You wanted this you little fucking cowards, and now you're backing out

You wanted this you little fucking cowards, and now you're backing out.

Every day it was "DEUS VULT" this, and "God-Emperor" that. Now it's time to actually take up arms and fight for God's will in Arabia, and you're all pissing yourselves.

Other urls found in this thread:


Yeah not gonna happen

>fight for God's will
and how is bombing assad doing that exactly?

>tfw it wasn't all a meme

>fight for God's will in Arabia
Arabs are US' allies. And I'd never side with protestants - they're scum like Sunnis

I'm still cool since it'll only be wagecucks dying.

Only you and I, real Aussies, can be true hard cunts. Most of these tags wouldn't even know an Arab if they saw one.

Probably think curry-munchers are Muslims.

God's will... y-yeah right

>God's Will
>Attack the guys removing Islamic terror in the M.E.
Pick one you Aussie rat

Yeah man, let's go save Christendom by killing secularists and installing wahabbis into power to genocide the christian assyrians. Deus vult, lad.

>ywn live in yurop where you can be a neet and self sufficient

in the US you can only survive on unemployment if you band with other people

Sandniggers are sandniggers no matter what.

They all have to go, even the ones fighting each other.

Each shit Catholic coward. Your kind are the reason the US is falling apart while Southern Baptists have remained firmly on the right.

This image is illegal in Russia. Every time it's posted here, over 100 Russian paid shills are sent to prison for looking at the image.

>helping ISIS
>deus vult

I don't care about your country or your Jewish lackey of a president

The flag on my church is the cross of Saint George. The flag of my country.
We don't have muslims here, despite what Sup Forums says.

t. kike

>bombing a secular state fighting against islamism
>m-muh DUES VULT


Larping is fun and all, but come down to Earth. Only a retard would think that it's possible to violently remove every single muslim, much less like this. This shit is going to ramp up the refugee crisis like crazy and take the region into the wrong direction.

only moralfag redditors are "done with trump"

>Every day it was "DEUS VULT" this,

How is being the air force for ISIS against a secular nationalist who wants to be left alone helping achieve any of that?

>This shit is going to ramp up the refugee crisis like crazy and take the region into the wrong direction
Yeah, Trump ordered a strike on Syria and will probably continue doing what Israeli and Saudi overlords tell him, with Europe paying the rapefugee price

We should just let them all drown and expel the ones who have made it to Europe since the start of the so called Arab Spring

The solution to the refugee crisis is to kill the refugees.

Also refugee is a really sly way of saying fleeing enemy combatant, because that's actually what they are.

Whatever you say, Larper

Please go back to whatever shill shithole you came from

Such bullshit. Do you think this is amusing or funny? I think we're all in a sober mood and you're over here in a corner jacking off into your own face. Assad protects Christians and Christians fight in his army. They've been loyal to him for six years. Google 'Damascus Night Life.' Tell me these aren't good people. I voted for Trump to fight FUCKING ISIS. HE JUST WIPED OUT AIR DEFENSE FOR HAMA AND ISIS FUCKING ATTACKED TONIGHT.


You sure you're sober?

Russia is doing God's will, not USA. USA is doing Satan's will.

syria is in the levant you silly sausage
i swear to fuck y'all need to buy a map

>deus vult
>with kikes

>God's will in Arabia
How does that entail only destroying all Israel's peer competitors and not Israel itself?

t. chupa-pau

Some of them are Christian. Syria didn't have anti-Christian policies in place.

>bickering over fairytales like fucking children

>spend years spinning clinton out to be the one who causes global nuclear war
>president manbaby does it in 3 months
trumptards BTFO


They're still shitskins. Shitskins can never be saved not even by Christ

>Now it's time to actually take up arms and fight for God's will in Arabia
The entire premise of this war is to


This is not Deus Vult this is Deus Cuck.

have you ever read the bible? racism is the most unchristlike thing you can do.

"we" wanted to fight ISIS and islamism in general, not the only fucking president in the region that would side with "us". trump made a big, big mistake. very sad!

Sorry but not sorry about your country.

so we should embrace multiculturalism? do you want to be culturally enriched?

the bible didn't deal with the same problems we face today. there are some things that can't be addressed by following the Bible

But Assad is the one protecting the Christian Syrians from the Jihadis, you should be supporting him.

Assad is a meme
Bombing memes is God's will

>Shitskins can never be saved not even by Christ
Wait, what? lmao

The Bible actually contains arguments against multiculturalism. You don't need to actively hate other races to reject it.


What better way to smite gods enemys then wiping them off the face of the fucking earth

>implying cucked US catholics are anything like redpilled Croatian catholics

You need to face reality, Assad is finished and we fight for the emperor, we might not always like his decisions and may have to wade waist deep in the blood of the innocent but that's what warriors do. The gods will sort out the guilt later on.


Dies Vult = Attacking those who kill Christians (like Israel, Saudi Arabia and Iran), not those who protect Christians (like Assad, and Gaddafi before we helped mudlimes behead him).

>fight for G-d's will in Arabia*

When the Tomahawks start falling on Tel Aviv, you can count me in. But DEUS VULT does not entail fighting or dying for lying kikes.

Cucks thought it was all meme magic. Now its meme reality user. I brownfag cant do much other than shitpost. But you all have to stand up for god emperor Trump and defend the will of kek

What flag is that?

It's easy for you to speak from kangaroo land.
War starts, we're the first NATO to get nuked.

Its paraguay, apu
Probably the only paraguayan user here

Brazilian expat?

>muh goy vault
>Deus vult (Classical Latin for "God wills it") was the Battle Cry by the Crusaders
>campaigns in the Eastern Mediterranean with the aim of capturing Jerusalem
Mental illness.

This is so true. There's so many cowardly faggots posting here now that they're sweating about a draft. Don't worry, there's plenty of other people that'll take the fight first you limp wristed cucks.

The US is invading to spread POZ not Christendom.

You should start doing something about that faggot Trudeau, leaf

Tomahawk the one nation that is our actual ally in the region. Your delusional fear of jews has made you literally retarded, congratulations.

Trump just supported the people beheading Christians by proxy

fuck you, cunt

Assad is the good guy

Trudeau is a true cuck, he'll eventually go where America leads, like all Canadian leaders.
Believe it or not, he actually HAS the capability to make decisions, watch him jack up a guy in a town hall. The spine is there, but he's had globalist cock driven down his throat so long he doesn't know how to find it.

You've only so long until you get called up to fight along with us as a fresh squaddieboi.

I believe in Mattis desu

If he said this is ok, this is ok

The GreatestAllyâ„¢ meme is dead. Do you even know where you are right now?

>fighting your allies first

>Another Britfag
>being a faggot
Checks out.

>The Bible actually contains arguments against multiculturalism.
Only for the kikes my firend.

Wow it's almost like people on this board are just larping or something.

I would love a draft. All the Sup Forums neckbeards running through basic, sweating out Cheetos and forced to be a FTP with a jew or something. Please let it happen.

>Shooting missiles at the WRONG targets.
Fuck off nursa rats

If you think Israel isn't a valuable asset in the region, you're retarded.

We wanted a reconquista, not an offensive.


>implying we aren't the children of Abraham now instead of Jews
Do you even Bible?

Taking down Assad for our Sunni and Jewish allies is not a crusade

Go fight Israel yourself then faggot. Stop trying to drag us into your wars for Islam

Trump is now participating in genocide against Christians. Sad!

Voted Against

You might have an argument if the christian bible only contained the new testament but it contains both old and new. And Christians regard both as holy and sacred and the kikes as the chosen ones. Even though the old tenement has kikes stealing land and killing foreigners and all that jazz.
Fuck Christianity just another side of the same Jewish coin.

>Fight for Isreal's will in the Middle East

Fixed that for you.


"If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise."

Do you even Bible?

>muh Jewish
Pagan/fedora pls go

It would be an honor to serve with a company of autistic Sup Forumsacks, I honestly wouldn't mind dying for Israel if it meant dying with fellow Sup Forumsacks.

A lot of curry munchers are Muslims you dumb phone-posting fuck.

I don't want to fight in some desert hellhole I want to fight the enemies that control our countries

With friends like Israel, who needs enemies? And it was Israel that has been dragging us into this war with Islam. Fucking retarded kike shills.

>The Five Dancing Israelis - 9/11/2001 - Our Purpose Was To Document The Event

U.S. Soldier gets cut off by CNN for saying how he'd like to see some peace and that maybe we shouldn't be picking any more wars, particularly with Iran, and that Israel can take care of itself.

>CPL Jesse Thorsen Supporting Paul Talk Iran/Israel Cut Off By CNN


Israel don't afraid of anything. They will fight to the last American.

I wish they'd stay in Israel instead of infiltrating the US government for their God's Chosen People.

I don't even care if they attack US ships, as long as they do it near Israel.

think you are the moron here, hes explaining how you have to follow the old testament laws, they influenced christian culture and thought for litterally centuries before you where born. pretending they aren't part of christianity is historical revisionism.

Is the guy in the middle wearing fucking chest high pants?

You're actually retarded if you think bombing President Assad is helping Christianity. The Assad Regime is protecting Christians more than the (((FSA))) or ISIS ever will.

Fuck you, Trump is actually helping the yihadists. No christian deus there anywhere.

There's plenty in the military already, and most of us are laughing at the larpers sweating in their basements because a few missiles were launched.

inb4 nothing to lose -

have a house and a car and a wife.

Will still go down in a blaze of glory if that's what needs to be.

So psyche yourself up, play the bagpipes, drink a shot of whiskey and get your friend to punch you in the stomach.

Be ready.