okie so why didn't this apply when we bombed:
>any of the very numerous times that rapin bill clinton used tomahawk missiles?
CUZ IT WASNT 2016-2017
Because the prophecy is only a few months old
>All will be revealed on April 3rd
>Sup Forums in charge of prophecies
Context? I looked it up and found some Nostradamus shit. Someone's got to explain.
>But will not kill
This is what I found. Is this what you were referring to?
So this prophecy started in June last year. We are now on the 3rd sign. A happening in Israel is expected to be the 4th sign.
>The star will gorge itself on clay
Incidentally HWNDU is prophecy 5
I'm entirely new to this prophecy, but from what I can ascertain, I assume this is what the prophecy entails:
>Three branches will become one
Republicans now control Congress, the Supreme Court, and the executive branch. Thus, all three "branches" of the United States government have become one.
>An island will drift away.
Britain has finally recently withdrawn from the EU, triggering:
>A killing bolt will shine in the night but will not kill.
Which people are linking to the tomahawk missiles.
This is really freaking me the fuck out. Sup Forums is fucking freaky.
get out you fucking faggots, superstition is a feminine trait
Lurk moar
They seem to be happening in order, though, right? Plus, He Will Not Divide Us was a white flag. Black flag sounds much darker. That sounds like a terrorist attack at some sort of sports stadium.
I just discovered this and it's giving me chills. This is a dark future.
Be less of a gullible faggot
I don't know. Reading about Kek and all the different esoteric shit that's been going on around this board, I feel like darker forces are at work that none of us can understand.
Stop importing indians and chinese to replace you.
if you threw 49 darts at a map of the world and just launch a tomahawk missle at wherever they landed, more people would die
they didn't kill in any meaningful terms, the people that died needed to die so that it looked like a real attack, 49 tomahawks could have done a fuck ton more, but that was not the intention.
The 5th prophecy is Idols will speak and move about.
>wake up
>50 cruise missiles launched
Everyone thought it was going to kill Assad. No one here said it, but that's what everyone thought when they first heard the missiles were launched.
Self check, fuck you!
>republicans take control
>tomahawk missiles at night
>maybe israel or China in south china sea
>could be any signalling celeb desu
>ISIS flag above hagia Sophia maybe
>actually dragon and water sounds like china and the sea
>Marine and Marion Le Pen are the two voices who will hold a moment of silence during the next major france terror attack
>dwayne Johnson visits rome
>Baltimore will not win a game the entire season
>russia starts ww3
>not sure about the last one
Im spooked!
Kek, agrees, you bastard
Israel is going to try and make a land grab in Syria, and take advantage of it being destabilized
>>dwayne Johnson visits rome
i lol'd
nice script nerd
This is literally happening, isn't it? Oh god, we're living in the end times.
>Baltimore will not win a game the entire season
That's what you get for giving Joe "Elite" Flacco $120 million
Go rake yourself
We knew that from when it started. We know the jew more than the jew knows the jew. When it comes to money or land, there is never enough.
The Idols is much more elusive though....
All that comes to mind for me is automation/robots.
You literally fall for this "prophecy" bullshit when it's obviously made intentionally ambiguous so that it could mean anything.
You are like a woman who falls for those "psychic" cold readers on daytime TV. You don't think logically, you think emotionally like a high-estrogen woman, kys.
You give me too much credit, praise kek
Shoo shoo leaf. Sup Forums is always right again and again.
>a killing bolt will arrive
>meaning singular (1) killing bolt
>Trump shoots 50 to prevent prophecy activation
>∞D chess
>The star will gorge itself in clay.
The Jewish star. Biblical symbolism of clay denotes evil, or moving backwards. Primitive.
It all denotes evil.
Will the Jews be exposed?
Cause believing in a cartoon frog being the Avatar of an Egyptian Chaos god is much more reasonable?
im loading my rifle before bed. who knows what world im going to wake up in
Greater Israel is starting, then.
>not sure
>not sure
>branches of the military
>50 tomahawks without kills
>isreal stealing Palestine
>not sure
>has Isis taken any large buildings recently
>something to do with China
>ivanka and kushner getting banning fired
>not sure
>not sure
>Russia declaring war
>not sure
Are we kill Sup Forums
>the belly of the dragon will drip water
if the false prophet, who/what is the dragon?
Biblical symbolism of clay is that we are literally fashioned from it. God breaths into us and we become alive, becoming God's ultimate creation until woman (suprise) ruined man's life forever.
fug, if the false prophet is trump*
>The star will gorge itself in clay
checked mate
>rotary aircraft
Here are my predictions. We've established:
>Republicans taking the government
>And this incident.
What's to come:
>Israeli landgrab sounds likely.
>Have no idea about idols "speaking and moving about."
>Black flag flying above the dome sounds exactly like some sort of ISIS attack, given that they have a black flag. Hagia Sophia sounds likely. Could also be a sports stadium.
>Belly of the dragon sounds like China. Water implicates the South China sea.
>Two voices will call out in silence I can't figure out.
>A rock will stand on seven hills is Rome. Something to do with the Catholic Church probably.
>Ravens feed on dead bodies. Perhaps this could mean a new Cold War?
>The bear leaving its cave forever sounds like something happening to Putin in Russia.
>The rod and the ring I can't figure out.
And what does the weather cooling imply? Anyone else want to weigh in?
It's Autumn here
>he doesn't know every government in the fucking history used astrology/i-ching/satanism/whatever
good goy
I stole your fucking pepe
You stole a thumbnail nigger
Maybe a global cooling period? There have been talks that global warming has slowed down. It could also reference the fact that the Republicans taking control of government happened in the Winter. Could also be a time frame that the final prophecy won't come true until American autumn.
>A rock will stand on seven hills is Rome. Something to do with the Catholic Church probably.
Peter is literally the "foundation stone" of the church... maybe we will soon have a more traditional and un-heretic Pope?
>That sounds like a terrorist attack at some sort of sports stadium.
Dome of the Rock in Jersualem. Islamic State flag. That would be the most sensational, obviously. Probably a bombing and not just a threat.
Could be. We all thought he was a prophet of Kek and we've been duped?
>The belly of the Dragon will Drip Water
>Duterte just stated he wanted to take the unoccupied Islands in the South China Sea
Dubs. Kek wills it.
well, i guess the Lord have spoken
>belly of the dragon will drip water
China will show weakness, process of balkanisation will begin between tibet, liberal south china, commie north china and the mudlime region
>a black flag will fly above the dome
Hagia sophia in turkey. Erdogan has become increasingly islamic, what if he sympathized with isis all along? Another theory is turkey falls into civil war after edromeme fixes that referendum. Isis could move in and take Istanbul.
>the ravens will starve
Some anons mentioned that when there are less than 6 ravens in the tower of london the monarchy ends according to legend, although ive nwver heard of it
The Raven thing would make sense, the monarchy intervenes in politics, Britain kicks them out
Still no idea about the rod and the ring
Nope, remember this?
It's a fucking ancient Assyrian symbol
>4/8/17 C4
Still is from the movie "Knowing". That number plate has tomorrows date on it. And C4.
Or 34
Some shit is going down tomorrow for sure, what with the whole 77 days into Trump's presidency thing and all.
The dome could be the white house maybe. Since it has that dome thing in the middle. And the black flag could either be isis or antifa.
Bump for relevancy. Mystical forces at work.
Both of these are too insignificant of organizations to do this, it must be some other flag or some other dome
Youre right user
Black flag could only either be anarchists or ISIS. Unless it's pirates. The flag won't literally be flying either. The "flag flying" just seems to signify control or fear.
China and the south chinese sea perhaps?
The first 3 we already know
The star is most like israel, however it could also be Japan because "rising sun" = "sun" = "star"
Idols are likely to be drones or some sort of robot
The black flag and dome is strange, but the most likely one is isis' black flag over the dome of the rock en.wikipedia.org
Belly of the dragon dripping water is likely china going to war, probably mostly sea based
>The star will gorge itself on clay
Israel (Jewish Star) will rapidly expand it's borders and/or control into surrounding territories.
My money's on the dragon being China, seeing as how the other prophecies seem to be referring to major countries in coded language.
Black Flag (ISIS Flag) will fly over the Dome (Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem)
So Israel makes a landgrab and ISIS strikes back as revenge? Sounds like an interesting chain of events.
Obviously China
>Belly of the Dragon
South China Sea?
>Will drip water
We will sink their aircraft carriers?
Wooooooooooooooooooooo, I love this timeline
at least it's interesting
>Idols speaking and moving about
Perhaps Hollywood Celebs. These Illuminati controlled puppets have already done some "speaking" during the election to keep Trump from winning. They'll probably do some more.
The star = nuke. Assad will go out with a bang.
We're at Death, and next comes the Magician. Soon, Le Penn will win, and we all become stars.
yeah that could be the missiles but could be also my dick.
China will take over Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia and maybe Thailand
Already 4 dead confirmed.
Holy shit Trump was the false prophet all along, three unclean spirits like frogs... Sup Forums, Reddit and Youtube?
Lol@all the Sup Forums tears over some stupid sand niggers
I'm loving it
the Two voices will probably be not really "voices" but some explosion or weapon that's extremely loud, causing everyone to hear it
The seven hills are likely Rome, meaning somewhere in Italy likely. The rock part is less clear though.
The ravens dying, like said will be the end of the monarchy, meaning a very big change will continue to happen in Britain
The bear will be Russia, likely going to war and finally "coming out of its cave"
The rod and ring are total war in the middle east
An old friend will come
The one is lost for unity
Three and three make zero once again
beast = russia
dragon = china
false prophet = usa
It said killing BOLT not killing roach.
Bear = Russia ????