Putin: US's actions violation of I-Law; claimed gas attack was false flag


What the hell is happening? Wasn't there reports of the Russian Navy moving out of the way so the US could get into position?

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US intelligence claims they warned RU before the attack. Russia claims they were never warned. What the fuck is going on?

hol up

wasnt drumpf supposed to be putin puppet or sumfin? can any of my fellow sharebros update me on this?

U.S. missiles did as little damage in Syria as possible, and Russia chose not to use S-400 defense

Maybe Putin can cry about it.

What a beta manlet

lol Drumpf is so desperate to prove he's not a Russian shill he bombs an empty air filed let's see what else he'll bomb

>what the fuck is going on
You're the bad guys this time.

>tfw when witnessing 128D chess taking place
I am just enjoying the ride at this point

We're fucking America, international law doesn't apply to us.

the airfield was in use and planes there were fighting ISIS.

Don't worry, it's all a ruse to try to trick the media into abandoning the russia investigation. He'll still be impeached by noon tomorrow, out of office by dinner, and in jail by bed time.

You speak of it like he hhid some bombs in his coat and snuck them onto the airfield. That is ridiculous.


(((Trump))) warned the Russians, who in turn warned the sand-nigger Assad. So the strikes accomplished zilch. We spend $150+ million is Tomahawks missiles killing 4 Muslims. How fucking pathetic is that?

Anyone who knows anything about the recent history of Russia know they're already under Zionist control.

I do wonder if this is a ruse to make it seem like Trump isn't in bed with Putin, get the media & Neo Cons/Democrats off his back

Kushner even met with the Ruskies a couple of days ago, fishy

How does it feel that no matter what we do we'll just end up dying in ww3 for (((them))) and (((israel)))?

Putin is a silent person. Just give a time. That's not the 3ww, just some step of politics.

>this time

> russians
> international law



The UK and Australia have both said Trump's response was great. We're on the same side.

Something is going to happen to Assad, WW2.5 by summer

Screencap this

Sure it is. And it seems to be working.

Trump has no plans to plunge another mideast hellhole into anarchy or start a war with Russia, but he needs to at least do *something* so America doesn't look like pussies like after Obama's 'red line' thing. With all the democrats plus half the republicans, about 75% of the country seems to want fucking WW3, so hopefully one pointless bombing and some tough talk will calm them down for a little while.

>Kushner even met with the Ruskies a couple of days ago, fishy

>zomg US officials met with people from a rival country. Treason!

I have a lot of good russian friends. Many of them do not care for Assad, rather they think the area must be controlled. Is this true?

>What the hell is happening? Wasn't there reports of the Russian Navy moving out of the way so the US could get into position?

This is an important point because cruise missile launch in direction of Russian ships would have looked like anti-ship missile attack on Russian ships' radars.
Russian ships really could not be on the way of this attack or they would have at least tried to shoot missiles down if not retaliate.

I can only assume that he's going with Mattis on this. Otherwise, this turn of events seems too weird.

Let the manlet cry and complain then do nothing. Maybe when Russia's economy rises above Italy-tier we'll give a damn.

>yalta conference.jpg

What did Kek mean by this?

But Assad using chemical weapons on kids is ok?

>1 post by this id

"When you kill innocent children, innocent babies — babies, little babies — with a chemical gas that is so lethal, people were shocked to hear what gas it was..."
"U.S. officials said the gas was likely chlorine, with TRACES of a nerve agent LIKE sarin," maybe.

they were bad hombres.

Putin is a liar
Trusting a Russian is ridiculous

That fucking kike needs to be removed from earth.


I thought there was reason to believe those gas attacks were false flags/faked in order to force the US to do something against Assad.

This whole thing situation is confusing.

how do we know you're not a liar though?


>invented pretext

Remember these words.

Get out, frog

Does anyone other than Russia shills give a single fuck what Putin believes?

you got any international investigation to proof it was him?
the us got it wrong in 2013, and now 1 day after the attack they are certain it was assad.
>muh weapons of mass destruction
>this time

plz see

>you got any international investigation to proof it was him?

Yes but I'm not sharing.

Maybe it's just a move to discredit the rumor of Russian cooperation? I really don't know. But whatever is going on isn't just what it seems. He's been pretty good at this before, but he is a business man, so he may surprise us yet, or it may be more politics as usual.

The Pentagon and US intelligence lie a d misdirect as a matter of course. But the same is true of Russia. But given that we're the ones who unilaterally lobbed several dozen missiles at another sovereign nation in a kneejerk reaction to something, I'm inclined to believe the Russians on this one. We probably didn't tell them shit. And if we did, it was probably literally about 2 minutes before the missiles struck.


>claiming false flag

False flags don't exist regardless of the fact that false flags being the most effective war strategy since the beginning of time. :^)

Probably was a false flag, but Trump can't say so without starting a massive shitstorm, so he does a mostly-for-show bombing of an airforce base. It's all PR, but that's standard procedure. The alternative is looking weak internationally and a month of "Why won't Trump do anything??" whining from the media over footage of dying kids.

If he starts talking about invasion or regime change then we can start the riot.


There is no gain for Syria using chem weapons.
Chem weapons UN, Russia, NATO disarmed Syria of already.

There is ALL to gain for rebels to make a false flag to get US to intervene so the rebels can takeover the shit hole like in Libya.

What is the justification for launching a false flag attack and then not following up with a military operation of some kind?

I want reddit to leave.

We haven't been subverted, trump fucked up.

just wait it out

he hasnt really done much yet, just some airbases. not happy with it but if he goes farther I will be mad

Russia did use the S-400, but 59 of the 70 TLAMs got through.

I'm not waiting I've regretted supporting trump since halfway through the election when I realized he was just a Jewish distraction.

This board has been flooded with reddit since the election started. Old Sup Forums would've dropped him well before now.

If it was a false flag it would've been done by the rebels formerly propped up by the US through Obama's foreign policy. The goal would be to get the US to intervene and regime change Assad and temporarily/long-term destabilize the region to the benefit of ISIS.

For the sake of argument, let's assume Assad does have CW stockpiled. Why use them, especially something like sarin? He was already pushing back and winning against the terrorists and using CW would rightfully get global spotlight. Nothing about the narrative makes any sense for Assad.

Does it matter if there was a warning?
There is nothing Russia could have done to stop the attack.
Russia does not support the attack.

Russians do not care about Syria. The only two reasons why we care:

1. The territory of the Middle East can be used as an training camp for terrorists who will go on our territory later. (Because we are partly the Muslim country).
So - the main reason who Putin went to Syria - to prevent a migration of terrorists from the Middle East to our territory - Chechnya, Dagestan, ect.

2. The question of the transit of oil. If the West will win in Syria - Europe will get a cheap oil. So, our oil will be not relevant. But the simple Russians support the developing of a non-oil manufacturing.

So, the only real cause is #1.

The warning wasn't so they could stop it but get out of the target area as to reduce casualties. Russia has done the same for the US in 2015, given the US a warning call.

My theory is that the Iranians did it to try and goad Obama (and now Trump) into launching a ground invasion and neuter US foreign policy.

CIA did it to provoke a war with Russia and/or sabotage Trump's support among his base, setting the stage for a coup.

Its almost as if russians are lying sons of hoors

We the baddies

Not empty


>implying the killing of bin Laden didn't involve an armed invasion of Pakistan.

What are ur doing US? It is us who must be a villain!

I can tell that you let your analysis get confused with concurrent yet unrelated events.

The gas attack was a desperate push by ISIS and their globalist backers to make Trump look weak and drive a wedge between US and Russia. Trump's response was the best play he could come up with given his current circumstances. It's not masterstroke worthy but it allows him to recover and make a bit of breathing room after being under constant attack by enemies foreign and domestic since day 1 of his presidency. The advance warning to Russia will temper their response somewhat. If Putin catches on, he'll publicly express outrage and threats while silently maintaining the status quo. Syria loses an airfield, but it's not a sustained bombing campaign to take out their entire air force or preventing Russia from assisting them.

The only thing we should get from this is that the globalists are more dangerous than ever and need to be eliminated fast. This was a callous move because the Russians would also be monitoring the operation and would prevent any chem shells from being used if they still existed. ISIS was tunneling into Syria green zones and was likely stockpiling sarin at potential bombing sites. Two main suspects as to where they got it from: CIA or Mossad. It's probably the same batches that Assad turned over to UN/OPCW inspectors back in 2014. Wouldn't be surprised if Obama/HRC loyalist elements appropriated a few shells and funneled them to their ISIS stooges with Israeli help. If Assad was smart, he'd have his people scouring the site for chem barrels and mortal shell fragments to get serial/batch numbers and make a formal request to audit the records of the batches allegedly destroyed by OPCW. Might even make a good bluff to spook them.

>if we brake the law often and it becomes a habbit that everyone tolerates then its ok and legal

this is literally the way niggers and spics think

What pressure did he have against him to attack the airbase? What (or who?) does he need breathing room from?

Trump tomahawking Syria while hosting the Chinese president is such a power move.

Russia laying down a powerful own

nice one retard

You taking krim was lawful?

>this time

We have literally always been the bad guy. For almost a century now

>russians crying out for help because globalist faggots in power want to ruin the country
>russia obliges
>muh bad guys

More or less.

Yes, all the world leaders who said they wanted Hillary as president, Hillary herself, every neocon, CNN, MSNBC, NYT, WaPo, etc.

Israel and the Jewish Americans are the cause of the Migration crisis and the SARIN attacks. It was a false flag to cover up the White House (susan rice and others) scandal. Have some proof on the text on the BOTTOM of this image. The whole war has been created over an oil pipeline to Europe.

I'll give a second image after this to provide more context and what Israel stands to benefit from. Read the text on the bottom of this image.

>Region destabilized
>Assad gone
>Can now run the Golan Heights pipeline through Syria to Europe.
>Russia loses 90% of it's export power (oil). This is the whole reason why Russia is even involved. Israel and American investors plan to circumvent Russia's supply of oil to Europe with their own.
>Israel now get to 'land grab' parts of syria to "protect the pipeline from terrorists".
>USA ok with it all as Jewish plants in media/gov are given a cut (spiritually or financially) from the investors as stated in the pic.



all for this

>but Trump can't say so without starting a massive shitstorm

You mean, unlike the last 20 months where he did just that, and dominated?

haha, every tiem
Drumpf surely will be impeached because Pootin planned all of this all along
>order Trump to strike
>flee base
>laugh in le russian
>blame the jews

The Anglosphere is united against dunecoons and yurocucks

I fucking hate this, it's the same conspiracy that the left uses with Russia, MUH Dugin spheres of influence, URSS rebuilt, Having a "Greater Israel" would be unstable as fuck, this even if somehow all about 100-200 mil emigrate to EU.

Thats literally what Russia does lol

shut the fuck up shariablue, all of Sup Forums smart enough to know what's going on would say to fucking turn all of africa into glass including the entire middle east, then go in with M.O.P.P. 4 suits and pump the oil out of the fucking place while it's completely irradiated. fucking cheaper that way.

no one gives a fuck about you or your cuckish shariablue assholes or the dirty sandniggers.

quit immitating and leave.

>Wasn't there reports of the Russian Navy moving out of the way so the US could get into position?
4D Chess

It was just one strike, probably to shill the shills off his back

In all seriousness what else should Russia do? Confront the US ships and Risk direct contact between US and Russias military?

>the law

and exactly what fucking validity does 'international law' have?

the nation is the unit of force groupings, which is why they make the law. because the law is enforced by force, obviously. law is law because of the threat behind it. no threat, no law.

in reality, the only entity that can make global laws and make good on it is the USA. we ARE the only global law. russia can make law to ukraine, because they're regionally able to make good on their threats, and because the US allows them to.

i can say there's all sorts of laws, and you're breaking them. but i can't put threat behind that. are you still a nigger for breaking my laws?

We are baaaaaaad.

So i guess that puts you on the side of the chinks and sandniggers then.

Tillerson is saying there was no contact before or after attack.

The head nurse spoke up. Said, leave this one alone.

I'm really divided. I hope this attack were meant to 'restore' the diplomatic overhand the US has always had, but Obummer gave away.

Please don't send massive ground troops.