ers
Could you stop with the constant implying that one thing can only lead to another? This is what it is about
The kind he wins
Putin is not ourguy he is a statist bastard , want to fix the west problems?Remove the welfare state
importing muslims?Its because low fertility rates due to high taxes to finance shit
Leftist chimping out?Its because they want free stuff and tough police all because universities that want to leech the government teaching shit like sociology which is branwashing 101
Putin is supporting socialist lunatics like Maduro in venezuela , in fact last week when venezuela socialist abolished democracy russia was the only country to endorse them.
Russia is a statist oligarchy the only way to save the west is a conservative libertarian alliance.
Dude this was the equiv of a wrist slap
We are not going to fight Assad
It's called the "sucking off Saudi Arabia" kind.
RT said that there were no casualties from attack while some other news say that there were killed and wounded
I guess that USA warned our forces about attack and they either got out or for some retarded reason stayed
He's taking a yuge diarrhea shit all over the checkers board.
he was playing 1-D tick tack toe all along, but he didn't know the rules so nobody could figure out what the fuck he was doing.
He had the strikes launched while meeting with the Chinese President.
He looked him right in the eye when it was on the news during their dinner.
none, he has finally gotten jewd by (((them))) those who justify this shit are as fucking cancerous as those shills and other faggets, they can't seem to cope with the fact that he is another jewish puppet, hell even his daughter gets kike'd every night while they keep tellin muh 4d chess
Lol at greentexting something I didn't say.
Not saying Putin wants war, I'm saying Trump's cronies are telling him that Putin and Assad are behind/knowledgeable about the attack and are using that to goad him into action. McMaster's picture is under the term "war hawk" in the dictionary lol.
Trump lose their close tie with Russia.
It means, Russia would back up with China and Russia need China badly.
oh wow.
"perfect tactics". but strategically, China won the deal.
China can use their advantage as "neutral". They can choose USA or Russia.
He's playing the most advanced version of 4D chess...perhaps even...5D chess
must be real simple being an anarcho capitalist.
But who will build the roads?
then explain what you mean when you say Putin is playing Trump? I took it as he is instigating a war with Trump
We warned the Ruskies to evacuate
Now no russians dead
Russian narrative fucking gone
And slap on the wrist given to Assad
Thats a win in my book
For fucks sake, the Russians are kike puppets too. Aleksandr Dugin, look him up.
Bolshevic Communism portrayed as Nationalism; it's a hoax.
O-oy vey
Trump bls dont dew it again
So you are saying that people that don't even know about the exsistance of memes won't react unironically to this one? Plus also implying that they are muslims which are the unironic people at its finest?
Oh baby
>i hate trump to 4d chess move
i was fooled.maga
And what happens when (((they))) use chemical weapons again?
It wasn't a false flag right goyim? It couldn't happen a second time!
You're all officially more gullible than PJW if you think this is some wise scheme. Trump's a fucking idiot and an ex-useful idiot.
Another user was kind enough to screenshot it in another thread as well
and Russia and Syria is now enemy of USA.
Russia is not pussy and will not forgive trump even if he "warned" Russia
Do you really think making new enemy if good for US?
This meeting will be good for China.
Xi may be laughing right now,.
"oh russia and US are fighting each other".
We are not at war you bloody marine, assad wont attack us and Russia will now sit at our table
This also stops the Norks from launching missiles at you now that they know we wont back down
supporting your president
>new enemy
>if you warn your enemies before you kill them, you win
>king chang laughing his ass off
>implying Russial will ever turn their back on China to trust US when Trump's got a kike whispering in his ear and god know how many other kikes are behind him, not to mention Russia is vulnerable to their financial shenanigans
oh yeah,Putin will sure as fuck fall for it, burger
it doesn't matter Assad attack US or not.
Putin is pushed by their conservatives to take strong action against US.
Do you reminder who support Putin? Not softy liberals. of course.
Who else read this in a Japanese accent
Sounds like we need to bomb Assad some more after all.
Who doesnt?
Okay you meme tier trash
Here's the gist of the situation:
Leftists worldwide have been pushing for some kind of intervention against Syria for years. Obama was a weak faggot as Trump has pointed out repeatedly, with his "red line".
Now suddenly the hooker arrives and their dicks are limp. It was all a bit too much. They start backing away from their former stance. Trump and America confirmed for having mastodontic penis.
Trump's been praised by McCain, Netanyahu, Schumer, Pelosi, various media cucks, even some faggot from New York Times. Even if they don't want to, they have to if they have backed action on Syria previously.
Trump warned Russia of this using the red de-escalation phone, no Russians killed
This was a barebones airfield in the middle of nowhere, most likely few if any casualties. It was a symbolic act.
Syria said it's "an act of aggression", notably not "an act of war".
If there is regime change, it will be after ISIS is defeated and the country stable. That gives leftists """"MUH REGIME CHANGE"""" but Assad is replaced by a secular Alawite just like himself with a less bloody past, probably his cousin or something, leftists and muslims get cucked because they got the regime change they wanted but it's business as usual
In summary: Trump played 20-D chess to commit a symbolic attack against Syria killing pretty much nobody, not triggering WW3, cucking leftists by showing his initiative, destroying the Russian narrative, leftist cucks worldwide have to praise him for """action on Syria""". End result: Huge gains for Trump, a paved tarmac in the middle of nowhere blown up, few/no casualties, gas attack issue handled.
>what kind of 4D chess is he playing right now?
ISIS launched a ground assault in that area within an hour of the missile strikes. You can't put together a coordinated assault that fast unless you know the attack is coming and you know where. Somebody leaked that information. Even Hillary knew a few hours before.
He's got to find those leakers.
Seriously, I want to believe in him, I really do, but he jumped into action so fast over this shit, even before it was proven what actually happened.
Or it just was in order to deliver the message. Thats power my friend, knowing you are lying and no one can do a thing about it.
I never say anarchocapitalism , just have capitalism with low taxes and tariff , for the last 40 years since the fall of the gold backed dollar every country has been fucking their currency by printing money for everything , and still it was not enough.
The fact is that in a democracy politicians have to promise things and they promise to build bridges even where you already have a bridge , once they increase taxes they never lowers them.
So for the last 40 years the power of the state has been growing to the point where the fertility rates in welfare states have collapsed.
The situation is not critical in the us yet because trump stop them , but it has reach a critical point in welfare states like argentina , brasil , russia and the european hibrid social democracies.
Just look at every country with a big welfare state after the return of fiat currency ,they all are becoming a huge capital that drains from the rest of the nation.
Why?Because countries print their currency unbacked and people have to work where the welfare state is because there it is the only place in which jobs are and that is because the printed money is injected through public jobs.
Look at russia after the fall of the soviet union , now its only moscow and an empty country.
Buenos Aires the same , sao paulo the same, mexico city the same ,paris the same.
The west is being killed by the welfare state , people are being forced to the capitals where the recently printed money is , and are being taxed to fertility collapse.
Hillary has no followers. Hillary follows the hawk/neolib party line.
He didn't start a war with Syria,
Syria called it "an act of aggression". That's different from "an act of war". It means they don't consider themselves at war with the US. They also just sent an "IF IT HAPPENS AGAIN" message. So no war this time.
He saw a picture of a dead kid and decided an act of war would be a good idea
What 4d chess is that?
Reads more like a russian accent, but who can truely say, those asians all sound the same.
Ok. And what happens when (((they))) use chemical weapons again?
>importing muslims?Its because low fertility rates due to high taxes to finance shit
No it isn't. If our governments wanted a bigger population they could just send a train of supertankers made into floating human transports to South East Asia, and get unlimited population. Leftists specifically want Muslims/Arabs/Africans.
>what kind of 4D chess is he playing right now?
This kind.
Air land sea. Some move up some stay stagnant. Just play Starcraft Trump. Saturday we play!
The war is already happend.
Trump attack Syria. It mean, he will take responsibility of all what happen to Syria.
Because if Assad lose against ISIS, terrorism gain power and Trump will be blamed.
If, Assad took strong actiaon against ISIS and America, it will be messy war anyway.
Trump has NO choice but to take care of Syria by lauching missile.
I hope Americans are glad about paying another 500tirillion dollar for their millitary action.
>runs an entire fucking campaign on going after isis
>goes after assad when clear and blatant false flag occurs
hmm gee i wonder how one can be SO FUCKING RETARDED as to not grasp this simple and basic concept.
>not understanding the many uses of greentext
Do you have proof that Trump's administration thought that Putin and Assad knew about the attack beforehand?