The shills are working overtime tonight.
Dont let them win.
The shills are working overtime tonight
fuck off back to the_donald, neocon
Shut the fuck up T_D shill. Go the fuck back to plebbit, faggot.
Donald Trump sucks ass and is a fraud you stupid GOP cocksucker
nice one shill also OP at meme is shit
Go suck ((their)) dick somewhere else
go back to plebbit, you sicken me
Deus vult!
Yes, concern trolls are out in full force tonight. Even Bill Kristol thinks this was a good idea you fucking delusional fucks.
all these shills they sort by creation date and try to get the 1st few posts to subvert the thread
The bots are quick.
Not gonna lie, I was a former Trump supporter until Inauguration Day. But after seeing all these shills here today I have to say I'm right back on the Trump train.
This guy can do no fucking wrong!
>Even Bill Kristol thinks this was a good idea
The guy with a proven track record of never having been right about anything ever?
I'm impressed.
Called out a shareblue post for trying to get info on how we feel about jews. Be wary of people using referring to Trump as "kike" and those concern-trolls trying to sway opinion.
Shills are stating to lose their minds it's not working. Trump is genius
Nothing is going to happen and everyone will forget in a week. Although this does completely destroy the left-wing narrative that Trump has ties to Russia.
Daily remainder that Shareblue posters are Chinese agents. If they aren't registered as foreign agents as required by law they are committing a felony for posting here and being paid. The Chinese government owns 20% of shareblue and is one of the main groups funding it That qualifies any American working for them as a foreign agent under federal law. It is another felony if they deny being a foreign agent while being one.
Trump is no stranger to false flags, he used to go on Alex Jones all the time for God's sake. He's either been made an offer he couldn't refuse, or this has been a hidden policy from the beginning.
So that makes it good? You fucking retard
>tfw leddit gets purged again
best day of my life
fucking trash eater
once reddit always reddit you fucking loser
Fuck I never realized that was Frank Yang.
his senpai.. pls tell me this was a sick joke.
all these lefty pol shills cucking for assad i thought they wanted rid of him
He was saying that it doesn't make it good. Is this your first time on Sup Forums? The numbers in blue next to a post show the post that it is responding to and also the ones that made a response to it. Shills don't even need to exist for there to be a backlash to intervening in Syria. We didn't want intervention and we were promised that during the election. A 52D chess move better make itself apparent very quickly because Trump is sounding a lot like bush/Clinton. we don't blindly support candidates. We blindly support positions. If trump wants my vote in 2020 he will not do pull us into another War. He's been doing what he said he would do so far with immigration so hopefully this doesn't escalate. I can understand if he made a mistake but to discount everyone who may have changed their opinion on him as shills is asinine. We need to show disapproval so he knows what his base thinks. If we blindly follow then we are no better than progressives.