Let's show our love and support to Israel.
Best ally appreciation thread
Israel can suck the dick of God.
fuck off kike
No BS, legitimate question.
What has Israel done for America as an ally? I'm aware of their national achievements in medicine, tech, etc.. But as far as returning the favor for America, what have they done?
You must admit they outplayed Trump and should be congratulated, (((they))) have him reacting to their actions like an idiot. All they have to do now is escalate things wherever they want. False flags for everyone.
True Americans fight assad for Isreal!
Im an evangelical baptist and honestly consider our protection of Israel to be the reason God has blessed our nation. Without Israel I would have no chance at eternal life.
go back to tel aviv
Fuck you Ivan. Not funny. Dont nuke us man. How hard is it to become a Russian citizen? I've had about enough of this fucking country.
No, America is a christian nation and we have a commandment to protect tiny Israel
You will get nuked you hook nosed demons.
so many jew shills
Israel is our greatest ally and every true american should stand behind them 200%
(((They))) allowed you to exist
Anti-Israelism is retarded. If Israel goes down, all that happens is a bunch of kikes flood America and Europe. I support Israel as a giant containment country. All jews should be deported there immediately.
This, you know is a MIDF if they dont fully stand behind Israel and President Donald J Trump.
Agreed, we owe the jewish people
Every nation what has oppressed the Jewish people has faced ruin. God has a special cloak of protection aroind them and will take vengeance on those who oppress
Only good things, goy.
Israel is the greatest ally the US has ever had!
you make me want to vomit, you had better hope there is no revolt in America, you and niggers will be the first to go
you are of the synagogue of satan
I hope you hewish faggot lovers are ready to die for israel
there are already as many jews in the US as there are in israel.
aww thanks go- guys :3
Fuck Israel.
forget to turn on your proxy there, Ivan?
So what do we do then? We turn on Trump who do we have left?
>Let's show our love and support to Israel.
Damn, that's a nice healthy turd.
Fuck Israel. I unironically would be happy if it was destroyed forever
fuck outta here
Trump Loves Israel, he proved it today.
>ITT: buttblasted sand niggers and their "allies"
that implies obama was redpilled. only kerry is Sup Forums's guy
I stand with Israel
I stand with the US
Fuck Assad
Fuck Putin
Yes we must stand together in unity