"God Emperor Trump"

"God Emperor Trump"

-Drain the Swamp
>appoints the literal ceo of Goldman Sachs to the white house
-Repeal Obamacare
>majority in both house and fails to repeal Obamacare because he sponsored some shitty obamacare 2.0 ryan bill
-deport illegal immigrants
>is turning his own supporters at the border into Mexicans
-"we will be fair on israel-palestine'
>becomes the biggest israeli shill
-no nation building or world policing
>takes Hillary Clinton foreign policy and bombs Assad

When are you brainless idiots going to realize that you got played like a fucking fiddle. Trump is no different than Marco Rubio or the other globalist fuckheads that ran against him.

>1 post by this id

yet you have nothing to say about what i've said.

>2 posts by this id

>2 useless posts by this id

Just let em keep going OP. It's a trainwreck worth watching.

You switched to a brazil vpn
Nice one but too late

>3 useless posts by this id

I wish, that'd imply I live somewhere that isn't fucking Brazil.

Then again, that just makes the trainwreck more fun to watch from a safe distance.

Trump supporters = Kike shills

Lmao stop replying and make another drumpffff btfo thread nerd virgin

Will you pay me for that?

Kys you're self burger.

Where were you when you realised IDF stopped shilling Israel and started shilling Trump?

Ever wonder how come they dont post here anymore?

Greatest Ally Trump

Thai flag, right on cue.

>Where were you when you realised IDF stopped shilling Israel and started shilling Trump?

That was obvious from day one.


How does it feel to suck the cock of a clinically overweight narcissist that bowns down and happily fellates his shlomo handlers?

Yawn, another nerd virgin using vpns from irrelevant countries
Like that'll convince anyone to change their minds

You don't get it. Nobody is trying to change your mind. The trump Sup Forumstard is about the most stubborn type of person in existence.

There is nothing anyone can say to change your mind. We are just laughing at your expense.


Funny how as soon as you reply op is nowhere to be seen
Just make another Sup Forums btfo already you're being very awkward

I always knew who he was. I made the post in this screencap. I still support him.

You guys played with homosexual Egyptian Chaos gods, and got burned. I used the heat to make diamonds.

OP is nowhere to be seen when you reply as well. Or anyone in this thread. I wonder what it could all mean.

[spoiler]Get psychological help. Your persecution complex will just get worse. Good Night.[/spoiler]

This is the average debate level on Sup Forums.

B-b-but he says what he thinks!

>using vpns

Keep telling yourself that schlomo.