President Trump bombs a shithole Muslim country that was long overdue for a good bombing

>President Trump bombs a shithole Muslim country that was long overdue for a good bombing.
>Sup Forums turns against him and defends a fucking Muslim.
This board is a disgrace.

Other urls found in this thread:

>supporting the will of israel by bombing one of the primary fighters of ISIS
Good goy

r*ddit sure is triggered. You ok, pede?

The only country long overdue for a good bombing is the one that destabilized Syria in the first place.
I just wonder what country that was.


>He will not divide us
>He divides Sup Forums


Abandoning your country, your patriotism, your God emperor for Muslims.

The Jews still have you.

Share blue shill

He is ether stupid enough to fall for some "Assad gassed his people" neocon ruze bullshit, or a willing participant. I can't support that. If I wanted to see this kind of behavior I would have supported Jeb, or Hillary, who is very supportive of Donald's decisions lately.

>interventionist military policy is good
Fuck off and die.

Not everyone turned against him. I'd say virtually 100% of the former Bernie and Ron Paul virgins did though

I am Sup Forums and I didn't turn against our God Emperor

>Defending a man that said not to attack syria
>Defend a man who said he would stop the intervention policies of Obama
Trump is a disgrace just another liar neo-con.

>spent over $100mil tax payer's money to bomb dirt
>breaks one of his most important promises, "america first"

hmm, you're right maybe I'm too quick to judge

>God emperor
I bet you'd let the man fuck your wife.
You're a fucking cuck if you're too afraid to criticize the man.

You fucking retard. Opposing useless wars is the highest patriotism. Playing world police with this interventionist bullshit is treason.

i would rather defend Muslims than jews

>bombing shithole muslims countries is american interests
>creating more refugees is american interests
>serving as the islamic state's airforce (they just launched an offensive) is american interests
>spreading wahabbi radicals into secularist states is american interests
>costly wars in the middle east are american interests

The fact that Assad is a Muslim is entirely irrelevant to this. Trump was pro-sovereignty. "America First". And what does he go and do? This shit? Military intervention against all of our interests. He should of been fucking alarmed when the majority of his core base was against it. He should of been alarmed when the media, the neocons, everyone who hated him, supported this war. He wasn't. He's a traitor to his base. Trump doesn't represent us if he's doing this foreign war bullshit.

He said he was going to stop starting wars. Now he goes out and tries to start a war with the Russians. There's something disgusting about this, don't you think OP?

You know both sides of the conflict are muslim right?

Why are we even involved in Syria? It's not our problem.

Assad = normal and civilized

rebels = bat shit crazy islamists

Why are we helping insane islamists?????

>You fucking retard. Opposing useless wars is the highest patriotism. Playing world police with this interventionist bullshit is treason.

This. Was Assad using chemical weapons on Americans? If not, I don't give two shits.

Nothing new under the sun.

Russia will never go to war with USA.

Our country is occupied by fucking jews you idiot, and they finally proved they can manipulate Trump.

He did nothing wrong, though.

You Jew bitch.

War is the highest form of patriotism.

Are you telling me the Japanese Imperial forces were not patriotic?

He told the russians what was up before hand. he didn't kill anyone, just bombed the shit out of an empty airfield

no war
no casualties

just a friendly show of force

>Abandoning your country
Your country abandoned me

>Your patriotism
Your patriotism abandoned me

>Your God emperor
Your God emperor abandoned me

>Defending this kike
Is this nigga serious?

Fuck you retard. I voted for Trump because he said he wouldn't attack Assad. Assad protects Christians and Druze minorities. He is a better man than the fucking FSA. His loyal SAA have fought for him, now often without pay, for over 6 years.

I spent two years writing articles for an alt right website and had many chat convos with SAA soldiers and reps. These are good people. They love their families, they are reformed islam--the only sect of reformed islam. Their women don't cover up, they have fun at bars (google Damascus night life.)

They carry the light, just like we wanted to. Now we're going to kill each other for shekelberg. You're a fucking disgrace you kike bitch.

Russia is not that stupid to start war.

Japanese Imperial forces fought for Japan, not Israel.

>The biggest kike loving President attacked the Syrian Arab Army, the force who've been fighting Israel's Army (ISIS)

I get it, you came here last year, but you clearly know nothing other than le god emperor. Please go back to r/the_donald.

Why would that be?
And congrats on your new ruble.

There's about 3 there. My fucking ZOG country, Israel, and Saudi Arabia.

Ayyy USA...what did you do?

You fucking brain dead moron

>having a side in this situation

>fuck up Syria which nobody cares about
>get a bunch of neocons off your balls for a while at home
Worth it.

>War is the highest form of patriotism.
Even when it's for your jewish overlords?

Fighting for your country is patriotic. Fighting for your government or Israel is not.

all these faggots jumping ship i bet most are shills
all because trump is giving us what we crave happenings

Except the SAA officer who was killed

Trump was one of the main advocates of avoiding conflict in Syria, face it he has shilled out

A show of force for what? A fake fucking gassing? How re-assuring.


Coz russia is weak and inferior and Putin is BETA MALE.

Government officials have their kids in europe/usa
Putins friends have property/bank accounts in the west

What hes gonna do about it? Ban coca cola and iphones?

Been "fighting" isis for ages... Accomplishing nothing because he's a giant pussy.... If you're so sure the chemical attack was a false flag, since you're a delusional shit for brains, then why isn't the missile strike a false flag? Maybe the JOOS fired them and blamed it on trump, after the mossad hacked his Twitter? Hmm? JET SARIN CAN'T MELT STEEL SYRIANS. pic related... You.

If you he DIDNT do anything, you faggot shills would complain, saying he's weak or something.

Damn if he does or doesn't, damned because damned is the fucking meme you want so desperately to spout off.

PSA to all r/The_Donald cuckolds.

Stop sucking Trump dick.

It's NOT helping anyone.
Assad did nothing wrong and all the evidence seems to point to this.
Trump is being manipulated by his kike advisers and the neocons. I don't know if he knows the truth or not, but supporting his actions is NOT the answer.
If he is still /our guy/ opposing his kike cum gargling policies is the best we can do for him and our country.

>Assist the Islamic State and help to fuck over Europe more with more Refugees

God damn dude, you fucking Trump cocksuckers are going all out tonight, huh?

No war has started. Russia knew the attack was coming and Assad has already brushed it off as "an act of aggression, not an act of war"

I'm starting to think this was all planned to kill off the "Trump is a Russian puppet" meme.

>b-b-based d-drumpf can do no wrong


>Dead churka
Lmao who cares?
>Ban iphones
If he does it he is guaranteed to have my vote on the next election.
Хипcтepoбляди дoлжны cтpaдaть.

It's hilarious watching the right tear itself apart.

>Trump is being manipulated by his kike advisers

>Emperor is innocent!!!!!!!
>He... he doesnt know anything!1!!1!1
>Tweet him now!!!

at first I was concerned because it didn't seem america first.
But then when I learned the context of the attack, that it was just a show of force, simple muscle flexing to let the world know
"obama isn't in charge anymore, we'll fucking kill you all if you push us"

and now I'm happy it happened

Don't worry, they are shills, the worrisome thing is that some Trump supporters are actually buying it and feel as if they have to conform. The bombing just happened, not information is slowly being released, do you think Trump supporters are going to instantly switch sides and start posting "FUCK DRUMPF"? This is a perfect time for the lefties to strike when morale is down.

He betrayed everything he was voted into office for. That's all that matters.

>force Europe to grow balls and defend their borders
>improve things domestically
Still worth it.

we are a board of peace.

nice try (((you)))

hard to kill something kikes, us, qatar and SA is funding

Why would we complain about him not being a fucking retard and falling for some complete bullshit gas story that doesn't make even the slightest bit of sense?

you heard it here folks, from Putin's Sup Forums gold account.


>Russia knew the attack was coming

International law mandates this

>and Assad has already brushed it off as "an act of aggression, not an act of war"

Assad cannot afford to accept an act of war from the US. To save his ass, of course he'll say that. Idiot.

>If he does it he is guaranteed to have my vote on the next election.

Thiw would be anticonstitutional since hes already served 3 terms

Aлco, нeДимoн кaк yбдeт бeз ипхoнa жить? Или Лизa вepнeтcя из Фpaнции?

What the fuck

IS is fucking done retard. SDF will take Raqqa soon and Iraq has almost completed Mosul operations. Some sandnigger taking a few cruise missiles up the ass won't change that.

It's just concern trolls.

Nice strawman kike shill.
I like to think /our guy/ is still in there, but I am ultimately not sure.
Anways it's not like jerking ourselves off to
>no ur a shill
>no UR a shill
Is going to do anything.

>policing the world is america first

its bots

the mods ignore them by now, but 99.9% of those anti-trump posts are made by share blue or whatever they are called now

>Sup Forums for the last 6 years
>"Assad dindu nuffin!"
>"If you're against Assad you're pro ISIS!"
>Obama bombs Assad
>"Obama is evil and pro ISIS! WTF I love Assad now!"
>Trumpe bombs Assad
>"WTF I always hated Assad. I love what Obama was doing and I love ISIS too."

Here's the gist of the situation:


Leftists worldwide have been pushing for some kind of intervention against Syria for years. Obama was a weak faggot as Trump has pointed out repeatedly, with his "red line".

Now suddenly the hooker arrives and their dicks are limp. It was all a bit too much. They start backing away from their former stance. Trump and America confirmed for having mastodontic penis.


Trump's been praised by McCain, Netanyahu, Schumer, Pelosi, various media cucks, even some faggot from New York Times. Even if they don't want to, they have to if they have backed action on Syria previously. Neo-Cohens are forced to appear pleased and suck Trump's dick even if he did nothing significant.


Trump warned Russia of this using the red de-escalation phone, no Russians killed


This was a barebones airfield in the middle of nowhere, most likely few if any casualties. It was a symbolic act.


Syria said it's "an act of aggression", notably not "an act of war".


If there is regime change, it will be after ISIS is defeated and the country stable. That gives leftists """"MUH REGIME CHANGE"""" but Assad is replaced by a secular Alawite just like himself with a less bloody past, probably his cousin or something, leftists and muslims get cucked because they got the regime change they wanted but it's business as usual

In summary: Trump played 20-D chess to commit a symbolic attack against Syria killing pretty much nobody, not triggering WW3, cucking leftists by showing his initiative, destroying the Russian narrative, leftist cucks worldwide have to praise him for """action on Syria""". End result: Huge gains for Trump, a paved tarmac in the middle of nowhere blown up, few/no casualties, gas attack issue handled.

>If he is still /our guy/ opposing his kike cum gargling policies is the best we can do for him and our country.

Dude, his fucking daughter sucks kike cock, he campaigned on being Israels best choice. He's a kike lover through and through

Obama drew red line in regards to Syria... Red line crossed... Did nothing.... Trump Does opposite.. And yet he's somehow continuing the policies of Obama?? There's just a big lump of shit where your brain should be right? I see you said neocon... You forgot kike puppet jew globalist

>implying it's pol freaking out and turning sides
>implying it's not raiding shills

OP is a disgrace and a faggot as usual

I'm done with Tr*mp, turns out he's a run-of-the-mill neocon. America should have been with HER!

That's the most succinct argument I've heard yet. Did you hear that ISIS actually followed up after the strike and attacked the now undefended Hama? Fucking-A, we provided 18-killstreak level support to FUCKING ISIS. Saudi Arabia, Songbird McCain and Erdopawn are all praising Trump now. This is a new level of humiliation. And seriously. Fuck the assholes saying 'I told you so' as if Hillary was going to be different. She said she would bomb airfields and institute a no fly zone.

But the pro-intervention position is that Assad is murdering innocent moderate muslims and we have to bomb his military to save them
No, no matter how you slice it, the only ones that benefit from this are kikes and terrorists

fuck off

we hated Hillary and Obama for wanting to bomb Syria and help AlQaeeda and ISIS

Trump is an Israeli-firster zionist cunt

>your God emperor

>implying this killed anyone

This ruins the muh russia shit the msm has been pushing since his election. People are acting as if he bombed thousands, libtards have no idea how to react yet because this is what killary wanted but fuck drumbf fuck white ppl

The russia hysteria should either stop or slow down, there's no way they could scrape up even more bullshit after this. Maybe putin and assad knows what is going on, kek

I voted to kill two dynasties and get everyone (((RATTLED)))

everything is perfect.

Fuck off

>Doing the same thing as in Libya
>Benefiting actual terrorists
>Creating potentially more refugees
You Drumphkins can't get any more rural and suburban than this. You don't even know what you want anymore.

Trump supports al-Qaeda terrorists! Fuck him!

Bombing doesn't cause refugees to live in our countries. Accepting them does.

We should kill the deserters and people who run away before they attack us again in the future for revenge.

This, literally everyone who is against Assad in this instance is a concern troll or a kike shill.


Sup Forums really needs to give up on Trump.
Just stay home next election.
It's not even worth it.

Make it a bit less obvious, m8. Probably a joke post though.

God Emperor is cringey and gay but abandoning your President for bombing a Muslim base is commie tier.

Goddamn these mental gymnastics

Jesus Christ, you just got here over the campaign cycle. Al-Nusra gets funding from us, and Missad admitted to treating thier fighters. They are legit Islamic terrorists. Assad has a better track record of protecting Christians than Israel. They've wanted gum gone for decades. We aren't siding with Muslims, we're not falling for more destabilizing acts that sends Muslims into Europe.

He's a fucking alawite, the only decent denomination of Muslim apart from Shia

Don't forget Turkey and Qatar.

Trump should give one american officer to be killed by Syria in revenge. I vote for McCain